Chapter 71 Cats North and South, Dogs and Things

The little white dog came to Zhang Ruanruan one step ahead of the little civet flower.

It's not a fight for favor, but a first test of Zhang Ruanruan's good and evil.

Zhang Ruoruan looked at the little white dog who was peeping his head, and took the initiative to stretch out his palm and hover it in front of the little white dog.

The little white dog's body obviously tensed up for a moment, then relaxed.

He stretched his nose and took a gentle sniff at Zhang's soft fingers.

There is a similar smell, but there is no similar smell of blood.

The little white dog's bright eyes lit up, and he rubbed his head against Zhang's soft hand.

Zhang Ruoruan also breathed a sigh of relief and patted the dog's head with a smile.

At this time, the little raccoon cat came belatedly.

Zhang Ruoruan repeated his old trick, first stretching out his hand to let him smell it so that he could remember his scent, and then he touched the cat's head with a smile.

It’s much faster than the first time I started playing Zhang Juzuo.

Stray cats and dogs are different from domestic ones. They are lonely and lack love for too long. As long as someone shows some trivial love to them, they will follow them wholeheartedly.

Just like those girls whose native families are not well-off, they think they have met true love after being treated with a little consideration in society, and wish to give their lives to the other person, but end up with a bloody head.

But fortunately, Zhang Ruanruan is not a scumbag, and she will not always give up.

"Then come with me."

Zhang Ruanruan squatted and slowly backed away, while licking his fingers at the cat and the dog.

A cat and a dog immediately followed with firm steps.


The little white dog seemed to have thought of it, and stopped suddenly, then quickly turned around and rushed into the grass next to the garbage pool.

Zhang Ruoruan was still thinking about why, when the little white dog rushed out again.

In his mouth was a doll almost as big as him.

The doll was dirty, and the original color could not be seen at all. Only the outline and two long ears could tell that it was a rabbit doll.

The little white dog just held the rabbit doll in its mouth and walked towards Zhang Ruanruan with difficulty.

Zhang Ruoruan understood instantly that this doll belonged to both of them.

Now, he wants to take him to Zhang Ruanruan's home.

They were abandoned stray cats and dogs, but not this rabbit.

"You want to take it with you, right? Then give it to me."

Zhang Ruoruan reached out to get it.

The little white dog hesitated for a moment, then let go and gave the rabbit doll to Zhang Ruanruan.

Zhang Ruoruan continued to retreat, returned to the side of the electric car, and placed the rabbit doll on the pedals.

Then, he also lifted up the little white dog and the civet cat.

A cat, a dog, and a doll are nestled on the pedals of an electric car.

Zhang Ruoruan got into the car and turned the handle.

The wind also moved, and the cats and dogs leaned closer together.

The garbage pool on the rearview mirror slowly receded and finally disappeared.

Kittens and puppies got on the electric car leading to happiness.


Zhang Ruoruan entered the yard, and Zhang Heihei immediately pounced on him.

Suddenly, the new customer stepped onto the scooter's pedal. He turned around and wanted to jump on, but Zhang Ruoruan grabbed him and stuffed him into the utility room and locked him up temporarily.

Zhang Ruoruan brought the little white dog, the little raccoon cat, and their rabbit doll to the faucet by the wall.

Get ready to give them a bath.

A red plastic tray was brought out and half filled with water.

Because the pipe is exposed, the water in the first half was very hot from the sun. Now that half of the water is installed, the overall temperature is just right.

Zhang Ruoruan put the kittens, puppies and dolls into the plate.

Because the temperature was right, the three little guys remained motionless and soaked in the water obediently.

"Behave and stay still. You can come out and play now that you're clean."

Zhang Ruoruan was wet with rain and dew, and all of them touched their heads.Let them soak for a while first.

They were so dirty and infested with lice.

While they were taking a bath, Zhang Ruoruan was playing with her mobile phone next to them.

I edited the video and photos I just took and sent them to my Kuaiyin account.

"My family, I picked up a cat and a dog, please name them."

Zhang Ruanruan ignored it and started bathing the three little guys with shower gel.

Maybe they also knew that they were very dirty, so the whole process of washing them went surprisingly smoothly.

Don't make any noise or scream, just let Zhang Ruoruan scrub and wash her.

While Zhang Ruanruan felt relieved, he felt a little distressed at the same time.

They are too sensible.

It was as if the poor child was afraid that if he made his stepmother unhappy, he would be kicked out of the house.

Lather, wash, rub, and rinse.

So, more than half an hour later.

Three brand-new little things appeared in front of Zhang Ruoruan.

The little tabby cat is still the same tabby cat, its fur is as shiny as new, and its face is no longer dirty.

But the little white dog has completely changed.

He, who was still gray-white before, seemed to have turned into a heroic white fox at this moment. There was no abnormal color on his body, only pure and flawless snow-white.

"So you are a Samoyed."

Zhang Ruoruan rubbed the little white dog's ears.

Pour the water out of the dish and put the kittens and puppies in it.

Hold them out under the bright sun and wipe their bodies with a dry towel while sunbathing.

After wiping is almost done, let them play in the water dish by themselves.

The kitten licked its own fur, while the puppy shook its body and shook the water at a speed that was blurry.

As for their rabbit doll, Zhang Ruanruan hung it with its ears clamped on a clothes hanger and hung it up to dry on the clothes drying pole in the yard. The cats and dogs could see it when they looked up.

While they were basking in the sun, Zhang Ruoruan took out her phone again and turned on Kuaiyin.

She wanted to see what name the netizen chose.

Click on the comment area of ​​the video, and one comment will reach the top.

10 likes, higher than Zhang Ruanruan’s video.

"What a touching cross-racial friendship! I hope the kittens and puppies can be like this for a lifetime. Then when it came to naming them, I looked carefully. In fact, when the blogger met them, their positions were already unknown. It forms its own name. You see, the kitten sits in the south and faces north. This is the auspicious position in our custom of Feng Shui. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, this means gathering wealth and prosperity. As for the position of the puppy, let alone Now, sit east to west, hehe, I understand everything. Finally, we can use their race as their surname, and then we can get their two names: Mao Nanbei, Dogthing!"

Zhang Ruoruan: "..."

If she hadn't seen it until the end, she would have really believed it.

Click on the comment for this comment.

"Fuck! I almost believed it just by looking at the front."

"Actually, when I saw the Compendium of Materia Medica, I felt something was wrong."

"Sitting from east to west, you know everything? I don't think you can make it up anymore!"

"You tell me where you live, and I promise not to beat you to death."

"Don't say it, you really don't say it, this name is good, I will change it to this couple name with my boyfriend later."


Although the process is nonsense, I have to say that the name was obtained quite well.

It's just that the last name isn't quite right.

Therefore, Zhang Ruanruan decided to use half of the two names with the highest likes.

Under the sun, Zhang Ruanruan rubbed the heads of the kitten and puppy.

Start with kittens.

"From now on, your names will be... Zhang Nanbei, and Zhang Dongxi."

(End of this chapter)

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