Su Mumu chirped, "I can't eat anymore, I'm exhausted!"

She patted her belly, she was so full!

But the Dantian feels so uncomfortable!

This was all a dream, in reality her little face was already flushed.

Su Yun quickly carried her daughter to the open space outside the house, and the two of them faced each other, "Mu Mu, wake up quickly, you are about to break through."

However, no matter how she shouted, Su Mumu kept falling asleep.

"Thirty-six Tiangang Thunder! These old guys are just holding back bad things, your uncle!" Su Yun saw Tian Lei and pointed her fingers at God.

Su Mumu sat cross-legged and rose directly into the air.

Feng Yi and Su Yun were anxious and had no choice. They couldn't help with this major breakthrough, so they had to rely on Mu Mu to get through it on her own.

A thunderbolt made the entire sky turn red.

The moment Su Mumu was woken up by the attack, she was completely confused. What was going on!

When she looked up, she almost peed in fear and shouted, "Mom!"


Su Yun and Feng Yi flew up when they heard the call, but were suppressed. This had never happened before.

The second thunder struck from the sky, startling everyone in the palace to get up.

The emperor, the queen, and their two sons all came, and the guards in the palace obeyed the instructions.

If a fire breaks out, you can always put out the fire.

"Sister Su! What's going on? Is Mu Mu in danger?" The empress stamped her feet anxiously.

On their way over, the emperor said it would be no problem, but she didn't believe him and had to listen to Su Yun.

"Mumu is making a breakthrough, don't get too close, otherwise something could happen." Su Yun forced herself to calm down, not letting them worry too.

"Look, I said everything would be fine. Mu Mu is a kind and good boy, as well as Taoist Su and Taoist Feng." The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay.

The Queen was still worried and looked up in the air nervously.

Su Yun persuaded them to go back and rest first, but they refused to leave.

The way of heaven is very cunning. This is the palace, so I won't attack it.

He lifted Mu Mu into the air and suppressed them.

My daughter must be fine, otherwise she will fight with those old guys.

On the other side, Taoist Priest Xuanling and Qing Yi also wanted to help, but they couldn't get close.

They can only protect the law outside the palace. Mu Mu's breakthrough is a great opportunity.

This opportunity cannot be ruled out as someone snatching it up.

Su Mumu was hit by ten thunderbolts, and her Dantian, which was about to explode, was smashed into a piece of cake. She began to absorb spiritual energy crazily again.

The spiritual energy gathered upwards, like a small tornado.

Her Dantian was full again and was about to explode. Tianlei once again helped her temper it.

After repeating this three times, her inner elixir was perfected, and her mental power could explore movements hundreds of miles around. It can last for an hour at a time, and the ear and hearing, body endurance, and defense are all greatly improved.

After an hour and a half, she had tripled her skill, but it was not stable enough and needed some time.

At this time, the void was torn open, and a big hand wanted to snatch Mu Mu away.

"It's Taotie, set up the formation!" Taoist Master Xuanling shouted. He and Qing Yi must protect the safety of the people in the city.

Qing Yi was worried about his junior sister and had to listen to the master.

Because this time is also her opportunity. Moreover, if he saves Mumu, many people will die, and the consequences will be shared equally among them.

There are Su Yun and Feng Yi over there. If they can't protect their little junior sister, then they are not worthy of being parents.

"This piece of shit, Taotie, is finally here. Wife, let's avenge our daughter together!" Feng Yi was waiting for it.

Su Yun took out the magic weapon and rushed up.

Maybe he sensed danger, but the evil claws stretched out still wanted to run away.

Su Mumu pulled out Taotie's body and said, "You big loser, come here!"

Daddy Lei's legs, and so many dead and injured people, this hatred, they are here to calculate it!

Su Mumu's inner elixir and body were too fragrant, so Taotie couldn't stand it anymore, so she took the risk.

I thought it was just a small spiritual body that had just made a breakthrough, but who knew there were four masters.

"Cunning humans, you deliberately used this child as bait."

"I will eat you all together!" Taotie roared.

The huge body stepped on the formation in mid-air, causing the impact on Taoist priest Xuanling and Qing Yi.

It is impossible for people on the ground to help.

"Mom and Dad, hit that monster with thunderbolts now!" Chu Ningyan clenched his fists anxiously. This was the only way he could think of.

"This will destroy the formation of the Laotian Master and the National Master. You can be prepared to attack Taotie together if the formation is broken." Chu Ninghao frowned, he recognized this monster.

There were pictures in the book, and the voice of Taoist Master Xuanling just now seemed to be what he said.

The late emperor issued the edict of sin because of the appearance of Taotie. If this matter is not handled well, it will bring many consequences.

The impact is immeasurable, the country will be in turmoil, and it will give opportunities to enemies dormant in the dark.

"Okay, I'll let them prepare now." Chu Ning went to organize the banquet immediately.

At this time, as long as it can help sister Mumu, I can do anything.

"Your Majesty, what should we do? Why is this Taotie staring at Mu Mu?" The Queen cried anxiously.

"Be careful, this isn't about keeping an eye on Mu Mu. It's about Mu Mu and the others fighting monsters for us. Taotie appears in many countries."

"All kinds of weird things will happen in other countries. Stay calm and there will be no problem." The emperor was also panicked. If they all couldn't destroy this monster together, they couldn't.

If they stand here, they may not survive!

The people in the entire capital are in ruins. The appearance of Taotie will destroy half of the country, or even the entire country. (End of chapter)

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