"Taotie lied to you! Celestial masters, if what I tell you is useful, can you let me go?" Nian Beast suddenly made a sound, it wanted to go back.


There are no delicious meat dumplings here at all, they are all evil people.

"Tell me, let you go if it's useful. If you dare to lie to us, we'll stew you first." Su Yun said viciously.

The Nian beast jumped up and ran to Taotie on its short legs. "The souls it has eaten can be recalled even after being exiled."

"Its weak point is the dragon horn. I fought with it, took the blood from the dragon horn, and then used the talisman to completely control it and become its master."

"Little Master, you are its destined master. Just like me, it has been waiting for its master since it was born."

Taotie and Nian Beast started fighting. This change happened so quickly that everyone was caught off guard, but they gradually found it quite funny.

The two little monsters have eight legs and are rolling around.

Su Yun thought carefully about Nian Beast's words, "Mumu, you are the destined master of Taotie, so why did it want to eat you before?"

Feng Yi immediately answered the question, "It's very simple, it doesn't want an owner. A ferocious beast that has been around for tens of thousands of years has become the pet of a little human girl. No one will accept it."

"I'll control it later and see if I can free the souls of Second Senior Brother and the others." Su Mumu originally didn't want to make a contract with Taotie.

But if this is the only way to save the senior brothers, it will accept this ugly thing.

"Little Heavenly Master, it's broken!" Nian Beast bit Taotie's dragon horn.

When two beasts fight, one of them will be injured.

Because the Nian beast has just arrived in the human world, its combat power is a bit stronger than that of Taotie.

Su Mumu soaked the blood in the dragon's horn and began to sign the master-servant contract.

If she dies, Taotie dies.

If Taotie dies, she will not die.

Only in this way is it safe that she can control Taotie's life and death.

"Master!" Taotie knew he couldn't escape, so he behaved obediently throughout the whole process.

The moment the contract was reached, Su Mumu's strength reached a new level, and she slowly integrated this power.

"Summon back the souls of my master and the others, and bring out my senior brother." Su Mumu ordered Taotie.

The eldest brother is now out of body and has entered the void.

If you can't come back in time, you will be completely destroyed.

"Master, you have to untie the web of rules, otherwise I won't be able to tear open the void and fish it out." Taotie still wanted to escape at this moment.

As long as it escapes and endures, it will eventually find a way.

At this time, the Nian beast is specifically trying to cause trouble, "Little Heavenly Master, you can drag it with you to the opening of the void, and turn the web of rules into a rope and put it around its neck."

"This way you can pull it back at any time, if Taotie disobeys."

Taotie bared his teeth at Nian Beast, that bastard.

Nian Beast replied, "When you tricked me into coming here, you should have thought of now."

"It lied to you to eat me?" Su Mumu raised her eyebrows and sneered.

Nian Beast immediately replied loudly, "Yes! Taotie lied to me and said that here is the most delicious food."

Taotie defended in a low voice, "Master, I just want to trick you into playing with another beast, and then put me back."

"With its little ability, it is no match for you."

The Nian beast stomped its hooves angrily, "You hateful guy, if you didn't summon me, I would still be sleeping."

Seeing that the two little monsters were about to fight again, Su Mumu came to the gate of the void carrying Taotie.

Yes, she has the power of the void.

The moment she became the master of Taotie, she touched the rules of the void. She had a certain understanding of the power of chaos behind the gate of the void.

This move made Taotie feel even more stressed, and it asked cautiously, "Master, have you mastered the power of the void?" "Probably so." Su Mumu wasn't sure whether he could master it all.

Su Yun, Fengyi and Taoist Master Xuanling were all ecstatic.

What does it mean to be fed by God? This is it!

Just now they were worried that Qing Yi would be in trouble this time, but they didn't expect Mu Mu to master the rules of the void.

Su Mumu opened the net of rules, and Taotie recovered his true form.

If it had planned to flee directly before its master revealed the power of the void, but now it stretched out its huge claws and began to pull.

It throws too much garbage into the void, and it will spit out some unpalatable things.

After pulling for a while, it started to be thrown out into the world.

One pit, two pits, three pits...

When the five pits were smashed down, it closed the door to the void obediently.

Didn't dare to struggle, didn't dare to run.

"The five of them are here. Master, your senior brother seems to have been attacked." It whispered.

Su Mumu started beating Taotie violently the next moment, "It's that simple!"

"You're playing tricks on me."

"You allowed my senior brother to take risks and get my senior brother injured."

Taotie was beaten until he howled like an injured puppy.

Taoist Master Xuanling saw that all the souls in the five pits were in an unconscious state. He and Su Yun quickly injected spiritual power into them.

Feng Yi was also helping, but Qingyun and the others were not qualified to help.

On the road of cultivation, the three of them have been thrown down ninety-nine steps.

Su Mumu was tired from playing, and then went to heal the injuries of her senior brothers.

Because the eldest brother has the shortest time to enter the void, save the eldest brother first.

A quarter of an hour later, Qing Yi's weak soul began to return. He opened his eyes and said hoarsely, "Congratulations, little junior sister, for mastering another rule."

"Senior Brother, it's great that you're okay. All this was done intentionally by that bitch Taotie."

"But we don't have to be afraid. It will truly be under my control from now on. If it doesn't obey, I will torture it to death." Su Mumu cried while hugging her elder brother.

She was quite scared just now, fearing that she would not be able to save her senior brother.

"Good Mumu, there's no need to cry, I'm fine." Qingyi said in the ear of the younger junior sister, "I also got a chance."

Although everything in the void is dangerous, opportunities are usually the greatest in dangerous places.

So when he takes good care of his body, his strength will improve a lot.

"Really! That's great. I'll go see Second Senior Brother and them again."

"Master used to make Second Senior Brother and the others poor. I also thought that when I got rich, I would bring them all to the capital. Who knew they would be killed."

"Finally, I got involved with Taotie. I must search all of Taotie's memories. There must be many things we don't know." Su Mumu felt sad when she mentioned the other senior brothers.

The greatest pain in the world is sometimes separation between life and death.

Because there are so many things I want to do, but I no longer have the chance.

"Mu Mu, what we have to do now is to let your second senior brother and the others rest in their graves, their souls go to the underworld, and be reincarnated." Taoist Master Xuanling had red circles in his eyes, and he was very sad for the tragic deaths of his several disciples.

"Master, I understand!" Su Mumu bit her lip and agreed.

This New Year's Eve is a real reunion for Lingyun Taoist Temple.

The Taoist priests, wrapped in balls of white light, were put away by Su Mumu.

"Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother, Fifth Senior Brother, don't be afraid. Live here well first." She comforted in a low voice. (End of chapter)

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