After hearing the voices of plants, farming in the countryside exploded

Chapter 22 Good friends are just a waste of life together

Chapter 22 Good friends waste their lives together

After finishing the soup in the bowl in one breath, Zhang Ruanruan put down the bowl.

After eating and drinking, I burped.

Feng Nuannian on the side did the same thing. He touched his belly, wiped his mouth with unfinished thoughts, and picked the vegetable leaves between his teeth with his nails without caring about the image.

Apparently very satisfied with this meal.

"I'm going to feed Zhang Juzuo, and you go play with Zhang Heihei."

Zhang Ruoruan stood up and looked at Feng Nuannian.

Now is the critical moment to cultivate a relationship with Zhang Juzuo. You cannot let a third person join in, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.

"Yeah." Of course Feng Nuannian understood this.

So she stopped disturbing him and went to play with Zhang Heihei who was also having fun in the yard after eating noodles.

Zhang Ruoruan came to the utility room.

I brought a small bowl of noodles and a cat strip.

The noodles were poured directly into Zhang Juza's rice bowl, and the cat strips were torn open to tempt Zhang Juza.


Zhang Ruanruan started meowing like a cat.

After getting started yesterday, Zhang Juzuo is already very familiar with Zhang Ruanruan's voice and smell.

After a while, he crawled out from the cabinet and quickly approached to a distance of one meter.

It's hungry.

Zhang Ruoruan stretched out the cat strip.

Zhang Juzuo moved his nose, crossed the last meter, and came to Zhang Ruoruan.

He started eating with a baji baji.

Zhang Ruanruan held the cat strip in his left hand and stroked Zhang Juzuo's back with his right hand.

At the moment of contact, Zhang Juzuo stiffened instinctively, but did not run away.

Well, it's stable.

In a few days, maybe you can try to open the utility room door and let Zhang Juzuo explore the outside world.


Zhang Ruoruan came out of the utility room at 07:30 in the evening.

Under the dark sky, in the warm yellow light of the yard, Feng Nuannian was playing a chasing game with Zhang Heihei.

The dogs barked, and Feng Nuannian also howled, creating a scene of joy.

"It's time for me to chase you! Don't run!"

Feng Nuannian followed Zhang Heihei in a duck-walking posture, as if he was a weirdo trying to abduct a child.

Zhang Heihei ran so hard in front that his tongue came out and hung in the air.

Inadvertently, he tripped over a piece of grass and came to a sudden stop, causing the entire dog to stand upside down due to inertia.


Seeing this scene, Feng Nuannian held his belly and let out a goose-like laugh.

So much fun.

Zhang Heihei got up with a gray face. He didn't know what he was laughing at. He only knew that Feng Nuannian was willing to play with him.

So when it saw that Feng Nuannian was still and still holding its belly, it immediately turned around and returned to Feng Nuannian, wagging its head and tail at him to show concern.

Puppies are like this, always loving and always sincere.

"I'm fine!"

Feng Nuannian smiled slightly and picked up Zhang Heihei. When he turned around, he saw Zhang Ruanruan.

"Your mother is here, give her a hug."

Feng Nuannian said, holding Zhang Heihei and walking towards Zhang Ruanruan.

Zhang Ruoruan took Zhang Heihei from Feng Nuannian's arms, masturbated for a while, and then went to take a bath with Feng Nuannian.

wash together.

For two people who can wear pants and clothes interchangeably, bathing together is a common occurrence.

Starting from the first year of high school, during school, the two of them washed together more times than alone.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Zhang Ruoruan hasn't bought an electric water heater yet. There is only a shower in the bathroom, so the two of them can only take a cold shower.

Although it was summer, it was still a bit cold to take a cold shower directly. Feng Nuannian had been hesitating under the showerhead and did not dare to walk in. Zhang Ruoruan directly took the showerhead and sprayed it on her.


Feng Nuannian screamed for a while, but he quickly got used to the coolness of the cold water.

"Huh? Ruanruan, your skin seems to have gotten better!"

After adapting to the temperature, Feng Nuannian also had some extra thoughts and noticed a problem.

That is, Zhang Ruoruan's skin seems to be whiter and tenderer.

Is this the joy of labor?

