"Hurry up and sort out the list!" Chu Ningyan handed the list directly to the head of Taiyuan Hospital.

The purpose of asking these imperial doctors to come is to clarify the medicine.

He and sister Mumu went to rest.

"Mu Mu, how many people can we bring at most? I can allocate them. Zhuang Yuanlei said his father wants to give them away."

"Mr. Meng's place is also there. I'm afraid there are too few people and we can't move around, and I'm afraid there are too many people and it's inconvenient." Chu Ningyan asked Su Mumu to sit down and let people serve refreshments.

He began to seek sister Mumu's opinion. This matter was very important.

"There will be twenty doctors, preferably doctors with some martial arts skills. Five of them should be female doctors."

"There are thirty guards. They must be able to cook, set up tents and other basic tasks."

"Settling accounts, knowing dialects, wait until these people can bring five of them."

"With the addition of us, that's almost enough! If we don't have enough manpower, we will mobilize them from the local area when the time comes."

"If you have better people, just join directly. We will leave in two batches, with supplies behind." Su Mumu has so many opinions at the moment.

As for the supplies, she would take away a large part of them, but a small part would have to be made in a convoy to show to outsiders.

"Okay, I will prepare these people today. You don't have to worry about these little things. You can write another medicine list and I will send someone out to buy it." Chu Ningyan felt that the more he brought, the better.

"Here! I wrote three copies and gave one to Father Shen. I guess the capital won't be able to buy it. I can ask the officials along the way to prepare some in advance. Not too many will easily cause trouble." Su Mumu had already thought of it.

"Our large-scale preparation of food and medicinal materials has probably caused a commotion. It doesn't matter what those people think." Chu Ningyan didn't care about this at all.

Anyway, his father and eldest brother will handle it, and he will be responsible for being happy.

"That's right! You are messing with... my teeth! What the hell are you talking about?" Su Mumu chewed on a pear, leaving her front teeth directly on the pear.

"You are a hidden weapon...you are hurting me..."

"Chu Ningyan, give me back your teeth."

Su Mumu looked at the two teeth that were still stained with blood. There was a smell of iron in her mouth and she quickly spit it out.

Chu Ningyan wanted to laugh but didn't dare, so she could only hold it in.

"Mumu, these are your upper teeth. Throw them under the bed. Throw your lower teeth on the tiles. Only in this way can you grow taller. I'll give you a handkerchief and wrap it up." Chu Ningyan took out a handkerchief.

Su Mumu reluctantly took it, "Humph!"

"Your teeth should be shaking for a while. You still eat meat. Eat something soft." He was not angry at all at sister Mumu's accusation.

This was the first time she had lost a tooth, and he was the only one involved. What a great thing.

Sister Mumu now has too many brothers, and he has too little weight.

"It's okay for me to eat meat, but my teeth are gone after eating pears. It's just that the pears you prepared are wrong." Su Mumu was still a little uncomfortable with the feeling of leaking words.

She has good medical skills and knows about tooth replacement, but she just can't accept it.

She must look ugly now.


Her front teeth were gone, and she had a gaping mouth.

"Then I'll avenge you by eating this pear." Chu Ningyan took the pear that sister Mu Mu had bitten, and there were two deep teeth marks on it.

Three mouthfuls of a pear, the juice dripping to the ground.

This wild way of eating made Su Mumu finally smile, "Hurry up and wipe it."

"If you eat these pastries, they are all crispy and don't cost your teeth. But don't eat too much, it's too sweet." Chu Ningyan asked someone to prepare other fruits.

Su Mumu sighed, "Have someone bring you a mirror!"

She wanted to secretly see what it looked like now. Although she was mentally prepared, she still wanted to cry when she saw her appearance in the mirror.

"I won't eat, go home!"

"Sister Mumu, I'll give it to you!"

"do not want!"

Su Mumu went home very sadly. When she saw the queen who came over, she didn't notice her face and didn't hear her cry. She was completely immersed in the unpleasantness of losing her teeth.

"Mu Mu!"

"What's wrong with this child? Chu Ningyan, did you bully your sister and make her angry?"

"Mumu has never treated me like this before, it must be your problem!" the queen said unhappily to her son.

Chu Ningyan looked innocent, "You can't blame me for this, although there is my problem."

"Since you have a problem, it's your fault. Hurry up and apologize to Mumu, and then send over the clothes I prepared."

"You are going on a long trip, and you haven't had time to make winter clothes yet, so you will have to have them delivered by others!" The Empress really felt sorry for the children.

"Mom, it was the pear from our palace that bullied sister Mumu's teeth."

"She has lost her teeth. She has two front teeth. She is probably feeling sad. She won't see me if I go now."

"I have to do other things she asked me to do. You can let someone else deliver the clothes." Chu Ningyan went to do the things with a smile.

Sister Mumu is still the cutest even without her front teeth.

The empress stamped her foot lightly, "You kid didn't know how to make it clear at first. Mumu has indeed reached the age where she needs to have her teeth replaced."

She went to deliver it in person, had someone prepare the clothes, and quietly left the palace to find Mu Mu.

After the sad Mu Mu returned home, she hid in her room. Feng Yi knocked on the door twice but didn't open it.

When Su Yun knocked on the door, she quickly opened it.

"Mom, you are still in confinement. Don't run around and catch the wind. It will cause confinement disease and it will be difficult to recover." Su Mumu helped her mother into the house and closed the door.

Feng Yi, who came closer, almost had his nose crooked.

"Mumu, have you changed your teeth?" Su Yun was not careless this time. She noticed something was wrong with her daughter at the first sight.

"Well, the front teeth are here. It's all because the pears prepared by Chu Ning Yan were too hard." Su Mumu took out the two front teeth and asked her mother, "Do you want to throw them under the bed?"

Su Yun touched her daughter's head and said, "Throw it away!"

In fact, she didn't know, no one told her this.

"I don't look good at all like this." Su Mumu made an expression in the mirror after throwing it away.

No matter how you look at it, it looks ugly!

Her image of a beautiful girl is gone, and now she has become a clown with a loud mouth.

"We, Mu Mu, are the prettiest. Everyone will change their teeth! If you don't want to see it, then we will wear a face scarf." Su Yun gave her daughter an idea.

It is normal for my daughter to have some emotions while her teeth are changing.

"Yes, I can wear a face mask so that others won't notice my teeth when I talk." Su Mumu immediately asked someone to prepare it.

Putao is very skillful. She sent over three face towels and embroidered the master's favorite rabbits, cats and other patterns on them.

"Master, I will embroider some more so that you can use them interchangeably." She embroidered quickly and well.

"No, these are enough. You can make some more clothes for my brother and parents." Su Mumu didn't want to bring too much when she went out.

Wearing a scarf, she revealed a pair of bright big eyes. Coupled with this festive dress, she looked like a fairy child sitting down with a Bodhisattva.

"Mumu, you've already put on these. I've also prepared some scarves and hats for you. I've streamlined these clothes so they won't hinder your work." When the Queen came, she also thought of this method. (End of chapter)

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