Chapter 166 The Arrogant Second Prince
"I don't want to play with them." Chu Ningyan said arrogantly, but her eyes looked over there.

"Even if you want to play in a few days, you won't have a chance. You chose to go out for dad to take a look. If you regret it now, I will tell you for you." Chu Ninghao has been away for many years and doesn't want to go out now.

He just wanted to stay with his parents, take good care of his health, and be filial to them.

"I will not regret it. Brother, you must study hard. The position of prince must be yours, and you are not allowed to give it to me. You are the eldest son and my eldest brother." Chu Ningyan finally found the opportunity, how could he regret it? ?
If he is beaten to death, he will not be a prince. He can do other things to be filial to his parents, but he cannot be a prince.

"I'm not in good health, and I don't know how many years I can live..." Chu Ninghao smiled calmly, and he was not afraid that anyone would hear it.

"Nonsense, sister Mu Mu said last time that as long as you take good care of yourself, marry a wife and have children, you will be just like ordinary people. So you have to drink medicine and rest." Chu Ningyan disliked hearing such words from her elder brother.

"Okay, you go and play. You don't have to talk to me." Chu Ninghao encouraged his younger brother to play again.

"I won't go. Brother, what are the chances of dad accepting Mumu as his daughter?" Chu Ningyan thought this matter was very important.

Otherwise, his status in sister Mu Mu's heart would be inferior to that of Zhuang Yuanfeng and the others.

Now another sick man came and took away most of her time. He seemed not important at all.

"This is not something that dad can decide. It depends on whether sister Mumu plans to recognize dad."

"My mother has proposed to let Mu Mu be her daughter more than once, but she was rejected every time." Chu Ninghao felt that this possibility was zero.

It’s just not possible!
When Chu Ningyan heard this, she kicked the ground depressedly, "Didn't our father also meet Daoist Su? Why didn't he fall in Daoist Su's eyes?"

"He must be too ugly and Taoist Su doesn't like him!"

Chu Ningyan smiled, the second brother's mind was so simple.He really didn't dare to relax, he had to work hard to live longer.

If one person must sit on this throne, then he should come and protect the second brother in his life so that he can live a free and easy life.

Chu Ningyan struggled for a while and finally chose to join.

The banker's brothers, Xiong Anxing, Qingyun and others all held Su Mumu in their hands.She smiled happily, and when she saw Chu Ningyan, she waved, "Brother Ning Yan, let's throw the pot together."

"The loser will have to perform a show."

"Fifth brother has already lost three times. He just acted like a pig."

Zhuang Yuanbing didn't blush at all, "Of course I can't compare with you. Just ask, does the little pig I play look like?"

"When my piglet was born, I went over specifically to see it."

Su Mumu gave him a thumbs up, "Like! Very similar."

"Hey, Second Prince, I'll play one for you too." Zhuang Yuanbing lay on the ground, "Hey, hey, hey..."

Chu Ningyan looked at Zhuang Yuanbing like a fool, which made everyone laugh.

He had to hold back and not laugh.

But Zhuang Yuanbing imitated the piggy roll, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Then let's continue playing!" Chu Ningyan immediately joined in, just to watch more performances.

This time the loser was not Zhuang Yuanbing, but Xiong Anxing. He was exhausted and wanted to play with everyone.

"I'll give you a simple performance." He held a leaf and played a tune from Jianghu.

Su Mumu listened for a while, then imitated him and started blowing the leaves, "Pfft!"


She was unconvinced. Why could the Xiong brother play the tune but she couldn't?

The others saw this and started doing it too.

As a result, no one can play it, there are all kinds of sounds, but it is impossible to play a piece of music. "This is impossible! Absolutely impossible, Brother Xiong, do you still have secrets in your mouth?" Su Mumu felt that she was so powerful, how could she not be able to blow it.

Xiong Anxing explained to everyone softly that blowing leaves is actually very simple, but people are prone to impatience.

Su Mumu soon learned it. She boasted proudly and even went to show off in front of her fathers.

However, at this moment, Mrs. Shen's expression suddenly changed. She held her belly and took a deep breath.

"Mrs. Shen, are you about to give birth?" Mrs. Zhuang has many birth experiences. Looking at Mrs. Shen's appearance, she knew that the situation was not good.

"My stomach hurts, and I don't know if I'm going to give birth. Mrs. Zhuang, please invite my master, and we can go home." Mrs. Shen felt better after a while.

She was a little scared. She had no experience in giving birth, and since this was her only chance, she couldn't let anything go wrong with her child.

"Okay, sit still and don't move." Mrs. Zhuang immediately started calling people.

Shen Sanwan was so frightened that he threw away his wine glass and ran over quickly.

Su Mumu also rushed over, "Don't be afraid, I will go back with you."

In the carriage, Mrs. Shen began to have labor pains again. This time she said with certainty, "Mumu, the children are coming out!"

Su Mumu had already diagnosed her pulse, "Ms. Shen, you are really going to give birth. You should take this pill first."

"Mumu, I'm afraid, it's more than two months too early. Will the child..." Mrs. Shen held Su Mumu's hand, but she did not dare to finish her words.

"Mother Shen, look at me." Su Mumu asked her to look into her eyes.

"I'll say it again, you mother and son will definitely be safe. No one else can help you with the pain of giving birth, you can only go through it yourself."

Mrs. Shen was relieved now. Her face was filled with determination, "Mumu, I'm not afraid of pain."

"If, I'm just saying help me keep my two children."

Su Mumu looked at her, "No, your children, you have to watch them grow up."

"Okay, I watched them grow up, get married and have children. Mumu, I believe you." Mrs. Shen touched her belly. She didn't expect the two children to come out in such a hurry.

No wonder Mu Mu looked a little bit wrong when he took her pulse just now.

Shen Sanwan has already ridden back in advance. This is the most important matter for the Shen family.

Mrs. Shen and Mr. Shen, one kneeled in the ancestral hall to ask for blessings from the ancestors, and the other knelt in front of the statue to ask for blessings.

The Shen family's delivery room has been prepared long ago, and Mrs. Wen and the female doctor are all on standby.

"Mu Mu, you are still a little girl, don't go into the delivery room." Mrs. Shen was afraid of affecting Mu Mu. She was a Taoist and a child.

"I was there when Mrs. Zhuang gave birth. Now don't think so much and concentrate. I'll give you a hot compress on your lower back first. The herbs are added here, which will relieve your pain." Su Mumu is more experienced than last time.

The last time I saw Mrs. Zhuang giving birth, I realized how difficult it is for women.

So when Mother Shen came here, she was prepared in advance.

Mrs. Shen originally bit her lip in pain and did not dare to scream. After applying heat to her lower back, the pain was much better.

"Mumu, I'm feeling better." Mrs. Shen ate some more ginseng chicken soup with old ginseng slices in her mouth.

She was still fully prepared, accompanied by regular labor pains.

She followed Wenpo's rhythm and exerted force again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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