Chapter 8 Zhang Heihei and Zhang Juzuo

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian, one carrying a sack and the other carrying a rice bag, happily came out of their aunt's house and were ready to go back.

Before leaving, Zhang Ruanruan glanced at Chen Zijun's house number and silently wrote it down.

Because she will come again.

If Zhang Ruoruan remembers correctly, about a year later, Chen Zijun will have a disaster, which indirectly led to her death.

I remember that when the news came out, Zhang Ruanruan’s senior high school class exploded.

In this life, whether for the sake of his classmates or the four-eyed little black dog, Zhang Ruanruan will take action to prevent the tragedy from happening.


Zhang Ruoruan did not go back to the yard directly, but took a detour and went back to the town first.

"Ruanruan, what do you have in this bag?"

Lin Yuzhen was looking at the store. When she saw Zhang Ruoruan coming back with two bags hanging on the electric car, she couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Cats and dogs!"

Zhang Ruoruan got out of the car: "Mom, has Dad prepared the meal? And are there any unnecessary bowls at home? Give me four."

Zhang Ruoruan's goal this time is very clear, to give her cats and dogs a rice bowl and a drinking bowl.

And bring them for dinner today.


Lin Yuzhen went upstairs, dug out four stainless steel bowls of different sizes for Zhang Ruoruan in her kitchen, and put them in plastic bags.

Then, he used two white plastic bags to put two bowls of rice, a bowl of pork soup, three or four pieces of pork, and two pieces of pork liver.

"I don't even know how to raise cats and dogs myself, so I still learn how to raise cats and dogs."

Finally, when handing the things to Zhang Ruanruan, Lin Yuzhen did not forget to show her motherly nature and said a few words to her.

Zhang Ruoruan just smiled playfully and said nothing.

"Nuan Nuan, remember to come over and have dinner before going back tonight."

Then, Lin Yuzhen looked at Feng Nuannian again.

Zhang Ruanruan's family is very familiar with Feng Nuannian.

During the three years of high school, Feng Nuannian ate, drank, and stayed overnight at Zhang Ruanruan's house more times than he could count.

"Okay." Feng Nuannian nodded and waved to Chen Yuzhen from the back seat of the electric car.

Zhang Ruoruan twisted the handle and set off again.

In less than 10 minutes, the two returned to Qingping Village.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry." Feng Nuannian couldn't wait to get out of the car.She was afraid that if she delayed for too long, the cat and dog would be suffocated in the bag.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry."

Zhang Ruoruan raised his palm.

Compared to Feng Nuannian, she is obviously much more experienced.

First close the yard door, then pick up the rice bag with the kitten and enter the utility room.

The door is closed and the ventilation window is shut tightly.

Then I opened the rice bag with confidence.

As soon as the rice bag was opened, the little orange cat rushed out with a swipe and dived into the bottom of a cabinet.There is a mixture of dust and cobwebs inside, and the light is dim, but it can give the little orange cat a great sense of security.

"Let's go out."

Zhang Ruanruan has raised cats and knows the habits of garden cats.

After buying it, lock it in the room first, leave it alone, and let it bark for a few days.

After a few days, the kitten's voice became hoarse and she stopped meowing.

Usually at this time, the kitten that has not noticed the danger will slowly start to explore the things around it. At this stage, you can try to contact it, such as feeding food from a distance, or squatting from a distance. Just look at it.

Before this, you only need to provide food and water at a fixed location, and act as if the cat does not exist at other times.

Don't disturb her, and don't force her out for masturbation.

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian exited the room and closed the door.

Then, open the sack containing the puppy directly in the yard.

In terms of courage, adaptability to strangers and new environments, dogs are much better than cats.

Moreover, dogs cannot climb trees or walls. As long as the gate of the yard is closed, the puppy cannot escape even if the environment is not completely closed.

So Zhang Ruoruan can let the dog out in the yard with confidence.

"Uh-huh-huh." Maybe it's because Chen Zijun often plays with puppies. The little four-eyed dog who has changed to a new environment and new owner is not afraid at all. He crawled out of the sack and came to Zhang Ruanruan's house. at her feet, rubbing her ankles affectionately.

"Wow! It's not afraid of animals at all." Feng Nuannian also squatted down and gave the puppy a slurp that it couldn't refuse.

The puppy immediately waggled its tail and stumbled towards Feng Nuannian.

The next thing is simple.

Zhang Ruoruan took out the food given by her mother and divided it into proportions, then filled it with water.One in the kitchen and one in the utility room.

For safety reasons, Zhang Ruoruan finally locked the puppy in the kitchen with food and water, and released it tomorrow morning.

Because the puppy is still young, the fog is heavy at night, which is not good for the puppy's health, and if it rains, the puppy may not know how to run into the kitchen to hide from the rain.

After everything was done, Zhang Ruoruan took Feng Nuannian back to town.

"What are you going to name them?"

On the way, Feng Nuannian asked, holding Zhang's limp waist.

"Thought it out earlier."

Zhang Ruoruan's voice was clearly audible in the wind.

"Zhang Heihei."

"Zhang Juzuo."


back home.

Feng Nuannian and Zhang Ruoruan's family had a pleasant dinner together.

Then she played until nine o'clock in the evening, when her father came to pick her up.

Zhang Ruoruan room.

When she finally became clean, she started breathing and practicing without hesitation.

After a day of activities, the finger-long spiritual energy in her body trickled down, and only half a finger's length remained.It is consumed by nourishing the physical body and restoring strength.

This is cultivation, sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

Zhang Ruoruan started practicing.


the next day.


Zhang Ruanruan woke up leisurely after practicing until three in the morning.

I'm still a little sleepy, but it's just a minor problem and has little impact.

Zhang Ruanruan got up, washed up, and went out after breakfast.

The day's plan starts in the morning. She wants to patrol the fields at home before the sun gets too hot and check the growth status of the crops.

Riding an electric bike, Zhang Ruoruan returned to Qingping Village at a very fast speed.

After entering the yard and parking the car, Zhang Ruanruan first released Zhang Heihei from the kitchen so that he could have fun.

Then, go into the utility room to get a hoe and take a look at the situation of Zhang Juzuo.

It can be felt that Zhang Juzuo is still hiding in the shadows.

I looked at the rice bowl and water bowl and saw signs of slight movement.

There is more than half of the rice left, but not a single pork liver pellet is left among the rice.

Zhang Ruoruan was relieved.

Although I'm a bit picky about food, it's good if I can eat.

Zhang Ruanruan stopped interrupting and took the hoe and immediately exited the utility room.

In the shadows, Zhang Juzuo, who was tense and extremely nervous, slowly relaxed his body.

Then he continued to meow.

This is what all kittens do when they leave their mother cat, calling for their mother.

Only when he is exhausted, hoarse and his mother does not show up will the kitten understand that he will be alone in the future and learn to be strong and independent.


In the yard outside the door, Zhang Ruanruan went out with a hoe.

(End of this chapter)

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