After hearing the voices of plants, farming in the countryside exploded

Chapter 46 Homemade fishing rods, lotus leaf tea for weight loss

Chapter 46 Homemade fishing rods, lotus leaf tea for weight loss
Making friends out of nothing is vulgar.

But it works really well.

At least Zhang Ruanruan’s online persona is established.

Good looking, able to fight, hardworking and with people behind him.

If it is said that appearance combined with any card is the best, only playing alone is a dead end.

Then Zhang Ruanruan now has her own Wang Zha.

Her outstanding appearance brings her many temptations that ordinary people cannot refuse.

But because she has "people" behind her, Zhang Ruanruan has the confidence. It is this confidence that supports her to dismiss all temptations.

Zhang Ruoruan believed that if she gave up her current position to an ordinary girl, [-]% of the time she would be unable to hold it in the end.

No way, the temptation is too great.

If you click on any private message, there are words starting with "million".

Those media companies were like crucian carp crossing the river, changing their ways to send private messages to Zhang Ruanruan.

As long as you sign a contract with them, you will be given a signing fee of 100 million.

There are also various temptations of "CPDD".

When Zhang Ruoruan just released the clarification video, he also received many dating applications from big bosses in free shipping areas.

Give her a car, an apartment, and a monthly allowance of 20, [-], or even [-] yuan.

As long as I stayed with them for three years, all of this was Ruanruan.

If she were an ordinary pretty girl, how could she withstand the bombardment of sugar-coated bullets?
That is Zhang Ruan Ruan Neng.

However, I believe that after Zhang Ruoruan reveals his "backstage" in this live broadcast, these private messages will be restrained.

If they don't restrain themselves, Zhang Ruanruan will only make them famous.

"Okay, let's end the live broadcast here first. We'll see you in the afternoon."

Zhang Ruanruan ended the live broadcast.

Went for a nap.


At 03:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Ruoruan slowly woke up.

After waking up, she didn't have to do anything in a hurry. She just sat in a daze for a while, and then went to play with Zhang Heihei and Zhang Juzuo.

After playing, I ran to the back of the house to look at the bees.

At this time, the bees have completely settled down.

At the entrance and exit of the beehive, worker bees were already coming and going, busy diligently.

Looking at them, Zhang Ruoruan thought of himself.

If he were not a reborn person, he would probably be like a bee, not daring to rest for a moment.

How could it be as leisurely and elegant as it is now?

While looking at it, Zhang Ruoruan suddenly caught a glimpse of a nest of ants in the corner one meter away.

These are small black ants, not an invasive alien species.

Although the sun is scorching now, they are as hard-working as bees.

The small body ran back and forth, carrying food several times larger than itself.

Zhang Ruoruan suddenly smiled, moved a few bricks, and surrounded the nest of ants.

She decided.

Pet +1.

She will keep this nest of ants from now on.

After fishing like this for a while, Zhang Ruoruan's cell phone rang.

It was the driver who delivered sheep dung. Since he had delivered it once, he did not ask Zhang Ruoruan to lead the way this time, but asked if it was unloaded at the same location as last time.

Zhang Ruoruan said yes.

Then I added the uncle’s WeChat account and transferred 2850.

This is an amount of 15 tons.

It costs 190 yuan per ton, which is ten yuan cheaper than when Zhang Ruoruan first bought it.

The uncle who received the money replied with a thank you and welcome to buy again next time.

As he was driving the tractor back, he had no idea that the WeChat account he had just added was the contact information that millions of people on Kuaiyin requested.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ruanruan decided to start the live broadcast this afternoon.

The title is: Fishing today and making dinner by the way.

The live broadcast started, and the picture showed a soft courtyard floor, but no one showed up yet.

The live broadcast room began to flood into a large number of viewers who had already been there.

"I'm coming."

"What kind of work are you doing today?"

"Where's soft?"

"Today's fishing? Really fishing? Or fishing?"

"The yard of Ruanruan's house is really nice, big enough, but it lacks facilities. If we could get a grape trellis with a coffee table underneath, it would be so comfortable!"

The barrages chatted with each other for 5 minutes before Zhang Ruoruan appeared in front of the camera.

She put on her signature sunglasses while holding a small hammer and an embroidery needle.

This embroidery needle was taken from an old cabinet and is a bit rusty. It should have been left behind by my grandparents.

"Ruanruan, are you going to make... a fishhook?"

"The fisherman is ecstatic!"

It has to be said that fishing guys are really everywhere nowadays, and Zhang Ruanruan's intentions can be seen at a glance. "Bingo! Correct answer."

Zhang Ruoruan nodded and sat down in front of the camera: "I'll make a fishhook and I'll go catch some fish in my fish pond for dinner."

With that said, Zhang Ruanruan bent down, placed the embroidery needle on the brick, and started tapping.

