Chapter 132 I listen to the Little Heavenly Master
"You want my life, and the lives of your brothers! That's really good, you are more ruthless than me." The emperor smiled angrily, and he walked up to Prince Yun.

"Yes, I want you all to die. In this way, no one can compete with me for the throne. I am the only real emperor. Father, didn't you also steal the throne from me?" Prince Yun looked horrified and said something in his mouth. The truth comes out word by word.

"Did Liu Guogong's government conspire with you?" the emperor continued to ask.

These words made Liu Guogong sweat nervously all over his face. He stared at Prince Yun's mouth, life and death depended on this moment.

"He is an old fox. He always agrees verbally. If he doesn't do anything he is asked to do, he will be beaten all day long."

"This bitch is useless at all. She can't even give birth to a son."

"This idiot Liu Zhihang still wants to follow the dragon's merits. He is worthy of it. If it weren't for the fact that he could provide some money, I would not bother to talk to him."

When Liu Guogong and Princess Yun heard this, they both breathed a sigh of relief. They did not choose their positions because they were not optimistic about King Yun from the beginning.

The Duke's palace originally didn't want to agree to the marriage, but the Queen Mother offered the marriage, so there was nothing they could do.

Therefore, after Princess Yun got married, she always listened to her biological father, so don't expect the prince's favor.

"Your Majesty, if you have anything else you want to ask, ask it quickly. After asking, I still have something to do. The effect of the medicine will wear off after a while." Su Mumu urged.

The emperor shook his head, "You can ask, I have nothing to ask."

When Su Mumu looked at the emperor, she didn't seem sad or disappointed, but rather disgusted. Why was this?

A child like her couldn't understand the minds of these people, so she continued to ask questions.

"Where did you get that bronze mirror?"

Prince Yun's eyes were dull, as if he were a fool. It was as if he had not heard the question.

"Little Junior Sister, he has been restrained. We cannot tell the truth about the Bronze Mirror. If you continue to ask, his consciousness will be crushed, and living is equal to death." Qing Yi immediately noticed something unusual.

Su Mumu understood that Prince Yun had sold his consciousness in order to ascend to the throne, so he was held by someone who could kill him at any time.

If you really want to get the upper hand, you can sacrifice anything, even your own life.

Such people are really cruel.

Su Mumu gave him a thumbs up, awesome! ! !

"Your Majesty, I really have no disloyal intentions. You must believe me. Besides, with my brain, you know it."

"I dare not say that Prince Yun is angry, but I am also afraid. If you choose your son, my old bones will be gone."

"They also hid it from me. I really don't know. If I knew, I would eat the mirror directly or stand in front of you, the emperor."

"I am not afraid of anything with my body, except that your Majesty will not believe me." Liu Guogong ignored the presence of others and hugged the Emperor's legs and began to cry.

The emperor looked at him with disgust, "If you get snot on my dragon robe, you will be dead."

Liu Guogong immediately wiped it with his sleeves, then lay on the ground and cried, "Your Majesty, do you believe me?"

"Your Majesty, I have always listened to my father's words. I will never compete for favor in Prince Yun's Mansion, nor will I care about their affairs. If they are unfavorable to the Emperor, they must tell him."

"Because the mirror was used on my younger brother first, I haven't had time to say anything yet." Princess Yun was directly trying to draw a line with Prince Yun at this moment.

As for whether it can succeed, it depends on what the emperor thinks. Their family has done everything they can.

The emperor did not look at them, but looked at Qing Yi, "National Master, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, my junior sister just told me that the mirror is for Taotie's clone. Prince Yun wants you to become Taotie's food without any bones left." Qing Yi looked at Prince Yun. He had only one outcome, death!
When the emperor heard this, he stared at Prince Yun. If eyes could kill, he would probably have died eight hundred times. "Master, am I in danger now?" He was actually treated as a son and given as food to evil things. How wonderful!

"Junior sister discovered this conspiracy in advance. You are safe now." Qing Yi used the present.

After all, as long as Prince Yun is still alive, he may take action again.

"Come here, take off this traitor's clothes and send him to a water prison." There was no trace of affection in the emperor's eyes. He would naturally not be soft-hearted when facing a traitor who wanted his life.

The water prison is not as simple as its name, otherwise Prince Yun would not have fainted from fright.

Especially since he is now covered in wounds and has a strong smell of blood. Going down to the water prison will definitely make those little things eat happily.

"Princess Yun went to the Buddhist hall to pray for the royal family. Liu Guogong fined him three years of salary. As for Liu Zhihang, what will happen to the little Celestial Master later?" The emperor looked at Liu Zhihang in a circle than when he just came here.

That one should be Lei Bao. His situation is the opposite, so ask Su Mumu first.

"He will become a fool, a fool who only knows how to eat, drink, and defecate, and knows nothing else. The emperor will not need to kill him. Living like this is the greatest punishment." Su Mumu suggested.

"Okay, I will listen to the Little Heavenly Master and let him live as punishment." The emperor immediately agreed.

This is not only a punishment for Liu Zhihang, but also a punishment for the entire Guogong government.

There is a stupid young master who causes their faces to be stepped on all the time.

The emperor was not a generous person. After handling the matters here, he drove back to the palace.

As for whether he really returned to the palace, no one else will know.

Qing Yi stayed with his junior sister, there were still two hours left for this formation.

"Liu Guogong, go prepare some meals. Remember to mix meat and vegetables. Prepare for ten people first. Junior brothers and sisters like me can eat better."

"Okay, okay, I will ask someone to make arrangements now." Liu Guogong called the butler and told him to order the table directly from the restaurant, order four tables directly, and ask them to deliver it quickly.

Su Mumu's lips raised when she heard their "whispers". In fact, Liu Guogong's unruly look just now was more interesting than now.

Princess Yun was helped up. The emperor's order had been issued. She could not stay at her parents' house overnight. She had to change her clothes and rush there now.

Su Mumu looked at her, "You spend the night at the Duke's Mansion and go there early tomorrow morning. My senior brother will help you explain to the emperor."

"Thank you, Imperial Master, and thank you, Little Heavenly Master." Tears burst into Princess Yun's eyes, and she knelt down to kowtow.

The emperor did not abolish her title of princess, nor did he execute the prince. Presumably the prince would only slowly die of illness.

She, the princess, may have to live in Buddhism for the rest of her life.

Liu Guogong also thanked his daughter. He paid more attention to his daughter because she was obedient.

When she married into Prince Yun's Mansion, she didn't agree because she had a childhood sweetheart, but she still went to the Duke's Mansion.

Now that Prince Yun's Mansion has become like this again, after all, it is the Duke's Mansion that has failed her.

What the old man can do is to donate more sesame oil money to the place where his daughter practices practice.

It seems that they are nobles in the capital, but their fate has never been in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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