Chapter 154 Daddy No. [-] comes from Jianghu
"My name is Su Mumu, you can just call me Mu Mu. You can first go to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion to find my master and senior brother. I want to take dad No. [-] to Lingyun Taoist Temple." Su Mumu is already familiar with the road.

Anyway, there are only nine in total, so recognize them early and end them early.

"Mumu, you just said that Anxing is only a few months away. Now you mean there is still hope?" Xiong Zhengyi asked cautiously.

He really doesn't care about the date, and his wife can tell that he has no problem.

"Yes, I'm almost certain. You have to take your time. Don't worry. My senior brother will arrange it for you. Now I'll have someone take you back." Su Mumu directly called Chu Ningyan and left the matter to him. Most appropriate.

Chu Ningyan was not afraid of anything happening, but she was afraid of being rejected and isolated.

"Sister Mu Mu, let's eat first, and then someone will take them directly to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion." Let the secret guards handle this small matter immediately.

Those who were chased away were designated to have others following them, so they could just help now.

"Okay, let's go eat together." Su Mumu said, and someone immediately helped Xiong Zhengyi.

His son was also being carried.

Zhang Caijin took medicine and her condition improved and she could go alone.

"This is my dad No. [-], Lei Bao, and this is No. [-] Xiong Zhengyi. Let's get to know each other briefly." Su Mumu introduced simply.

Number [-] hasn't added the word "daddy" yet, she needs to get used to it.

"You can call me Fourth Brother Lei from now on. There are three other brothers in front of me. Brother Xiong, your injury is a bit serious!" Lei Bao greeted him warmly and expressed his sympathy when he saw Xiong Zhengyi covered in blood.

"Hello, Fourth Brother Lei! This is my son Xiong Anxing and my wife Zhang Caijin. I'm quite fine now. Mu Mu just saved the three of us."

"Yes, and this little Taoist priest helped us deal with the people we were chasing. Thank you." Xiong Zhengyi quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, but why are those people chasing you? We just thought..." Qingyun didn't finish his sentence. Just now we thought they were assassinating the prince Chu Ningyan.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it." Seeing that Xiong Zhengyi was in a dilemma, Su Mumu immediately told him not to say anything.

Anyway, before we figured out his situation, their relationship was just an ordinary one.

Xiong Zhengyi sighed, "It's not that I don't want to say it, but it's a long story. We are from the martial arts world. We have been leaders of the martial arts world for a while, but our eldest son was killed by an enemy."

"Anxing is our youngest son. On the day my wife gave birth, she also encountered someone seeking revenge. It was Daoist Su who came to the rescue and saved the lives of their mother and son. From then on, we washed our hands in a golden basin. Unexpectedly, we still couldn't escape."

Only then did Qingyun realize. "I said that all the martial arts and internal skills of those people just now came from Qingcheng Mountain. It turned out that they were fighting in the martial arts world, which makes sense."

"Looking at your appearance, it's hard to be the leader of the martial arts alliance! As your name suggests, you are too just and not easy to mess with."

When Xiong Zhengyi heard this, he couldn't help bursting into tears, "Taoist priest, you are so right. Now I just want my wife and children to live well. I have stopped asking about things in the world for a long time, but they are still forcing each other hard."

"They are just after the Xiong Family Book." Zhang Caijin said bitterly.

"The Xiong Family Book sounds like a good thing. Is it a recipe?" Su Mumu asked very seriously.

If it's a recipe, let them make more of it in the future, she likes it.

"Ahem..." Xiong Anxing woke up just now. Because he was a little tired, he didn't speak and was observing the current situation.

Then he heard that the Xiong Family Book was a recipe, and he couldn't hold it back.

"Oh, he's still alive!" Aoki was startled.

Just now he didn't even have the nerve to ask how he got a dead person.

The main reason is that this guy's face is too ugly, almost like a dead person.

When Junior Sister No. [-]’s father introduced him, he thought this person had just died. "I'm sorry, I'm still alive." Xiong Anxing forced a smile, looking like a thin and pitiful little man.

When Zhang Caijin saw his son waking up, he immediately said happily, "Son, you have an extra sister, Mu Mu, are you happy?"

My son had wanted a sister before, but unfortunately her body could no longer bear children.

The eldest son passed away again, leaving the couple with only one child.

"I'm happy, sister." Xiong Anxing didn't look like the child of a martial arts master at all, but more like a thin scholar.

"You're welcome. Although your body is in tatters, you can't die for the time being due to repairs. Here's another pill." Su Mumu handed him another pill.

Xiong Anxing took it and stuffed it into his mouth, "Thank you, sister."

"Well, you can have some soup and let's eat together." Su Mumu's stomach growled, but she didn't care about the book.

Anyway, she won't steal other people's things.

Ban Xia filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Xiong Anxing. He thanked him and drank it in small sips.

Qingyang and Chu Ningyan faced each other again.

Chu Ningyan insisted that Qingyang apologize because he said those people were here to assassinate him and he had to apologize if he said something wrong.

Otherwise, Qingyang won’t be allowed to eat, hum!
Can Qingyang apologize for his temper?
"Sister Banxia is my junior junior sister. Of course our senior brothers can eat the food she cooks." Qingyang ate with peace of mind.

Chu Ningyan took action, but couldn't beat him or grab him, so he could only lose his temper in anger.

He kicked the tree a few times, but he didn't dare to knock the pot over. Sister Mu Mu valued meat more than he did, so he still had some self-awareness.

"Brother Ning Yan, sit down and eat together. I'll give you this roasted rabbit leg. You'll have to go on your way after eating for a while." Su Mumu saw them making trouble and had to mediate.

Otherwise, these two stubborn donkeys would keep doing this.

"Here we come!" When Chu Ningyan heard Su Mumu call him, he immediately behaved like a big dog and sat next to her.

"Sister Mumu, I know you are the best to me. Tell me what you like to eat and I will let them get it."

Qingyang rolled his eyes and did not ridicule him again.

Qingyun has nothing to do with himself, Qingmu is the first to do the work.

Zhuang Yuandian and Zhuang Yuanbing didn't care what they said, the free wind was beautiful.

The Xiong Zhengyi family was a little uncomfortable at first, but soon became infected and let them eat.

Soon the meal was finished, and the people arranged by Chu Ning's banquet also arrived.

"Go to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion and tell my senior brother No. [-], and he will understand." Su Mumu asked them to get on the carriage.

Xiong Zhengyi took out a baggage and said, "Mumu, I give this to you as a meeting gift."

"Thank you, don't worry, my senior brother's medical skills are better than mine." Su Mumu waved goodbye.

After they left, she opened the baggage and saw the four-character "Xiong Family Treasure Book". It turned out to be a book, wrapped so tightly.

Is this a recipe?
Su Mumu opened the book, and Qingmu came over and said loudly, "If you want to practice this skill, you must first commit suicide! What does this mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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