"Sister Mumu, my father asked me to pick up you and Uncle Su and Feng. Someone from the Canglan Kingdom is here and wants to see you by name!"

"Their regent came with a small king and insisted on being a vassal state for us, the Great Zhou."

"It's really interesting! The gifts are so big this year!" Chu Ningyan said all these things.

When Su Mumu heard such things, she became a little interested, "Are you rushing to become a vassal state?"

"They couldn't be under the puppet spell, right? I remember that Xiao Qianxue hasn't gone back yet!"

When Chu Ningyan mentioned this, he immediately said sarcastically, "That's right! My father and eldest brother both think these people have been fooled by puppetry."

"But it doesn't look like it. The regent isn't a craftsman sent by our great Zhou Dynasty. It's really strange."

"I heard that the regent killed the emperor of Canglan Kingdom and a bunch of princes, and then chose a baby to be the king."

Along the way, Chu Ningyan was talking about the gossip of Canglan Kingdom, and Su Mumu and Su Yun were very excited to hear it.

Feng Yi was not in the carriage at all and was driven out to ride a horse.

"Xiao Yan knows me? I saved his life!"

"I don't remember. During those years of traveling across the Five Kingdoms, I saved too many people. I don't remember that this is very common." Su Yun waved her hand. It was written all over her face. She is such a master.

When she arrived at the palace, she still didn't recognize him.

But Su Mumu felt it, and she pulled her mother's sleeve, "Daddy No. 9, you prepared."

Su Yun shook her head, "It's impossible. I only prepared for the Great Zhou Kingdom, not the Canglan Kingdom."

"Tao Zhang Su, long time no see! These are my two sons." Xiao Yan, the regent of Canglan Kingdom, kneeled on the ground with his two sons.

"Thank you, Master Su, for saving your life!" The three of them, father and son, kowtowed respectfully.

Although the emperor and the eldest prince Chu Ninghao knew that Daozhang Su was their savior, they did not expect that the other party would kneel down directly.

Still kneeling so sincerely!

Just kneeling down, Xiaoyan did have a heart to surrender, but they couldn't understand why they gave up the entire country. This was not in line with the norm!

"You're welcome, get up! Xiao Yan, right? Since I am your savior, you can't deceive our Emperor of Zhou Dynasty." Su Yun looked at the other person up and down, still unable to remember.

Xiaoyan saw that Taoist Su did not remember him, so he quickly explained, "Taoist Su, Linhe, my pseudonym is Xiaoshan, my mother is from Dazhou."

"You saved me, my mother, and my pregnant wife."

Su Yun had an impression after hearing what he said, "Oh, that's almost it. Mu Mu, I said I couldn't have prepared wrongly."

"That Xiaoyan, I saved you, you can be my daughter's godfather! It will be good for her to have nine fathers together."

This time, she didn't want to embarrass her daughter, she did it herself.

Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then immediately said, "Okay! As long as Taoist Su asks, I will live up to his request."

"His Majesty the Emperor of Zhou, how about we, a vassal state, give the daughter of Su Daochang?"

"If you don't suffer any loss, we won't rebel."

The emperor's mind was burned by such a turn of events, "The daughter of Taoist Su is also my adopted daughter. This is a very good idea!"

Su Mumu quickly interrupted them, "No, I don't want to! It's so tiring to manage a country."

"Don't be afraid of getting tired. Let your big brother take care of it, and you will be responsible for collecting it. The original little milk baby will be killed immediately."

"Anyway, there is no good person in their lineage." Xiao Yan immediately killed the little king he had established.

"Can I ask, Xiao Yan, why did you do this?" Su Yun didn't understand!

Not to mention that she didn't understand, not even the Zhou people present understood.

She didn't understand that Xiao Qianxue was brought here as a companion, but she felt relieved to hear that all the people in that lineage were dead.

When Xiaoyan mentioned this, she looked sad, "After you saved me, Mr. Su, I returned to Canglan Country." "My mother was killed by them, my wife was killed by them... After she gave birth to the child, she Committed suicide."

"Those devils deserve to die! I want the entire Canglan Kingdom to disappear, and all their plans will come to nothing."

"I have endured it for so many years and have been waiting for today. I don't want power at all. If possible, I just want my family to continue living by Linhe."

This is a sad story that makes people sad.

To push a man who doesn't want power to this point, I can only say that those people deserve it.

Those demons deserve to go to hell and their descendants deserve to be wiped out.

After hearing this, Xiao Qianxue laughed, laughed and cried, "My mother-in-law, my sister, and I can finally be freed!"

"Prince Regent, is my sister still alive?"

The mother-in-law could not bear the humiliation long ago and committed suicide.

She lives, firstly, for her sister, and secondly, because she wants revenge.

But she never had the courage to take revenge, so she could only trade those secrets for a free life.

"Qianya is dead. She died less than a month after you left. I didn't kill her."

"I will release all the living princesses in the palace." Xiao Yan did not attack any of the women in the harem.

Xiao Qianxue covered her face and squatted on the ground crying, "Uncle, I believe you didn't kill her. They forced my sister to death."

"They are just beasts, not worthy of being brothers at all..."

"If you kill well, it would be better if you cut them into pieces with a thousand knives, or crush their bones and scatter them into ashes."

Xiao Jingliu said loudly, "My father cut them into pieces and crushed their bones to ashes to avenge my mother."

He is six years old this year, six years after his mother died.

He has known since he was a child that it was those people in the palace who killed his mother and his grandmother.

Dad and eldest brother will take him to take revenge!

Seeing Xiao Qianxue like this, Su Mumu felt compassion and said, "Xiao Qianxue, the bad guys in your family have been eliminated. If you want to go back to worship your mother and sister, we will let you go back."

Xiao Qianxue wiped her tears and shook her head, "Thank you Princess Mumu, I won't go back!"

"I am now living in the charity hall and living a very fulfilling life."

"A man said he didn't mind any of my past and wanted to marry me. I want to have a family in Dazhou and have children of my own."

Su Yun's first reaction was to advise her to be careful, "Don't be fooled. This man's mouth is so deceptive."

"You are quite pretty, but there are many bad guys who specialize in deceiving women who are in need of love and then sell them off."

Xiao Qianxue was a little scared when she was told, "Are there bad people in Dazhou too?"

"Of course! There are bad people and good people in every country! Now let's go and see if that person is good or bad!" Su Mumu had the same view as her mother.

They are responsible for this matter.

After all, saving a woman cannot be done halfway.

"Yes, let's go now. Your Majesty, you continue to talk, and we'll catch the next one!" Su Yun took her daughter, took Xiao Qianxue with her, and went to mind other business.


It’s not about being nosy, it’s about doing good things!

People who practice Taoism should not neglect doing good deeds because they are small!

"I'll go too! I'm very familiar with the routines." Chu Ningyan shouted loudly. He must be brought along in such a lively event. (End of chapter)

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