Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

Now, Zhang Ruanruan has been lying around for two days, and the spiritual energy storage in his body has been significantly reduced.

However, the combination of work and rest is sometimes more difficult to make rapid progress.

As for the lost part, it can be replenished soon.

Zhang Ruoruan practiced all night.

In addition to restoring the spiritual energy state to its peak, the cultivation state is also better than before. The speed of absorbing spiritual energy is significantly accelerated, and the cells in the body are also more active.

In fact, this is not only true for cultivation, but also for learning.

There is a degree of relaxation and a combination of work and rest.

Blindly working hard may not be worth the gain sometimes.


the next day.

Zhang Ruoruan, who practiced until three in the morning, woke up at seven.

Feeling energetic and feeling refreshed.

"I seem to be a little stronger mentally."

Zhang Ruoruan smiled slightly.

Sure enough, mood is the most important.

Relax appropriately, be lazy and play with good friends, and essentially make yourself happy.

Only when you are in a good mood can you be motivated to do things.

"Well~, it's another day full of energy."

Zhang Ruanruan stretched and got ready to work.

She still has to prune the lychee branches today.

After breakfast, feeding the dog, feeding the cat, and watering the vegetables, Zhang Ruanruan went out.

"Ride my beloved motorcycle and he will never be stuck in traffic~"

Zhang Ruoruan hummed a song and faced the morning glow.

The flowers, bees, and butterflies on the road are all making way for her.

“Where are the big internet celebrities going to work again?”

When I turned the corner, I also met Zhang Fugui riding a 125 motorcycle.He had no idea about Zhang Ruanruan's popularity on the Internet before, but after watching Zhang Ruanuan's live broadcast that day, he became aware of Zhang Ruanuan's popularity.

"Go and prune the branches of Guiwei. You'll make a fortune next year from this."

Zhang Ruoran said with a smile.

"It smells like cinnamon!"

Zhang Fugui joked casually: "Speaking of which, I also have sixty or seventy osmanthus trees next to your house. Why don't you rent mine too? I just have too many things to do this year and I don't have time to take care of them."

Zhang Fugui also knew that Zhang Ruanruan had taken over Zhang Caihua's cherry tomatoes.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

"Okay, the rent is [-], but I'll pay you after picking the lychees next year, okay?" Zhang Ruanruan gave a number.

In Zhang Ruoruan's opinion, this number is only a lot more for ordinary people.

Sure enough, Zhang Fugui was too embarrassed to take advantage of Zhang Ruanruan, a junior: "It's too much. If Jianguo finds out about this, he won't smoke me with a chimney. I'll give you five thousand, and I'll plant it for you for a year."

"Okay, let's just say that." Zhang Ruoruan was serious.

Sixty or seventy cinnamon trees may be a fixed income for ordinary people, but for Zhang Ruanruan, it is a fixed amount of more than 20 to [-].

"Haha, no problem. Do you want to write a contract?" Zhang Fugui couldn't help but become serious when he saw Zhang Ruanyuan being so serious.

"No, I believe Uncle Fugui won't trick me." Zhang Ruoruan said with a grin.

"Haha, girls have sweet mouths. I'm at work. If you don't understand anything, tell me on WeChat."

Zhang Fugui went to work happily.

After being praised, the wind on the road is sweet.


And Zhang Ruanruan also came to the lychee field.

With yesterday's experience, she is familiar with the road today.

Communicate, then chop the branches.

The leaves of Guiwei are slender and densely packed, so from a distance, the crown of the tree looks like a group of green mushrooms, like broccoli.

But this is of no use.

Because the branches and leaves do not pay attention to the strength of the people. Too many people are not good.It will share nutrients and not be ventilated.

Therefore, Zhang Ruoruan went straight to the tree and cut off at least one-third of the branches.

Then after cutting down the branches, it wasn't enough, so I also made a few cuts on the tree.

Juice quickly flowed out of the open wound.

This step is called "releasing water" in rural areas.

Not only will this not kill the tree, but it will increase production the following year.

This is the wisdom of our ancestors. Although they cannot explain the scientific principle, they knew that doing this could increase production many years ago.


