Chapter 6 Planning, Fried Chicken, and Coke

The wild grass, which is half a man tall, has withered and turned yellow due to the hot weather.

Zhang Ruoruan went down with the hoe and easily cut up the weeds.

Then they are hooked to one side and piled up. After drying, they can be used as firewood.

In this way, Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian spent an hour roughly removing the weeds in the yard.

There are only a few fish no more than finger-high that have slipped through the net.

Zhang Ruoruan didn't do it so meticulously and left some grass to embellish it, which made the ground look less lifeless.

"Phew! The shoveling is finally finished!"

Sitting directly on the cement floor in the windy year, although there was no direct sunlight under the trees, the sweat did not stop at all.

Zhang Ruoruan sat next to her, took out a tissue and gave it to Feng Nuannian, wiping the sweat together.

"Take a break for 10 minutes and wash things later."

Zhang Ruanruan would not be polite to Feng Nuannian.I asked her to come here today because she is doing hard work.

"I know." Feng Nuannian is still reliable at critical moments.

She took a tissue and wiped her face first, then her forehead, and then stuffed the tissue into her back collar to absorb the sweat.

Zhang Ruoruan did the same thing, and then the two of them leaned back and supported the ground, looking at the brand-new yard, with smiles full of accomplishment on their faces.

Think about how overgrown it was an hour ago, and look at it now, it's like a sky and an earth.

"The two of us are so awesome!"

The pride on Feng Nuannian's face shone like gold.

10 minute later.

After taking a deep breath, Feng Nuannian stood up and took a picture of the yard again with his mobile phone.

Afterwards, he and Zhang Ruoruan walked into the kitchen.

Because of the chimney, after the kitchen is ventilated for a while, the air will be much better.Although the air is not as fresh as the outside, it is at least enough for people to stay there.

Feng Nuannian, who has an urban household registration, looked at it curiously. It was a rural-style kitchen, with both earthen and gas stoves.However, because they have not been used for many years, they are all covered with a thick layer of dust.

"Is this a wood-fired one? I've seen it on TV."

Feng Nuannian squatted in front of the earthen stove.

"Well, you haven't used it yet. I'll let you light the fire and play with it after I move in."

Zhang Ruoran smiled.

"Okay, okay."

Feng Nuannian has been yearning for this scene for a long time.

It was a cold winter day. She was sitting on a small bench, adding firewood to the stove one by one.The firewood made a crackling sound, the firelight reflected in her pupils, and the smoke from the chimney curled up.

It's really beautiful just thinking about it.

"But it's troublesome for you to cook for just one person."

Feng Nuannian discovered a blind spot.

The earthen stove's pot is so big that Zhang Ruoruan's rice can't even cover the bottom of the pot.


Regarding this point, Zhang Ruanruan has already had a countermeasure.

"I have already thought about it. When I get a dog and a cat, I can cook more and won't be afraid of wasting it."

It is indeed difficult to cook food for one person, but Zhang Ruanruan can raise pets to eat together.Not just cats and dogs, but chickens and even pigs.

In rural areas, you are not afraid of cooking too much, but you are afraid of cooking too little. Anyway, it will never be wasted in the end.

What is this called?There’s always a meal that’s right for you!
"Wow! You are both a cat and a dog at such a young age, you deserve to die!"

Feng Nuannian was extremely envious.

Rural atmosphere, a small independent yard, and both cats and dogs. This is the retirement life she dreams of.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ruanruan actually avoided 40 years of detours.

So cunning!


In response, Zhang Ruoran just smiled and said nothing.

As a reborn immortal cultivator, it is reasonable to take 40 years less detours than ordinary people!
Do hygiene, do hygiene...

in this way.


After more than an hour.

"It's done!"

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian clapped their hands, the dust flew up, and they were done.

Because there are not many things to do in the kitchen, just dust and sweep the floor.

As for the pots and pans specially used for earthen stoves, Zhang Ruoruan soaked them in tap water and then washed them tonight or tomorrow.

Yes, even though it is a rural area, every household has access to running water.

"I'm hungry."

At this time, Feng Nuannian touched his belly.

Counting the time, it's now past noon.

