Chapter 139
"Senior brother will not eat you, he is just scaring you. Taotie's clone has been destroyed and will not provoke us again. It will take at least several decades of cultivation. This clone Mu Mu has been refined. You guys can use it to improve your skills." Xuan Ling said The other disciples were a little confused by the expression on Senior Brother's face when he was mentioned.

Su Mumu's fiery temper was directly ignited, "Senior Brother, go and treat the Sixth and Seventh Senior Brothers. I think Master is like a traitor now, a traitor to our Lingyun Taoist Temple."

"Xuanqi Lao Dao is such a bad person, and you still have to say good things for him. Master Patriarch, do you hear that?"

Aoki arrived at this moment, he was actually there in front.But he couldn't enter the battle. As soon as he came in, he heard the junior sister say that the master was also a traitor.

What is he missing?
How could Master be associated with a traitor!

Su Mumu called Grandmaster, but when there was no response, she began to threaten, "Grandmaster, since you like the master so much, let the master take you into the palace and live a good life."

"Hmph! I hope he will have a good life. He is not a traitor, don't worry." The founder floated out, and he didn't want to follow this loser.

"Master Patriarch, I suspect that the three of you deceived me, a little kid." Su Mumu insisted not to believe that Xuanqi was the demon.

If both Master and Grandmaster are protecting him, then all three of them are bad people.

"Traitor, Master saved you with a bowl of porridge and raised you with kindness, but you actually think that I am a bad person." Taoist priest Xuanling covered his chest and spat out a mouthful of blood.

After fighting for so long, he is very tired, okay?
The precious apprentice is still doubting her, he is really the worst master.

"Master!" Qing Yi stretched out his hand to help him, and Taoist priest Xuanling pushed his hand away angrily, "It's all you who led Mu Mu into trouble."

Qing Yi is tired, is this also his fault?

"Eldest Brother did not lead me astray. I am so cute, smart, and righteous. It was all taught by Eldest Brother."

"Master, if you are not a traitor, come with us to kill the demon. I will believe you, otherwise you are covering him up." Su Mumu squinted her eyes and pulled her face, she was gambling.

Before Taoist Master Xuanling could answer, Master Patriarch quickly reminded him, "Go quickly, your father No. [-] is in danger, Taotie is gone."

Su Mumu flew away immediately, and Taoist Master Xuanling and Qing Yi followed. There is no need to discuss the problem of the Demon Dao now, let’s solve the Taotie problem first.

This ferocious beast must want to eat Lei Bao, a good man from nine generations, to heal his wounds.

When they arrived, the teahouse had collapsed and there was a wailing sound.

When I left, it was clearly a grand event for the literary world, but now it was in ruins.

"Mu Mu, hurry up and leave." When Chu Ningyan saw her coming, he didn't shout for help, but to tell her to leave.

It was a huge monster that was completely unknown to Mumu. It was too dangerous for Mumu to be here.

"Sister, go away and leave us alone." Zhuang Yuanfeng also shouted.

It was so scary. There was blood on their heads and fear in their eyes, but they both let Su Mumu go.

Su Mumu did not answer, but continued to set up the formation. Master and senior brother had already found Taotie and Lei Bao.

At this moment, Lei Bao had no voice. He was covered in blood. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Su Mumu's eyes were blood red. Although she had spent the shortest time with Daddy No. [-], at this moment she just wanted to destroy this ferocious beast.

So he didn't care about the formation and rushed forward regardless.

Qing Yiyi was able to make up for the formation, and Taoist Master Xuanling blocked the attack for his young apprentice.

"Mu Mu, no!!!" Taoist Master Xuanling shouted.

But in her rage, she didn't hear it at all, and Qing Yi quickly formed the formation.

Su Mumu's hair and eyes all turned red. She struck Taotie with a full-body blow, and a stream of pure red flames emitted along with her spiritual power.

After Taotie suffered from pain, he summoned his true body again. His true body was huge and his armor was indestructible.

One tail swept Su Mumu down, such terrifying fighting power.Let her feel why Master vomited blood just now, and now she is about to vomit too... Looking at the lifeless Thunder Leopard not far away, she exploded again, and this time, a red phoenix flew out of her chest .

Yes, it was Phoenix, she could see it clearly.

The phoenix rushed towards Taotie, dragging it with it into the void, and the screams disappeared together with the mass of red.

Su Mumu froze on the spot, and then fell to the ground as if she had been hollowed out.

"Is that the amulet my mother gave me?" She could feel that the power was not hers.

Then there is only one possibility, it is her mother's love for her.

"Yes! It is estimated that your mother will come to see you in advance, which is good or bad for you. You two, mother and daughter, should not meet at this time."

"You! Master doesn't believe it. If I am a traitor, you are a little traitor." Taoist priest Xuanling was so angry that he poked the traitor with his finger.

Su Mumu didn't hide when being poked, "Master, I was wrong. I don't have the strength now. Can you or senior brother help me see if Daddy Lei is still alive?"

"If you want to scold me, wait until you scold me. I'm not in a hurry to see my mother. Saving people comes first now."

Qing Yi had already passed, and he touched Lei Bao's neck, "There is still energy."

He quickly fed Lei Bao the life-saving elixir. Looking at the opponent's legs, he sighed, there was nothing he could do.

"Save people!" Taoist priest Xuanling wanted to save not only Lei Bao, but also a large group of ordinary people.

At this time, doctors from many medical clinics also rushed over to save people.

Su Mumu swallowed a whole bottle of pills before she regained her composure.The senior brother and the master saved the people, and she took Father Lei home, along with the two senior brothers.

She doesn't want to be so great now, she wants to save the people around her.

Dragging the mutilated Lei Bao back to Lei's house, she was also covered in blood.

Zhuang Yuanfeng and Chu Ningyan wanted to follow, but they were injured and couldn't walk at all.

In the Lei family, Aoki has already given medicine to the two senior brothers and bandaged their wounds.

When the three of them saw the little junior sister's appearance, they were so frightened that they all gathered around her.

Qingyang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Little junior sister, where are you injured?"

Su Mumu shook her head, "It's Daddy Lei."

Her little person hugged the big daddy Lei, walked to the yard, and put him on her bed.

"Master..." Banxia didn't know what to say. She followed him all the way back, knowing that his master was very sad.

"Fetch water." Su Mumu's voice was very calm, and there was no sadness in it.

But anyone who knows her well knows that at this moment, her heart is probably shattered into pieces.

Su Mumu first used scissors to cut open all the broken pants on Lei Bao's legs, exposing the wounds.

Everything below the knee is gone. Even if the medical fairy is alive, the severed limb cannot be regenerated.

Taotie bit his leg and started eating. It looked like he had chewed the bones alive.

How much pain should that be?
While Su Mumu stopped the bleeding from the wound, she bit her lip and burst into tears.

It turns out that she is so incompetent!
What on earth did God want her to go through? ? ?
Why let innocent people be implicated? If this is her calamity, please come after her!

(End of this chapter)

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