A perfect start, announcing that Zhang Ruanruan has moved from a poor household to a state of self-financing.

It is no longer like before. If you want to buy a larger object or start a new project, you have to borrow money from your parents.

After closing the seller interface of a certain product, Zhang Ruoruan's attention returned to the live broadcast room, and he saw that the barrage was saying "One hundred more copies".

Obviously, the majority are those who cannot grab it.

However, Zhang Ruanruan was helpless.

After all, the production of Anshenxiang is limited, and one hundred servings a day is almost her limit.

Any more would affect her cultivation, absolutely not allowed.

"Well... tomorrow night, at eight o'clock tomorrow night, another hundred copies will be released."

Zhang Ruanruan made a promise and then went off the air.

She had a headache due to excessive mental exertion and went to take a nap.


Three in the afternoon.

Zhang Ruanruan woke up in high spirits.

After waking up, she ate something briefly and then went out to find Lin Fengjiao.

Zhang Ruoruan needed to talk to her about many things, which he couldn't explain clearly on WeChat.

Zhang Ruoruan found Lin Fengjiao in the field.

She was weeding the cherry tomatoes.

Seeing this, Zhang Ruanruan helped him pull weeds and talk at the same time.

the first thing.

Zhang Ruanruan wants to hire Lin Fengjiao as his packaging worker.

From now on, An Shenxiang's express delivery will be packaged by her, and her salary is based on the piece, which is one yuan per piece.

Of course, Lin Fengjiao nodded in agreement immediately, faster than a chicken eating rice.

After all, for one yuan a piece, she could finish a hundred copies in almost an hour after getting familiar with it, and her hourly wage was equal to one hundred.

This is more than ten times better than many migrant workers.

The second thing Zhang Ruoruan said was about handmade brown sugar.Zhang Ruoruan needs Lin Fengjiao to complete the steps of purchasing sugar cane and squeezing it into sugar cane juice.

Of course, the packaging of the finished brown sugar will also be left to her in the future.

"Ruanruan, how about I work for you directly? You pay me a salary every month. If you need anything, just tell me directly. You don't have to go through the trouble of calculating everything separately."

Hearing Lin Fengjiao's suggestion, Zhang Ruanruan was stunned for a moment, and the speed of pulling weeds slowed down.

But if you think about it carefully, Lin Fengjiao's proposal is indeed a good one.

It can even be said to be a win-win situation.

Lin Fengjiao got a stable job and salary.

Zhang Ruoruan got a worker, so he no longer had to do the trivial matters himself.

"It's not impossible. Then... how about 8000 a month?" Zhang Ruanruan thought about Lin Fengjiao's future workload and her on-call working status, and gave her a very generous salary.

"OK, OK, OK."

Upon hearing this number, Lin Fengjiao was about to kowtow to Zhang Ruoruan. She was so excited that she could only nod and say yes.

In fact, it's no wonder that Lin Fengjiao was so excited. For a rural woman with no diploma and no skills, it was like a dream to get a job with a monthly salary of [-] yuan.

It can be the only one from all over the world.

After discussing some details again, Zhang Ruanruan left the farmland.

Riding her beloved electric bike to the courier station in the town.

Zhang Ruoran chose a courier station named Naduda.

directly reveal their identity.

It has to be said that the status of an Internet celebrity with millions of fans is very easy to use, and Zhang Ruanruan was quickly received by the person in charge of the site.

Then a one-year cooperation contract was signed on the condition of door-to-door pick-up for five yuan per order.

From now on, all Zhang Ruanruan's express delivery will be transported by Naduda.

After negotiating for express delivery, Zhang Ruanruan went to the printing shop in town to print out the contract with Lin Fengjiao.

Then he returned to the village and signed a contract with Lin Fengjiao.

In this way, Zhang Ruanruan got his first relatively formal worker.

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