Chapter 63 Past events, wasp attack
Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian's relationship remains the same.

When you don't want to talk, don't say a word and play with your mobile phones without disturbing each other.

In the room, there was only the sound of the air conditioner vent and the crisp sound of the two chewing mangoes.

The two of them played like this until eleven o'clock noon.

"I want to eat that raw tilapia porridge."

Feng Nuannian suddenly raised his hand and said.

She didn't see Zhang Ruoruan's live broadcast, but she saw Zhang Ruoruan's recording and editing.

She was very interested in this eating method that was only described in Zhang Ruoruan's mouth.


Zhang Ruoruan readily agreed.

In fact, she had a headache about what to eat for lunch, but now that Feng Nuannian was ordering, the difficulty of choosing was eliminated.

Zhang Ruoruan went to wash the rice and make porridge first.

Meanwhile, take the tilapia fillets out of the refrigerator and defrost them.

Seeing Zhang Ruoruan working, Feng Nuannian couldn't sit still. He followed behind and asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Zhang Ruoruan thought for a while and realized that there was really something he could do in Feng Nuan Nian: "Go to the small vegetable garden in the yard and pull out two onions and two corianders, then wash them and give them to me."

"Roger it!" Feng Nuannian stood at attention and saluted.

There was a smile on his face, but his teeth were invisible.

She finally found a chance to show off the results of her military training.

Zhang Ruanruan didn't look at it.

He slapped her butt with his backhand: "You go."

After more than half an hour.

A pot of fragrant tilapia raw porridge is freshly baked.

"This scent is amazing."

Feng Nuannian filled a large bowl, took a deep breath, and was very satisfied with the fragrance.

"What shall we do this afternoon?"

Feng Nuannian asked while eating.

"Go to town and have some fun." Zhang Ruoruan replied.

Speaking of which, it's been a while since she was reborn, but she hasn't had a chance to play in the town.

Now is the time to take advantage of the warm weather and let’s go out for a walk together.

"OK." Feng Nuannian was not picky.

As long as she can eat when she wakes up, sleep after eating, and play when she wakes up, she can do anything.


At 02:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian woke up from their nap.

Take a shower and get ready to go out.

Although the sun is scorching now, it does not affect their desire to go out and play at all.

However, there is actually nothing to visit in the town. There is only a medium-sized park opposite the main entrance of a middle school.

Zhang Ruoruan drove Feng Nuannian in an electric car and planned to go there for a walk.

Because that was the school where she went to junior high school for three years.

Although the three years of junior high school did not leave many good memories, Zhang Ruoruan planned to go and have a look while he had nothing to do.

Have a snack on the way.

Early in the afternoon.

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian came to the school gate, parked their cars on the roadside, and walked around the shops at the campus gate.

There were pancakes, candied haws, octopus balls, beef offal and other snacks on hand.

"This beef offal only costs 15 yuan for such a small portion, which is quite expensive. I always wanted to buy it when I was in junior high school, but it was a holiday on Friday and I had no money."

Seeing the environment here again, Zhang Ruoruan couldn't help but think of interesting things from the past.

For ordinary junior high school students, 15 yuan for a snack is a bit of a luxury.

Therefore, after three years of junior high school, Zhang Ruanruan did not eat the offal that he had been craving for until he graduated.

It wasn't until now that she could buy it easily that she realized that it just tasted like that.

Maybe it's true that I wanted to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and drink it with me, but it didn't look like I was a teenager traveling.

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian bought a lot of snacks, but the portions were small. They finished them quickly and threw all the garbage into the trash can.

Then we walked into the park and strolled around.

When passing by a lawn with a buffalo statue.

"Hey, that buffalo statue! Is it the one you mentioned?"

"Which one?"

"Is it just a buffalo statue that a fat girl climbed up and then fell down and hit someone?" Zhang Ruanruan was stunned when he heard Feng Nuannian's words.

It seems that there is indeed such a thing.

When I was in junior high school, my class seemed to have organized some activities and came to this park.

Then, a fat girl in the class climbed up the buffalo statue, accidentally fell down, and hit a girl who often targeted Zhang Ruanruan.

What's that girl's name?

Li Fei'er?
It seems to be the name.

Zhang Ruanruan didn't expect that she would still remember something she mentioned to Feng Nuannian one night in high school.

"You still remember."

Zhang Ruoran smiled.

"Of course I remember!" Feng Nuannian's eyes sparkled: "I don't know how happy you were at that time. I felt very relieved when I heard it! Hey, you dare to bully my weakling, but you can't kill her!"

In order to increase his momentum, Feng Nuannian waved his fist as he spoke.

"Bullying, that's targeting." Zhang Ruanruan corrected.

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is." Zhang Ruanruan said: "Bullying is something that has already happened, but targeting is bullying that has not been successful."

"Okay." Feng Nuannian nodded.But I was still happy.

Because this shows that although Zhang Ruanruan didn't have many friends during the three years of junior high school, he was not bullied.

As expected of my softness.

One person isolates an entire grade.


After visiting the park, Zhang Ruanruan took Feng Nuannian to the market in the town.

I bought some meatballs and vegetables to make oden tonight.

With a large bag of stuff hanging on the handlebar, the two strolled home.

Of course, we stopped at many places along the way, such as Zhang Yangyang’s milk tea shop.

"Two portions of burnt grass jelly are packed, and you pay for them."

This is the message Zhang Ruanruan sent to Zhang Yangyang in advance.

So when the two of them arrived at the store, Chen Li had already prepared the burning grass jelly.

She knew it was soft, so she specially added a lot of ingredients.

"Thank you, Sister Lili."

Zhang Ruanruan smiled sweetly, picked up the things and left.

Zhang Yangyang, who was sitting in the corner with his girl in a row, slowly raised his head, but only saw the back of Zhang Ruannuan leaving.


Slowly put out a question mark.

Thanks to whom?

It's obviously the money I gave you!

Zhang Ruanruan and the two went home.

Passing by the entrance of the village, you can see a row of chattering grandparents sitting under the shade of trees.

It was the village's intelligence organization, and it knew everything about the village, including its private affairs and gossip.

Zhang Ruanruan smiled at them generously and sped past.

As a result, their conversation suddenly changed from gossip to talking about Zhang Ruanruan's childhood, and even scenes from Zhang Jianguo's wedding. They were chattering non-stop.



Zhang Ruoruan parked the electric scooter and was about to pick up the bag on the handlebar when he suddenly heard an unusual sound coming from behind the house.

The buzz of bees.

But it's too big.

Under normal circumstances, bees coming in and out are not that loud.

But now it is so loud, as if there are many bees gathering at the door of the hive to fight.

"There's something wrong with the sound. I'm going to check on the bees."

After Zhang Ruoruan finished speaking, he ran towards the back of the house.

Feng Nuannian didn't realize it and quickly followed him.

Behind the house, the beehive.

At this moment, a large number of bees are waiting at the entrance of the beehive.

In the air in front of them, three or five wasps, several times the size of bees, were flapping their wings and hovering.

(End of this chapter)

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