The air next to the fish pond is a little quiet.

Ren Qian and Wang Xinru looked at Feng Nuannian with subtle expressions in their eyes.

That's it? That's it?
Is this what you said, you can pick 12 mangoes in an hour?

They didn't actually say anything, but the look in their eyes seemed to say everything.

"Ahaha... Ruanruan must have been secretly practicing tree climbing in the past five days. He wanted to give us a surprise." Feng Nuannian said weakly.

But the resentment between his eyebrows can almost feed ten evil sword immortals.

Smelly soft!And you didn’t tell me this trick earlier!
I want to break up with you for one minute!

While Feng Nuannian was having a fierce inner battle, Zhang Ruanruan on the tree changed his position again, grabbed another branch, and shook it violently.


There was the sound of mangoes breaking dead branches, and then dozens or twenty more mangoes fell to the ground.

Attractive mangoes were lying scattered on the grass. Ren Qian and Wang Xinru eagerly wanted to pick them up, but were stopped by Zhang Ruanruan on the tree: "Don't pick them up yet, wait until I finish shaking them, and you guys should stand farther away. "

After Zhang Ruoruan finished speaking, he continued to shake the third branch.

The mango tree has many branches, and at the end of each branch, there are varying amounts of fruits. Zhang Ruoruan shook them down one by one, and soon the ground was covered with mangoes.

Afterwards, Zhang Ruanruan got down from the tree.

The left foot and the right foot reached down alternately, and finally slid down with a whoosh while holding the trunk of the tree.

"Wow! Ruanruan, you are so awesome!"

Ren Qian and Wang Xinru clapped their hands in amazement.

Zhang Ruoruan's speed and skills in climbing trees are simply better than those boys who love to pretend.

Zhang Ruanruan knew this gossip, Feng Nuannian said it.

It was during military training. A freshman wanted to show off in front of the girls and ran to climb the green tree next to the playground. As a result, he fell and broke his leg. He was asked to visit the ward for a month.

Feng Nuannian still harbored a grudge against Zhang Ruanruan, and said angrily: "Not bad, not bad, next time Senior Brother will let you act."

The tone is more sour than the mangoes on the ground.

Zhang Ruoruan just smiled and ran to shake the second mango tree.

She didn't have to worry about Feng Nuannian being really angry.


Mutual harm is a privilege only good friends have.

"Let's pick mangoes!"

Feng Nuannian greeted Ren Qian and Wang Xinru to start picking mangoes, with a smile on his face.


Zhang Ruoruan shook four mango trees back and forth.

When coming down from the fourth mango tree, looking at Feng Nuannian and others who were still picking up mangoes from the second tree, the buckets were almost full. Zhang Ruoruan decided to go back and drive.

The fish pond can be reached by car, but you have to take a detour.

In this way, Zhang Ruoruan brought his newly purchased electric tricycle, along with several plastic baskets that had previously contained carrots.

All the mangoes were moved up, weighing not only 300 jins, but also more than [-] jins.

Afterwards, they picked about fifty or sixty kilograms of guava, and the four of them headed back home.

Back and forth, it only takes an hour and a half.

When I got home, I immediately started peeling the mangoes.

They chose a shade of trees in the yard and the four of them sat facing each other.

In front of the four people were several large basins of water.

That is used to hold the peeled mango.

There were ice cubes soaked in the water.

In this way, the peeled mangoes are thrown in whole and soaked for a long time without oxidation and deterioration.

Peel and peel.

Gossip while peeling.

"By the way, Li Huiying from our class was asked for WeChat in the cafeteria a few days ago."

"Did she give it?"

"Of course not." Ren Qian, who came from the north to study in college, shook her head: "My wife is not as tall as me, and I don't know where she got the courage."


"Chen Mingming asked me to borrow money yesterday."

"Ah? Did you borrow it? She came to me too!"

"No, they are all college students. She doesn't have money, and of course I don't either."

"What about you? Have you borrowed it?"

"Me too."


"It's so annoying. He sent me a message again. I don't want to pay attention to him at all."