The barrage's attention was attracted by Zhang Ruoruan's words just now.

"My fish pond."

"I'm rude. I've met the pond master."

"I now announce that the fish pond at Ruanruan's house has been contracted by me."

"Excuse me, I thought it was a poor girl starting a business, but it turns out it is the pastoral life of the rich second generation."

Once Zhang Ruoruan starts doing something, he will concentrate on it.

After 15 minutes, she finally made the embroidery needle into a satisfactory fishhook shape.

Then, tie it with a small white string.

This rope is the sealing rope on the rice bag. After being straightened, it is about 1.5 meters long.

After tying the fishhook, Zhang Ruoruan picked up the live broadcast bracket and set off for the next destination.

bamboo forest.

"I bought another 15 tons of sheep manure today. I will cover it first."

Zhang Ruoruan showed everyone her new sheep dung.

This feeling is a bit strange, because the bond between her and netizens is because of sheep dung.

The barrage also mentioned the words "never forget the original intention".

Zhang Ruoruan covered the sheep dung and let it slowly ferment on its own.

This time Zhang Ruanruan was not in a hurry to use it, so he didn't interfere too much.

Zhang Ruoruan walked towards the bamboo group.

She came with a woodcutter, selected a slender piece of bamboo that was half as thick as her thumb, and cut it in one stroke.

Build it up, leaving a length of about two meters.

This is her fishing rod.

Then, Zhang Ruanruan used the woodcutter as a hoe and dug into the moist black soil for a while, and dug out seven earthworms more than ten centimeters long.

Putting the earthworms into a disposable plastic cup, Zhang Ruoruan turned around to get the phone holder.

"Let's go to the fish pond now."

Zhang Ruoran said with a smile.

Speaking of which, after returning from rebirth, this was the first time she went to see the fish pond, and she didn't know how abandoned it was.

Zhang Ruoruan's home has two fish ponds, which are connected together.At that time, Zhang Jianguo rented it for 20 years at a very cheap price on a whim.

It's only been seven or eight years now, and Zhang Jianguo doesn't care.

There is no way, fish farming is risky, hard work, and not profitable.

You may even have to lose money.

No one can stand it.

Zhang Jianguo naturally thought about subletting it out, but people nowadays are not stupid. Seeing him losing money, people will naturally not be stupid enough to enter the breeding industry.

So the fish pond was abandoned.

But there are still fish inside. After all, Zhang Yangyang goes fishing with his friends from time to time.

Zhang Ruoruan took the things and walked through the farmland to the fish pond.

The fish pond was abandoned and surrounded by weeds. Zhang Ruoruan looked at it for a while before finding a gap and walking onto the dam of the fish pond.

Up here, the whole picture of the fish pond appears in front of everyone.

The two fish ponds are connected, almost the same size, but one is higher and the other is lower.

And the water flows downward.

Therefore, the water area of ​​any fish pond on high ground is very small. Only the center still has water, and the edges are so dry that they are cracked.

Seeing the abandoned fish pond in such a state, Zhang Ruanruan not only did not regret it, but said happily: "This fish pond has shallow water and lots of mud, which is perfect for planting lotus. Next year, I will plant them all." .”

The barrage agreed.

"This is good. The lotus flowers are beautiful and you can eat lotus roots."

Zhang Ruoruan shook his head: "The layout is too small. What's the use of beautiful lotus flowers? What's so delicious about lotus roots? What I want to plant is a brand new variety developed by my friend. No flowers or lotus roots, just lotus leaves."

Someone on the barrage also understood this: "So, you make lotus leaf tea?"

"That's right." Zhang Ruoruan nodded: "But my lotus leaf tea is not ordinary. If I drink this and do some exercise, even a [-]-pound fat person can lose weight."

Hearing Zhang Ruoruan's words, the barrage was stunned, and then fired 666 wildly.

"Zundu is fake?"

"I only weigh three hundred pounds. If you can really help me lose weight, I'll call you mom."

"9.9 free shipping to make friends?"

"Is this the research result of an independent research institute? Looking forward to it!"

"I just checked, lotus leaf tea does have many effects, such as clearing heart fire, calming liver fire, purging spleen fire, lowering lung fire, clearing heat and nourishing the mind, lowering blood pressure and diuresis, astringing fluid and antiperspirant, stopping bleeding and fixing essence, and weight loss, but It should all be a gimmick, right? Otherwise, the world would already have thinner dogs per capita."

"I've also drunk lotus leaf tea, but it's not that amazing."

"That's right, lotus leaf tea is not that amazing. The anchor is about to start harvesting leeks."

As the barrage continued, they were divided into two groups.

One group supports Zhang Ruanruan, and the other group feels that Zhang Ruanruan is going to start harvesting the fan economy.

(End of this chapter)

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