"Okay, then I'll order a fried whole chicken."

Zhang Ruoruan took out his mobile phone. "Hey? Can we order takeout here too?"

Feng Nuannian looked surprised.

"Of course." Zhang Ruoruan nodded: "But you have to pay more."

With that said, Zhang Ruoruan opened the map of bad ethics.

Search for the word fried chicken.

The screen refreshed and showed that there was a fried chicken restaurant named Bingjie Fried Chicken four kilometers away.

Zhang Ruoruan clicked on the fried chicken restaurant and could see the specific address and contact number.

Zhang Ruanruan called directly.

"Hi, hello, Sister Bing's Fried Chicken Restaurant." The boss's voice sounded like a young married woman.

"Hello boss, I want a fried whole chicken, a honey chicken, and two bottles of Coke to be delivered to Qingping Village." Zhang Ruanruan said concisely and to the point.

"This is a bit far." The boss obviously knows the way.

"I'll add a ten-dollar red envelope, and you can deliver it to me. Just deliver it to the entrance of the village. I'll wait for you at the roadside." Zhang Ruoruan used his money ability.


The effect is outstanding.

Four 10 minutes later.

Zhang Ruoruan drove Feng Nuannian to the entrance of the village in an electric car and met with the proprietress of Sister Bing's fried chicken shop.

"Have you brought the goods I wanted?"

Feng Nuannian pressed the visor of his helmet.

"I brought it, you can inspect the goods." The proprietress is young, a former white-collar worker who returned to her hometown to start a business, and is also an actress.

Feng Nuannian took the paper bag and took a deep breath.

"Well, the taste is pure enough. It's a good product. Ergou, give me some money."

Feng Nuannian patted Zhang Ruoran's helmet and made a clanging sound.

Zhang Ruoruan: "..."

Momo took out his mobile phone and scanned 46 yuan for the proprietress.

Two whole chickens cost RMB 30, two bottles of Coke cost RMB 6, and there is an additional ten yuan for travel expenses.

Then, he headed back home.

Zhang Ruanruan's home, her future courtyard.

Zhang Ruoruan carried the recently cleaned small table and stool out of the kitchen and placed them in the shadow cast by the mango tree.

Sitting opposite to Feng Nuan Nian.

In front of the two of them, there was a fried whole chicken with crispy skin and a whole chicken with honey sauce, which were smelling fragrant and white.

I unscrewed the Coke and felt the cold air coming out of the bottle.


The two touch...bottles.

On a hot day, start with a sip of cold and exciting Coke, which is simply not too refreshing.


Feng Nuannian looked intoxicated.

She drank a lot of expensive red wine and imported drinks.

But in the end, I still felt that this three-yuan bottle of Coke was the most enjoyable.

"Come eat chicken legs."

Zhang Ruoruan put on disposable gloves and grabbed the drumsticks of the honey-glazed chicken.

Feng Nuannian understood this and reached out to grab the other leg of the Honey Sauce Braised Chicken.She did not wear gloves because she found them uncomfortable.

Then, Feng Nuannian took out his mobile phone and recorded a video, focusing the camera on the honey-glazed chicken.

"Eat as much as you want, 3, 2, 1, let's start!"

As the countdown ended, Zhang Ruanruan and Feng Nuannian used their strength at the same time to pull the drumstick.

In an instant, the entire honey-glazed hand-braised chicken was split into two.


Feng Nuannian called out.

the first time.

This is the first time.

It was the first time that they divided the honey-glazed hand-braised chicken so evenly.

In the past, either Zhang Ruanruan lost or Feng Nuannian lost. One time, Feng Nuannian only tore off a chicken leg bone, making Zhang Ruanruan fall off the chair with laughter.

"Come again, come again."

After the two of them tore into the honey-glazed hand-braised chicken, they also tore into the crispy-skinned fried chicken.

This time, Feng Nuannian lost. She only pulled off a chicken leg, while Zhang Ruannuan pulled off a quarter of the fried chicken.

"Jie Jie Jie, I won."

Zhang Ruanruan showed a winner's smile.

Under the shade of the trees, girls, fried chicken, and Coke form a peaceful and far-reaching picture.

(End of this chapter)

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