Chapter 33 Zhang Ruoruan’s emergency escape

Upon hearing that Zhang Ruanruan was about to cancel the broadcast, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became uneasy.

Jumped 1.8 meters: "No! Let's sow hemp for a while longer!"

Maomao is not arrogant: "Yes, you can broadcast it when your mobile phone has power. You go about your business, and we will watch ours."

Cappuccino: "Don't download the broadcast +1. Although I can't see the face, listening to the host's chat gives me the feeling of being a master from this world. I like it very much."

18-year-old stunning stepmother: "Coincidentally, I feel the same way. Just looking at the scenery and listening to the anchor's voice makes me feel like the anchor is not like a common person. She has a feeling that she has no desires and desires and can do whatever she wants."

Mediterranean is a hairstyle: "Everyone in the world is chasing profit, and young people like anchors are rare."

3Z77: "I watched it for three to 10 minutes without realizing it. The anchor's content seemed to have no nutrition, but somehow it was very comfortable to watch. Maybe it's because I have been in the big city for a long time, and I like this kind of tranquility and far-reaching, without thinking about anything. a feeling of."

I’ll show you the picture: “We don’t sell goods, and we have turned off the reward function, so the anchor is actually a rich second generation embodying rural life?”

Zhang Ruoruan has been watching the barrage, and now she finally sees an answer that suits her.

"The anchor is not a rich second generation."

Zhang Ruoruan said slowly: "My family can only be regarded as an ordinary family. We have no worries about food and clothing, but it has nothing to do with wealth. My brother has a car, which seemed to be 15 at the time, and my father also has a van, which should be Less than fifty thousand.”

"My family doesn't have a house in the city, so I usually live in a self-built house in the town."

"My mother is a fruit seller, and my father does all kinds of work. He may be selling people today, or he may be selling goods tomorrow."

"As for my brother, you should all know that he sells milk tea. I see that many people in the barrage have just come from my brother's live broadcast room."

"This is pretty much the situation in my family. I believe you have already made a judgment about what level of family it is."

Zhang Ruanruan directly exposed the family fortune with almost no reservations.

After hearing such a detailed family introduction, the barrage clicked 666 times.

A lonely pineapple: "Wow, wow, she really cares about me, and she can't wait to introduce her family members to me."

Hate 7 Celery: "Honey, I have three people in my family. My parents both work. I am also a civil servant. Do you think this is okay? By the way, I am also a girl."

I was already a salty fish: "Why is it a bit strange? Is the anchor so honest? When others ask casually, he tells everything?"

Zhang Ruoruan looked at Xianyu's barrage and just smiled.

Is she so honest?Of course it's impossible.

Zhang Ruoruan naturally had her own purpose in doing this.

That is, take off your mysterious veil!

A person who has been on hot searches all day long has too many hot spots to exploit.

Zhang Ruoruan’s family background, Zhang Ruoruan’s life experience, why Zhang Ruoruan made the decision to return to her hometown to farm, and even how Zhang Ruoruan turned over manure.

You can rub it, you can rub it.


Now with Zhang Ruanruan's simple live broadcast, it seems that there is nothing left to take advantage of.


On a certain section of highway heading to a famous city.

A black nanny car was driving rapidly above.


A scream came from inside the car!
"Ahhh! Why did she start a live broadcast?!"

At this moment, Zhang Ruoruan's live broadcast was playing on a small tablet held by a middle-aged man in the car.

But unlike other people watching the live broadcast, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth.

Especially when she heard Zhang Ruoruan honestly speaking about a series of issues such as her family situation, she was so angry that she punched the armrest of the seat.

Gone, all gone.

These are the interview words they prepared!

"Then... then supervisor, are we still going to Mingcheng?"

Next to the middle-aged man, the female secretary asked timidly.

"What the hell!"

The middle-aged man looked irritated: "Turn around and go back to the company, edit her live broadcast and send it out as news. You should have all recorded it, right?"

There is more than one car like this on the highway.

In addition to the so-called self-media journalists, there are also various small Internet celebrities.

Their goal is the same, that is Zhang Ruanruan from the famous city.

But now, everyone has broken through Zhang Ruanruan's live broadcast. "No, she must be sick!"

Why don't you follow the routine?

They have already written the script.

The girl went viral on the Internet and was followed by thousands of people. The first reaction must be to panic and hide at home, afraid to see the talent.

Then it was their turn to appear.

First of all, the live broadcaster blocked the live broadcast in front of Zhang Ruanruan's house and pointed the camera at the window of Zhang Ruanruan's room.

"Old Tie 666, if a plane hits a pebble, if she gets 100 million followers, I will just climb through her window!"

The news reporter interviews Zhang Ruanruan's neighbors or villagers.

Then, dozens or hundreds of passers-by dictated a complete Zhang Ruoruan, which together generated [-] hot searches a day.

At this time, those who engage in live broadcasting should not be impatient, they will also share in the hot searches.

Because their long-term presence in front of Zhang Ruanruan's home will definitely affect the lives of nearby residents. By then, conflicts, quarrels, and even fights will be normal.

Then the hot search is coming, isn’t it?

Don't care if it's embarrassing or not, just ask if you are hot.

After that.

The overwhelmed Zhang Ruoruan finally showed her face, crying and saying that she was sorry for her neighbors and that it was her own fault that had affected them. She hoped that everyone would stop blocking the door and live broadcast, and that she would return to normal life.

As soon as this video came out, the Internet was bound to be in an uproar.

Countless passers-by rushed in and scolded the Internet celebrity who blocked the door for the live broadcast.

Later, the internet celebrity who broadcast the video apologized.

Before leaving, he even live-streamed cleaning the front door of Zhang Ruanruan's house and bought fruits for the affected neighbors to apologize to them.

A wave of whitewashing.

As for what happened next, of course Zhang Ruanruan signed a contract with an Internet celebrity company, made a lot of money with live broadcasts, and then the popularity faded and disappeared from the Internet, as if he had never been here.

How nice it is.

It took up to half a year to go back and forth, and everyone made money.

But now, everything has come to nothing with the launch of Zhang Ruanruan.

Because she took off her own mystery herself.

Is a girl digging in poop a sign of moral decay or a distortion of human nature?

No one is not curious.

Everyone is waiting to learn the truth behind the matter step by step.

And this process of understanding is sometimes more important than the truth.

Because people are cheap, just enjoy this feeling of you hiding and me chasing.

The less you want me to know, the more excited I get.

It's definitely not like this now. Netizens asked one question, and Zhang Ruoruan answered three questions directly, revealing all her family fortune for everyone to see.

Just very boring.

It's boring!

When is a goddess most attractive?

Of course, when she is wrapped up tightly and has a veil on her face.

And when the veil fades, the goddess becomes an ordinary person.

Just like Zhang Ruoruan now.

As soon as the clarification video was posted, Face saw it.

As soon as the live broadcast started, we chatted for half an hour, and the cause and effect were so clear as the mathematical answers.

What's the point of chasing this?

On the highways leading to famous cities, countless self-media and Internet celebrities were rushing to yell at each other, and then at the next highway exit, they turned around and went home, each looking for their mother.

No one knew that Zhang Ruanruan only used two moves to complete an emergency escape, repelling a harassment that could have lasted for several months.

 Writing articles is just a hobby, not my main job. I am really busy around the Mid-Autumn Festival!I try to keep updating.Finally, now is the period of recommendation. Data is very important. I am shamelessly asking for votes. Thank you, my dears!


(End of this chapter)

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