"Is it the chicken claw man?"


"Milk tea man?"

"Not at all."

"Dumpling man?"

"The one I met in the cafeteria last time."

"Oh! Porridge man."

Feng Nuannian: "Speaking of white porridge, I'm a little hungry."

"..." "..."


Zhang Ruoruan: "Then prepare to cook first."


The four are ready to go.

Put on a hat, sleeves, and slippers.

It was a rare visit to the countryside, so Zhang Ruoruan naturally wanted to take them to experience things they couldn't experience in big cities.

Fishing and fishing.

You can play and you have to eat.

"Set off."

Zhang Ruoruan leads the way.

There were four people in the group, some with buckets and others with net bags.

Four young girls walked through the farmland, becoming a beautiful landscape.

After walking for about 15 minutes, a clear river appeared in front of the four of them.

The river is less than three meters wide, the water is very shallow and crystal clear.

As far as the eye can see, there are pebbles and large rocks everywhere.

"Wow! Are we catching fish and shrimps here?"

Ren Qian and Wang Xinru were both excited.

Fengnuan Nian was better because she and Zhang Ruanruan had been to this place since high school.

At that time, Zhang Yangyang was still leading the team.

"The water is still so clear."

Feng Nuan was familiar with the road, so he stepped into the water with his slippers on, only half his calf deep.

"Look at me."

Feng Nuannian turned around, waved his net bag proudly towards Ren Qian and Wang Xinru, and then plunged it into the water.

When I picked it up, I heard a crackling sound.

It's a river shrimp.

There were seven or eight more river shrimps in Feng Nuannian's net bag, flapping their bodies.

The big one is over five centimeters, and the small one is only one or two centimeters.

"Is this a river shrimp?"

Ren Qian and Wang Xinru approached curiously.

Zhang Ruoruan silently took half a bucket of water from the river and put it aside.

"Yeah! This stir-fried dish is delicious."

Feng Nuannian gave the two of them some popular science: "You can do the same later, facing the place where the water flow is slow and there is grass. Then pick out the big ones and put them in the bucket, and let go of the small ones."

"Yeah!" Ren Qian and Wang Xinru nodded vigorously.

It was the first time for both of them to do this, so they were inevitably a little nervous.

But the water here is very shallow, so don’t worry.At most, it's just a fall and wet clothes.

"Ha! I caught it!"

"I caught one too, mine is bigger."

"Wow wow wow, there are fish over there."

"I saw it too, hurry up and surround it!"

"Going to Nuannuan!"

"I copy!"

A burst of water splashed out, dazzling under the reflection of the sun.

When the water splash fell, a ten centimeter small fish appeared in Feng Nuannian's net bag.

"Goose goose goose...we caught it."

Laughter and laughter continued.

Moreover, the most important thing for girls to do when they go out to play is of course taking photos.

Just that fish, passed back and forth between the three people, took dozens of selfies.

When the little fish finally freed itself from the clutches and was put into the bucket, it was already swimming on its back.

"Yeah, it seems like he's going to die."

"Can such a small fish be put in a bucket?"

Regarding Wang Xinru's question, Feng Nuannian, who had once fished with Zhang Yangyang with Zhang Ruoruan, said: "It's not too small. This one is called white striped fish. The biggest one is this big."

While Feng Nuannian was showing off his little knowledge, Zhang Ruannuan walked over, the net bag in his hand tilted, and four or five fish fell down immediately, and more than 20 river shrimps fell into the bucket.

"Wow! So many! We have to work hard not to be held back!"

After half an hour.

On a relatively large yellow stone, four people, Zhang Ruanruan and others, were sitting in a row.

Roll up his trousers to reveal his white calves, with the soles of his feet soaked in the river.

"Look at the camera."

Ren Qian, who has the longest hands, is sitting on the far left, holding up her mobile phone with her left hand and making a scissors gesture with her right hand.

Others looked at the camera with smiles on their lips.

"Card wipe."

The picture freezes. (End of chapter)

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