"Those who use the back door are those who use the back door. Even if the owner of the sword is so weak that he can't even tame the sword, it would be better to give it to us than to waste it on your hands!"

"It's really strange. This allows you to accidentally find a way to summon the sword with your spiritual power, and you can also be lucky enough to be the first to summon the sword. Before I came here, I heard a senior brother say that generally The first sword that appears is in the best condition, you are lucky, but your strength is really not worthy of it!"

Zhu Huan saw that all the disciples of Zimen were talking and wanted to come over and grab the sword in her hand. She said to Qin Shaoyuan in a weak voice: "Get out of the way and let them come and get the sword."

Qin Shaoyuan disagreed: "But this sword is obviously yours."

"It's okay, get out of the way."

Although she didn't know whether the sword in her hand was as good as they said, she was certain of one thing.

She really can't control it now, and the spiritual power alone is almost draining her dry.

Do you really want to take this back?When it was really time to use it, it was ready and she just cut it off. What the heck was that?

Seeing that she was still sensible, the disciples put away their hostile gazes and went to help Zhu Huan pull out his right arm.

Several people worked together to finally get out the sword, which was as heavy as a stone.

The sword was hidden in the scabbard. There was a lot of moss growing on the scabbard, and with the naked eye you could see a lot of rust covering the hilt.

There is no need to say much about the sword inside.

This is the first time that the disciples of Zimen have seen a sword in such poor condition.

But so what, since it is the first sword to appear, it must be extraordinary.

After getting the sword, you need to shed blood to identify its owner before it can meet the criteria for finding the sword and be sent out.

Zhu Huan saw that the sword was so ugly that he couldn't even think of letting it recognize its owner.

People are visual creatures, and it would be embarrassing for her to take such an ugly sword out. After her hand was pulled up, she tried to shake it away, trying to shake it off.

But it was like a dog-skin plaster, sticking tightly to her hand.

"Fellow disciples, see if you can release your spiritual power to attract it. You have also seen the current situation. It is that it does not want to leave on its own."

Zhu Huan didn't even hold the sword in his hand, and several people could see clearly.

Hearing this, everyone except Qin Shaoyuan rushed to release their spiritual power.

When the sword saw the spiritual power being released, it was like a dog that smelled the smell of meat buns. It hurriedly broke away from Zhu Huan's hand and went to absorb the spiritual power from the disciples one by one.

Without it, he continued to absorb spiritual power. Zhu Huan finally calmed down a bit. With the help of Qin Shaoyuan, he came out of the crowd and took a few pills to restore his spiritual power.

"Are you okay? According to what they said, in addition to this first sword, there will be new swords appearing one after another?"

Zhu Huan's face was still a little pale. He rubbed his cold round face and nodded.

"That's how it should be."

When she was playing games in her previous life, she heard her eldest son say that as long as he entered the Sword Lake, he could get a sword no matter how bad he was, but he didn't know when other swords would come out.

After coming out, Zhu Huan discovered that the mouth of the lake where she had been stuck with the sword began to stir, and several muffled sounds came from the water one after another. No matter how it looked, it seemed like more swords were coming out.


Several sword sounds broke through the air and reached everyone's ears, and then they saw several swords flying in all directions.

Zhu Huan had no fondness for the blood-sucking leech-like sword and had no intention of spending any time on it. Upon seeing this, he and Qin Shaoyuan went after other swords.

The remaining disciples recognized that the first sword was the best sword, and refused to move, continuing to guard it.Not long after, Qin Shaoyuan attracted a sword with its own fire after releasing his spiritual power. He opened the spiritual machine to identify it, and soon learned its detailed information.

"Fire Sword? It's not bad. It suits my prince's temperament."

When he got the sword, he didn't rush to shed blood to identify its owner. Instead, he helped Zhu Huan catch up with her favorite sword, which was made of transparent ice crystal.

Seeing that she was determined to win, Qin Shaoyuan asked her curiously: "Do you know anything about this sword?"

Zhu Huan shook his head sincerely: "I don't understand."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Don't you think it looks good?" The Lotus Fantasy Sword currently given to her by Wen Qi is very easy to use. If the main sword is strong, the secondary sword doesn't need to be so particular, as long as it looks good! !

Qin Shaoyuan was shocked. This was the first time he heard such a statement.

But if Zhu Huan wanted it, he would definitely help.

Her spiritual power had been absorbed by the leech sword before, but now that she could not stop the ice crystal sword, Qin Shaoyuan sent most of his spiritual power into her body to help her.

But the ice crystal sword was just like a small animal smelling something it didn't like to eat, it was completely indifferent.

Zhu Huan did not believe in evil, so he stopped it again and released his spiritual power with his palm.

This time, the ice crystal sword that had run away came out of the lake mist. It was obviously a sword, but it made Zhu Huan feel a sense of urgency and rushed towards her right hand.

Qin Shao saw the situation and felt stable, so he directly recognized the owner of the Fiery Sword with blood dripping, and asked Zhu Huan to hurry up.

Zhu Huan had already prepared by cutting her fingers, but she felt that the ice crystal sword flying towards her looked different from before.

She remembered that there was no moss on the scabbard?
As she thought about it, the sword quickly stuck to her finger, and her blood soaked into it to recognize its owner.

Before being teleported out of the Sword Lake, Zhu Huan seemed to see a group of disciples who were almost sucked into their bodies and rushed towards her with eyes wide open.

And in her right hand, there was a suffocating feeling that was about to drain her spiritual energy.
"Name taboo, the name given to the sword."

"Zhu Huan, the name of the sword is - Thousand Changes Sword."

Zhu Huan looked at the shabby sword in his hand that had turned into broken metal again, and almost gritted his teeth and said its name.

Damn it, who can tell her how she can be so shameless with a sword? She doesn’t want this ugly sword at all! !

"Thousand-Changing Sword?!" Elder Record raised his eyes and glanced.

The girl holding the sword had a round face and round eyes, and was wearing a silver-white robe of an inner disciple of the Sword Sect. She didn't know what she had just experienced, her face was as pale as paper, and her watery eyes were full of irritation.

She carries two swords on her back. The main sword looks to be entirely green, with a light green glow lingering around her body. As for the secondary sword,
Elder Record squinted his eyes and took a closer look at the scrap metal. After confirming that it was indeed the Thousand Transformations Sword, he took a deep look at Zhu Huan.

After she left, she used her wits to communicate with Lord Qingyang: "The Thousand Changes Sword has come out, and the sword owner is Zhu Huan, the disciple that Wen Qicai accepted."

Zhu Huan didn't know all this.

She walked out of the Record Hall, glanced melancholy at the ugly sword behind her, and took out her inspiration to leave a message to Wen Qi to cry out.

Wen Qi has two Lingji accounts. There have been too many messages on Zhu Huanling's machine recently and he can't be found, so he simply searched in the search bar.

The hidden one is the unused Lingji number, Zhu Huan remembers it clearly.

But when the search came out this time, both Lingji numbers turned on? !
Okay, the real big one is ready to appear again~

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