Today, Zhang Ruanruan started to feel slightly dizzy after visiting 42 lychee trees.

Sure enough, I feel better mentally, it’s not an illusion.

"It seems that communicating more with plants and pushing yourself to your limit can also improve your mental power." Zhang Ruoruan thought thoughtfully, as if he had found a way to improve his mental power.

This was the first time she knew this method.

Because she didn't have this trouble in her previous life.

When she awakened by listening to the sounds of plants in her last life, she was already a monk at the level of Qi refining, and her mental power was not enough.

There were 42 trees today and 36 trees yesterday. According to this progress, Zhang Ruoruan should be able to finish pruning her Guiwei lychees in five mornings.


in the afternoon.

Zhang Ruanruan was not idle either.

Live broadcast to dig holes for the audience.

Communication with lychee trees that have already been communicated with will not consume much energy, so Zhang Ruanruan can dig a fertilization pit for the lychee trees that have been communicated with.

Because the running range is so large, Zhang Ruoruan even bought a head-mounted camera for this purpose and put it on his head to give everyone a first-hand view.

This camera is a bit expensive, but Zhang Ruanruan can buy it interest-free for 12 installments.

Anyway, she will soon have enough money, and she can just pay it off after a while.

Moist poem: "Cinnamon-flavored lychee! My favorite!"

Sleep until you wake up naturally: "I'm a northerner who ate it once. It cost 38 per pound. It's not fresh yet. From now on, lychees are just a stranger."

If you see me, please ask me to answer the questions: "Ruanruan is really getting more and more skilled at digging holes."

Ah Bo eats too much: "Lychees are like this. There is no way. They lose their color in one day, lose their fragrance in the second day, and lose their color and fragrance in the third day. It is difficult to eat authentic lychees in the north, not even Yang Guifei."

Lychee, actually has nothing to introduce.

Even netizens who have never eaten it are familiar with lychee.

Therefore, Zhang Ruanruan worked the entire process without saying a few words about lychees.

Instead, it was more about chatting or introducing local animals.

Like now.


Zhang Ruoruan passed by a group of weeds between two lychee trees. Suddenly, a figure jumped out and jumped on the top of a weed.

Zhang glanced softly and immediately pointed the camera at it.

"Look, what I saw."

It was a small lizard with long palms and a red head and body.

Chameleon lizard, endemic to the south.

Also known as cockscomb snake and thunder snake.

Because it is said to have medicinal effects, it can dispel wind, activate blood circulation, and nourish and strengthen the body, so it has been classified as a rare species.

I remember when I was a kid, I could hear the sound of anoles crawling through the leaves while walking through the orchard.

Unlike now, you can only see it by deliberately going to remote mountains.
"Thunder Snake! I miss you so much."

"I remember this. There used to be a lot of grass in the village and they could climb the walls."

"This is so impressive. When I was a kid, I earned pocket money by catching him. Now that I think about it, I feel a little embarrassed."

"Huh? Punishment."



As usual, Zhang Ruoruan pruned the lychee trees alone in the morning and dug a fertilizing pit in the afternoon.

When passing by the persimmon tree, I would like to introduce my landmark to you.

"This persimmon tree has quite a story. It grew out of the core of the persimmon that my father ate."

"This is a variety here. Its scientific name seems to be oil persimmon. The fruit is not completely round, but somewhat square, so here we usually call it square persimmon."

"This square persimmon is very delicious. It is usually picked and soaked in water. It can be eaten when it is soft. It is very refreshing and sweet."

Passing by the persimmon tree, we naturally came to the vicinity of the hornet's nest.

Zhang Ruoruan walked over and took a look, and there was not a single wasp left.

It seems that I caught it clean enough that day.



An uneventful day.

Prune in the morning and dig holes in the afternoon.



Business as usual.

The only difference is that the work in my lychee field is finally finished.

At the same time, Zhang Ruoruan also has a specific number of lychee trees at home.

223 trees.

As for the sixty or seventy lychee trees rented from Zhang Fugui, we can only do it next Monday.

Because tomorrow Zhang Ruanruan will take Feng Nuannian to set up a stall to make money.

make up

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