"From now on, my home will also be your home. Junior sister, seventh junior brother, and eighth junior brother, you can come and live in my house together!"

"There are many people, so be lively. Junior sister will leave with senior brother tomorrow. When you come back, I should go to the border."

"The time apart must be very long, so I want everyone to go to my house together." When Qingyun said the word "my house", he felt excited and soft in his heart.

"Eat breakfast first, and we'll go together after breakfast." Su Mumu touched her stomach, "I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry too." Aoki usually waits until he practices before eating.

But today is different. Last night I was just moved and crying, so I slept very sparsely this time.

The five of them had breakfast together and then went to Zhao's house. Zhao Fei asked the children to rest quickly.

He arranged other things. If you can wake up at noon, you will eat. If you can't wake up, you don't need to eat. We will eat together at night.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Qingyun expressed some awkward concern.

Zhao Fei shook his head, "Dad, I won't go to bed anymore. I have some things to do today."

"It's okay. When we were fighting, we often didn't sleep for days and nights. Although I'm old, I can continue to carry it." Zhao Fei was so excited that he couldn't sleep at all.

He was going to tell everyone that he had found his son.

The biggest news in the capital on this day was that the lost son of the God of War was found. When the people heard the news, they were all happy for him.

The emperor said even more excitedly, "This is such a happy event. I didn't expect that the son you are looking for will always be by Mu Mu's side."

"Fortunately, I let you come back to participate in the Five Nations Competition."

Zhao Fei nodded, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You're welcome. I don't have time to attend your family banquet tonight. Just have fun and ask me if you need anything." The emperor was really happy for Zhao Fei.

Who knows the story of the God of War over the years, and no one is sad.

"Then please ask the emperor to give me some royal cooks. I don't have a cook at home. Every time, the old servant prepares some for us to eat."

"I'm afraid I will wrong the children and brothers." Zhao Fei heard that Mu Mu's other fathers were all sworn brothers.

He is also willing, which means they are all his brothers.

"I'm not wronged. I just drank a bowl of water at your house. My brother feels honored." General Zhuang knew that he couldn't be ranked according to numbers.

Now, who dares to call the God of War brother?

Even the emperor would not dare!

"Then you go! I won't keep you here." The emperor couldn't go, so he had to let them gather together.

There is the God of War outside the capital, General Zhuang in the capital, and other generals.

Only as an emperor can he be stable.

Soon people gathered together. When the words "God of War" were thrown out, most people's first reaction was to kneel down and worship.

When Shen Sanwan, Lei Bao and Xiong Zhengyi got the news, their mouths opened and they didn't stop.

Even Yahuazi can see it, so there is no need to mention any manners at all.

That's the God of War!

"This time, we can no longer say that we will be brothers according to our number plates. If you have the ability, you guys will be brothers to the God of War." General Zhuang specially warned Xiong Zhengyi.

This guy is the most troublesome. Maybe in the arena, these rules are not taken seriously.

First come, first served is most important.

But the capital city is different, and facing different people makes it even more different.

"I don't dare. I don't dare. Brother General, please don't laugh at me."

"Brother the richest man, Brother Lei, from now on I will call him Brother God of War. What do you think?" Xiong Zhengyi looks like a bear with the same name.

Calling brother here made General Zhuang look hurt.

Shen Sanwan shivered in fright, "I'm warning you! If you yell like that, I will really fall out."

Lei Bao rolled his eyes, "Me too!" "I want to beat you!" General Zhuang felt cold and his hair stood on end.

Xiong Zhengyi shrugged, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"You can't get rid of one brother, Brother Zhuang, Brother Shen, Brother Lei, won't they suffocate you to death?"

"A grown man, call me brother..."

"My mother, if you let other people see a few big men like this on the road, what will they think?" General Zhuang was simply speechless.

Xiong Zhengyi felt aggrieved and said, "Okay, Brother Zhuang."

"You are also the former leader of the martial arts alliance, so show off your momentum."

"How about you go to the border with Brother Zhao, the God of War, to fight, and maybe you can get an official position. That would be really good for you!"

"In the future, your son will take the imperial examination and I can borrow some of your strength." Shen Sanwan gave him sincere advice.

Otherwise, setting up a stall to sell things would make Xiong Zhengyi's mind simpler.

"Brother Shen, you have a good idea. I'm afraid that Brother Zhao won't take me, so why don't you take me with you, Brother Zhuang." Xiong Zhengyi patted his head. This is really a good idea.

He must work hard and work harder.

"Your brain is not enough for playing in the capital."

"It's better to go to the border. They like people like you there." General Zhuang didn't want to take him to play.

Mainly because he was afraid that if he didn't play well and Xiong Zhengyi lost his life, how would he explain it to Mu Mu, and to the Xiong family mother and son.

A few people chatted and laughed, then took their family members to the God of War's home.

The emperor not only borrowed the cook, but also the servants, and the Zhao family hung up red lanterns.

All the people passing by were handed out candies and melon seeds.

The lifeless Zhao Mansion suddenly became beaming with joy.

Shen Sanwan even had several large pots set up at the entrance of the Zhao Mansion. They were all filled with meat and steamed buns, and they were available to ordinary people and beggars.

As long as there are people queuing up to bring bowls, everyone will be served.

In the Zhao Mansion, Qingyun changed into the clothes prepared by his father.

The old servant even revealed the God of War's thoughts, even if he could not return to the capital.

In the Zhao Mansion, the young master's clothes must be prepared and the room must be cleaned.

The same is true at home at the border.

In Zhao Fei's heart, his son will definitely come back.

"Sixth Senior Brother, you look so handsome in this dress!" Su Mumu specially asked someone to invite Jiang Wan.

Now she is the only one in Jiang Guogong's house. She can do whatever she wants, and no one will tell her what to do anymore.

"Young junior sister is right, Sixth Senior Brother, can Senior Brother Seventh and I wear the clothes that you couldn't wear before?" Aoki pointed to a cabinet of clothes. It would be a waste if we didn't wear them.

"I'll ask him." In front of his junior brothers and sisters, Qingyun was still a little embarrassed to talk about his father.

But he bought these clothes, so he had to ask.

"Well, Sixth Senior Brother, forget it if it doesn't work. I just asked casually, I'm afraid of wasting it." Aoki is used to picking up old clothes and wearing them.

Now that I think about it, what he said was a bit inappropriate.

"It's okay. I have the same idea as you and we can't waste it. It's just that we, father and son, are still a little unfamiliar." Qingyun scratched his head. His 15th birthday was about to turn into a mature man.

He still has one thing to do, which he must do before leaving the capital.

Unexpectedly, recognizing his biological father would make him one year older.

Of course Zhao Fei had no objections. He patted his son on the shoulder and said, "You can decide everything in our family." (End of Chapter)

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