Two incense sticks for 88 yuan!
Such a hot word instantly became a hot search topic.

At the same time, it also brings up a new topic, will you pay for high-quality sleep?
Click on the hot words and take a look. The first video is Zhang Ruoruan’s method of purchasing calming incense.

The number of comments below instantly exceeded [-].

But even Zhang Ruanruan was surprised that not many people scolded him.

And the one with the most popularity is actually a singer.

Xue Qianqian: There is a concert next month. Can you sell me a copy?I want to sleep better.

It has hundreds of thousands of likes, more likes than Zhang Ruanruan’s video.

Zhang Ruoruan was stunned for a moment when she saw it, because she had heard a few of this singer's works and quite liked them.

So Zhang Ruoruan replied immediately: "Okay."

Then I clicked a follow button.

Soon, Xue Qianqian returned to the customs.

And sent a private message with a WeChat account.

Zhang Ruoruan ignored it for the time being and continued to read the comments.

Insomnia: "Don't be too expensive. The soothing incense is so effective. This is a test product given to me by Ruianruan. I usually can't fall asleep. For the first time in the past five years, I fell asleep before twelve o'clock. And Sleep until dawn."

Attached are screenshots of Ruanruan privately chatting with her.

Not only did they suffer from insomnia, but two other netizens who received Zhang Ruoruan’s test products for free also posted comments and received many likes.

The three of them all received the experimental products sent to them by Zhang Ruoruan and have been trying them out for one night.

This is also the reason why Zhang Ruanruan delayed the launch of Anshen Incense until today.

We don’t need them to advertise, but we need their feedback.

Zhang Ruanruan was really relieved when she knew that all of them who were suffering from insomnia could fall asleep peacefully because of the soothing incense.

When I clicked on their profile, I found some comments calling them trolls, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the envy of other netizens.

"There is such a thing, I'm so jealous!"

"Envy +1."

"That's great, I also want Ruanruan to send me a test product."

"Look at me Ruanruan. I'm strong. You must come to me for experiments next time."

Occasionally, there were a few curse words, but they were quickly silenced.

"Yo yo yo, I can't help but gain fans so quickly."

"Huh? Are you okay! The limited edition of ten copies is also called harvesting fans? Anyone who has watched some live broadcasts knows that the price is not expensive."

"Production capacity limitations, time costs, and capital costs don't count? Or find a jail term! Really."

Under the favorable comments from netizens, the comment was quickly deleted by itself due to the pressure.

Zhang Ruoruan continued to read one comment after another.

Of course, she didn't do it to see netizens praising herself, nor did she want to see how netizens scolded her.

She is looking for the right client.

It is limited to 10 copies, and now there are 9 copies for sale in addition to Xue Qianqian, the most popular one.

Soon, Zhang Ruoruan saw a comment.

"Look at me Ruanruan. I have a very important interview on the 20th. I'm the type who doesn't suffer from insomnia at ordinary times, but will lose sleep when something urgent happens. So please, please sell me a stick of incense. Just one stick will do." , no need for two.”

Zhang Ruoruan nodded, this customer can be sold.

carry on.

In addition to reading comments, Zhang Ruoruan also reads private messages.

"Ruanruan, please, my boyfriend invites me to go shopping next week. I want to fall asleep early, otherwise I might die if I go to see him with a pair of panda eyes."

"Blogger, I want to buy a soothing incense for my mother. She has terminal cancer and has not had a good night's sleep for a year. My salary is not high, so the only thing I can do for her in this life is to let her sleep for once. I'm asleep." "..."

In the end, Zhang Ruoran selected 10 lucky users among the numerous comments and private messages.

These 10 users are eligible for video calls.

Only after Zhang Ruoruan's video call verification showed that they were not lying, Zhang Ruoruan would write down their addresses and ship the goods to them.

And this is also Zhang Ruoruan's kindness.

She could have gone directly to the display window and asked tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people to grab 10 copies of the Anshen Incense.

But she just did it too much and wasted her energy.

The purpose, of course, is to make it available to people who really need it.

As soon as the video call started, with Zhang Ruoruan's eyesight, he could tell whether he was lying or not at a glance.

Therefore, in the end, all 10 lucky users passed the assessment and obtained the final purchase qualification.

After all, Anshenxiang has not passed the test of the market. Those who posted the news at this time are those who truly believe in Zhang Ruanruan and are not scalpers for reselling.


"Do you think this is okay? I won't charge you any money. If you want Anshenxiang in the future, I will leave you a copy, but now you have to send me a signed one."

The last video call with Xue Qianqian was a bit special.

Zhang Ruoruan actually didn't charge any money.

"Hey, are you still my fan?"

Xue Qianqian was a little surprised, but also a little proud.

"I can only count half of it. But my best friend likes you very much and her birthday is next month, so you understand, right?" Zhang Ruoran smiled.

Face to face with a singer with thousands of fans, she didn't feel nervous at all.

"Okay! I agree to this deal." Xue Qianqian agreed, and there seemed to be additional benefits: "What is your friend's name? When is his birthday?"

"Feng Nuan Nian, December 12th." Zhang Ruoruan decisively sold Feng Nuan Nian.

"it is good."

After the video call ended, Xue Qianqian sent an address, and Zhang Ruoruan also sent an address.

As soon as Zhang Ruoruan's address was sent, he received a call from Feng Nuannian.

"What's wrong?"

"Me! I heard from the Qianqian friend group that Qianqian commented on your video?"

"hold head high."

"Ah! Then did you join him?"

"No, how could a big singer do this himself? It was all handed over by his assistant." Zhang Ruanruan decided to hide it from Feng Nuannian first.

"Oh, what a pity!"

The wind is warm and the year is gone.

Looking at the beeping cell phone, Zhang Ruoruan smiled and shook his head, then returned to the room to pack the Anshen Incense and prepare it for delivery.

As for the public opinion on the Internet, Zhang Ruanruan did not read it again.

Because that's useless.

No matter good or bad, Zhang Ruanruan doesn't care much.

Because she did so many things after she was reborn, just for fun, it doesn't matter if she succeeds or fails.

Just do whatever you want.


(Recent updates are a bit unstable. If you want to know the update status, you can join the group to check. If you can't write it out, I will tell you in the group and I won't open a single chapter to ask for leave.)
(The group number is in the introduction)

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