"Well, I've been sweating a lot lately, so it's gotten better." Zhang Ruannuan nodded along with Feng Nuannian's guess.

Of course she couldn't tell Feng Nuannian that her skin became better because of the nourishment of spiritual energy.

"I thought you would be tanned, but I didn't expect you to be white and tender. No, it's too greedy. Let me take a bite." "Oh no!"

Zhang Ruanruan did not resist.

Only after Feng Nuannian finished kissing, did he say: "Kiss as much as you can now. When you get a boyfriend in the future, don't kiss me anymore, and don't give me anything you have eaten."

Feng Nuannian's eyes widened: "Why?"

Zhang Ruanruan glanced sideways at Feng Nuannian: "Don't use your mouth to mouth your boyfriend's mouth, and use it to mouth my mouth."


The CPU almost burned out in the windy year.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally came to my senses.

"What! I don't have a boyfriend! I will never get married in this life, I am an unmarried person!" Feng Nuannian said unconvinced.

"Ah, yes, yes." Zhang Ruoruan, who knew the future well, nodded, but his expression was extremely perfunctory.


After taking a shower and drying my hair, it was almost 08:30.

Zhang Ruoruan took out the marinated whole chicken and put it in the oven to bake for 10 minutes.

Then back to the bedroom, Hefeng Nuannian hugged a pillow, lying on the bed in the most comfortable position and playing with his mobile phone.

The two of them were doing their own thing, but occasionally they would have some incomprehensible conversations.

"Frog Qu, this is fun."

"This is still delicious. Add more coriander."

"You're right, but I still think you can't choose Death Barbie pink for lipstick."

"I don't know, I won't give birth anyway."

You don't know the beginning, you don't know the end, and the topic is meaningless. It's just a waste of life.

However, Zhang Ruanruan just likes to feel.

When she was in the world of immortality, she had always missed the days of playing with Feng Nuannian.

There was no particularly clear goal or fixed topic. The two of them just stayed together and wasted their lives.

It seems like I didn't do anything, but when I think about it in the future, I remember everything. It's really magical.

Maybe this is youth.

At this time, the roasted chicken is ready.

Zhang Ruanruan turned over and was about to get it for a late night snack.

But Feng Nuannian had a sudden idea: "Let's eat in the yard while admiring the moon."

Zhang Ruoruan nodded without hesitation.


Outside the house, a crescent moon hung high, and the moonlight was very faint.

Under normal circumstances, most people would terminate their plans at this time.

But it was a warm year, and the ideas that popped up suddenly would not stop because of a little setback, they would only get worse.

"Can we eat on the roof? That way we'll be closer to the moon."

Feng Nuannian pointed his finger at the roof of the bungalow.

Zhang Ruoruan took a look and nodded: "I'm afraid you won't dare to climb the ladder."

There is a reason why the two of them can become lifelong friends.When one person wants to go crazy, the other person never lets it down.

"Who is afraid of whom?" Feng Nuannian showed his aura that he would give up on me.

"That's fine."

Zhang Ruoruan is an action person, so he immediately went into the utility room to move a ladder, and even took out the cardboard box that contained the refrigerator.

The cardboard box was very large. Zhang Ruanruan neatly cut it open with a knife, and it turned out to be a simple camping mat.

After throwing it three or four times, I threw the paper on the roof.

Then he opened the soft escalator, and Feng Nuannian went up first.

When Feng Nuannian climbed up to the roof with trembling legs, Zhang Ruanruan handed the things up one by one.

Roast chicken, Coke, diced frozen watermelon.

So, 3 minutes later.

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian, who were supposed to be blowing the air conditioner in the bedroom, suddenly thought of something and appeared on the roof.

The two sat on the paper and looked up at the crescent moon in the sky.

"I was so crazy that I climbed on the roof."

Only then did Feng Nuannian realize what a stupid decision he had made, and smiled naively.

There is no one left to admire the crescent moon.

"Why are you thinking so much? Come on, cheers."

Zhang Ruoruan didn't care if this was a meaningful thing, so he picked up the Coke bottle and unscrewed the cap.

Under the moonlight, on the roof, two bottles of frozen Coke clinked together.

This is the dullest day, but also the best time.

(End of this chapter)

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