Chapter 125: This courtyard is full of evil
"She is the same as before. Time seems to have left no trace on her body. So I can't become fat like this, and I have to maintain the appearance of the past, otherwise she won't recognize me." Lei Bao lowered his head, Then he put down the meat in his hand.

Su Mumu's eyes turned to the sky, it was another man who was fascinated by her mother!

"How did you meet my mother?"

"It's hard to say..." Lei Bao looked at the others present. He couldn't harm the reputation of the goddess.

Su Mumu didn't even have to think about it now to know that this was not his biological father.

Did mom prepare so many dads for her, was she planning to summon a dragon?

"I understand, it's just another story about the goddess saving you. It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. Hurry up and eat, and I'll go and look at the mirror." Su Mumu continued to cook.

Qingyun and others are also not very interested in this story.

Now it was Lei Bao's turn to feel uncomfortable. He was ready to tell his daughter alone why she was no longer interested.

It's not true even if he says it, and it's not true even if he doesn't say it. It's quite embarrassing...

Fortunately, Su Mumu kept her promise, and after finishing her meal, she followed Lei Bao to his yard.

There were three senior brothers following behind, and the three of them also wanted to see Taotie's mirror.

Of course, they have to protect the junior sister, otherwise the master and senior brother will definitely beat someone.

"Oops!" Su Mumu lost her footing and almost fell down. When she lowered her head, she saw several big old turtles lying on the grass basking in the sun.

She stumbled, and she had to say that the Lei family was a man who coexisted with animals.

Not only were there old turtles on the ground, but there were also many birds flying in the sky. There were also a few wild ducks in the water, and there seemed to be pheasants in the grass.

"Mu Mu, it's important! They don't bite, and I take them to study every day. It's a good idea." Lei Bao quickly explained that his house looked rather sloppy, but in fact it was very good.

"Well, you won't bite me, but I want to eat them! Let's be a bully and let the chickens go. Sixth Senior Brother, you go catch two pheasants." Su Mumu hummed.

"No, you can't eat... They are all my guests and my classmates." Lei Bao opened his hand and stood in front of them.

Seeing him like this, Su Mumu asked Sixth Senior Brother not to do it.

Qingyun rolled his eyes, "No wonder Taotie wants to eat you. You, like these ingredients, are classmates. If not, who will eat you!"

"That's right, you are the most talented person in the world, and I think you are the biggest fool in the world. Who in the normal world would be friends with Lao Turtle Pheasant?" Aoki licked his lips, Bawang Biejie tasted very good.

Even if Lei Bao was ridiculed, he was unwilling to give in. Fortunately, Su Mumu didn't insist on eating.

"How do you live in this courtyard?" Qingyang couldn't help but sigh, it was even worse than their Taoist temple.

This is really the first time I have encountered this. I have followed my junior sister to eat and drink in many popular houses. It is still a bit unbearable to suddenly encounter such a style.

"It's very good! The tiles on my study have been replaced and it won't leak. As for the other rooms, I won't live there when it rains. The humble room is very good. It reminds me to keep my heart." Lei Leopard never felt that his life was hard.

Only when he follows his heart can he write good things.

Every year I ask my friends to help repair the study. As long as the books are not broken, everything else doesn't matter.

"The mirror is right here!" Lei Bao pointed at the mirror and closed his eyes in fear.

At first glance, this mirror is just an ordinary bronze mirror, without any problems.It's even a little torn, and the decoration on the frame is a little torn.

As Su Mumu got closer, she could see that her reflection in the mirror was a little distorted, and when she looked again, a huge black hole appeared in the mirror.There is also a pair of eyes in the black hole, which seems to be sizing up whether she can eat it?

Su Mumu caught him by surprise and punched in with a fist, and an angry cry of pain came from the mirror.

Lei Bao was so frightened that he fell to the ground. He read thousands of books, but none of them told him about this situation, let alone the solution.

Fortunately, fortunately, thanks to the arrangement of the goddess, he was able to find the little heavenly master, his daughter Mumu, otherwise this little fate would have been sealed.

Su Mumu painted the seal with blood, but the mirror actually wanted to suck her blood. She quickly sealed the mirror and covered it with a piece of red cloth.

"Junior sister, this thing is really evil." Qingyun was a little scared. He probably couldn't deal with this mirror, and might even be eaten directly.

"Taotie, the fifth son of the dragon, one of the four ferocious beasts, is insatiable and wants to eat everything he sees. Now he is looking for food. This kind of dog should be killed." Su Mumu said nonchalantly.

Isn't it just a beast? Since it is causing harm to the world, then kill it.

If you can't kill the soul, then kill the clones, one by one.

"Is this okay?" Lei Bao asked in a low voice.

"Of course not. When you mature and Taotie's clone comes out, I will kill you. As for the feng shui of your study, I will leave it to my two senior brothers to change it. Lest you attract evil things again, if you hadn't accumulated virtue and done good deeds, If you have merit on your body, the female ghost will eat it for you early in the evening." Su Mumu had just looked at it with her spiritual consciousness, and there were many unclean things.

"Female... female ghost? Mu Mu, believe me, I don't know any female ghosts at all, and it's impossible for me to do these things. I am innocent, I, I, I really don't have one." Lei Bao can even accept being raped. eat.

He absolutely cannot accept a female ghost in his home.

"Tomorrow I will ask Father Shen to send someone to take care of your house. I don't know if the humble house will make people successful, but it will definitely be a lonely ghost. Look at the grass in your yard that is taller than the people."

"Besides, the water in the yard is stagnant and stagnant, and there are things under the water. You turned a good house into a ghost house." Su Mumu was really speechless. She couldn't understand the state of the scholar going crazy.

They have a Taoist temple and have no money, but their aura is still very good.

This guy is better off. He just stands at the door with a handkerchief and throws it at the ghosts, mountain spirits and monsters, "Uncle, come and play!"

It’s all like this, can those things come?

If it weren't for that jade pendant and his merits, even if his body wasn't eaten by gluttons, sooner or later he would be eaten by these ghosts.

"Mumu, don't be angry, I will listen to you." Lei Bao was so scared that his legs were shaking. He just wanted to be different from others.

Only by not caring about any material things can he achieve spiritual sublimation.

Who would have thought that I would provoke such a group of dirty people? Ah, it’s so scary and scary to think about it.

"Eighth Senior Brother, go to the Shen family and ask them to send twenty people to weed the first step." Su Mumu could not see any grass taller than her.

Not even one, huh!

People pass by the grass, but only the grass is moving and no one is seen. Doesn't she want to lose face?

"Okay, I'll go now." Aoki was very happy when he heard the call for foreign aid and left quickly from the roof.

Then, it fell to the ground. The roof of Lei's house was in disrepair for a long time, so it couldn't support a living person at all.

Except for Su Mumu's yard, only Lei Bao's study had been repaired, and the rest was in ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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