Chapter 2 Her Family
The next day, afternoon.

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian got on the high-speed train home.

In the car, Feng Nuannian, who was sitting side by side, suddenly saw Zhang Ruoruan placing an order for some vegetable seeds and saplings.

"Ruanruan, are you serious?"

Only then did Feng Nuannian finally realize that Zhang Ruoruan was not lying yesterday.

She actually plans to go back to her hometown to farm!

"Yes, I've thought about it all." Zhang Ruanruan said matter-of-factly.

"But why?" Feng Nuannian had a question mark on his face.

In her opinion, farming has no future than driving screws, and it is tiring and dirty.How could Zhang, who has soft skin and tender flesh, be able to do such a job?
"This... there are many reasons, I can't explain it at the moment." Zhang Ruanruan really couldn't organize the words to explain to Feng Nuannian.

She couldn't tell Feng Nuannian that the reason she returned to her hometown to farm was to stay away from the crowd so that she could plant elixirs and practice again.

This will only cause Feng Nuannian to say: I am stupid when I read a novel.

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Feng Nuannian was speechless.

She understands Zhang Ruoruan, and no one can persuade Zhang Ruoruan to do what he decides to do.So I had to wait for 3 minutes for her to get over the heat and then turn around.

Feng Nuannian also plays with mobile phones.

She also has to buy, buy, buy.

If you don't spend money to finish the work, you won't make any money.


Pin Xixi hadn't even finished reading for a while before Feng Nuannian and Zhang Ruoruan frowned together.

Because it's too noisy in the car.

There were two naughty children who were running endlessly in the aisle, shouting and making a lot of noise.

This continued for almost 10 minutes, and Feng Nuannian finally couldn't bear it any longer.

She put the phone to her ear and pretended to answer the call.

"Hey, it's me."

"What did you say? I didn't hear clearly. It was too noisy here."

"No, there are two naughty children barking. I don't know if their parents are dead, but I don't care."

Feng Nuannian's voice didn't cover up at all, he just said it carelessly.


The entire carriage seemed to have been paused, and there was no sound at all.

Except for the parents of the two children, everyone else looked at Feng Nuannian with gratitude.

Thank you, Guanyin Bodhisattva.


three hours later.

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian arrived at the station smoothly and returned to their city.

Famous city.

Brother Zhang Ruoruan came to pick her up, and Feng Nuannian's father came to pick her up.

But now, their brother and father are still on the way, and it will take the fastest one 10 minutes to arrive.

"It's so hot."

Zhang Ruoruan could only sit in the shade of a tree.After she was reborn, her cultivation had been cleared and she had no resistance to severe cold and heat.

"follow me."

When Feng Nuannian saw this, he directly took Zhang's limp hand and walked towards the air-conditioned volunteer cabin at the station.

"Hello, can you come in and sit down?"

This is the warm year.

She Niu’s sweet girl is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 100 pounds.Zhang Ruanruan's real-life and Internet mouth substitute, she says what Zhang Ruanruan is embarrassed to say, and she does what Zhang Ruanruan is embarrassed to do.

So, while others were still enduring the heat outside, Feng Nuanian and Zhang Ruanruan were already blowing on the 24-degree air conditioner inside the volunteer hut.

These huts were originally built to serve tourists, but most people are too embarrassed to come in and can only ask for directions.

So on the importance of having a social bull friend.

...Three ten minutes later.

"Dedicated drivers" from both parties arrived at the parking lot.

Zhang Ruoruan and Feng Nuannian picked up their schoolbags and left the air-conditioned cabin.


Get on the bus first in the windy year.

Her father drives a white BMW 90.00 Series, which has beaten [-]% of families in third- and fourth-tier cities like Mingcheng.

After Feng Nuannian left, a Honda Civic, the energetic young man’s favorite, parked next to Zhang Ruoruan.

This is her brother's car.

Zhang Yangyang, a 22-year-old energetic and handsome young man.I haven't even finished high school, I have run a street stall, worked as a Tony, and now I am running a milk tea shop in a small town with my friends.

Zhang Ruoruan opened the passenger door and got in.

Zhang Yangyang is still single now, and his co-pilot still belongs to his sister Zhang Ruoruan.

But two years later, a woman appeared and not only took away Zhang Ruanruan's co-pilot, but also defrauded Zhang Yangyang of 30 yuan, leaving the latter in ruins.

Zhang Ruanruan is not a brother-controller. If a woman really gets into Zhang Yangyang's passenger seat, Zhang Ruanruan will not be angry.

However, she actually dared to cheat money and sex, so Zhang Ruanruan couldn't bear it anymore.

In this life, Zhang Ruanruan will definitely not let that woman have an easy time.

Four 10 minutes later.

Mingcheng, Shouyang Town, in front of a four-story building facing the street.

Zhang Yangyang parked the car and got out of the car with Zhang Ruanruan.

The four-story building in front of her is Zhang Ruoruan's home.

The first floor is their own fruit stall, run by my father and mother.The second floor is where I live, with three bedrooms and two living rooms.The third and fourth floors are rented out to migrant workers, who can receive about [-] yuan a month in rent.

This is Zhang Ruoruan's home. It is not very rich, but it is a comfortable and warm family.

"I'm home."

In front of the fruit stall, Lin Yuzhen looked over at Zhang Ruoruan's mother, who was setting up a table in the open space at the door.

"Your dad is cooking. It will be ready to eat soon."

In Zhang Ruanruan's house, unless there is any accident, it is his father who cooks.

The open space at the door is their dining room.

Most people may feel ashamed to eat on the side of the road, but Zhang Ruoruan and his family are used to it.

That's how business is, there's always someone watching at the stall every second.

If a family wants to eat at the same table, they can only set up a table next to the stall.

This is not only true for Zhang Ruanruan's house, the first floor facing the street is for business, and there is no one who has not eaten on the side of the road.

Although there is a bit of dust, a bit of exhaust fumes, and even some strange looks, it is still worth it in exchange for the family sitting down to eat neatly.

Soon, Zhang Ruanruan went up to the second floor to help serve the dishes before she could even stand still.

Today is the day she comes back. Her father, Zhang Jianguo, made a sumptuous dinner.

There are Zhang Ruanruan’s favorite salt and pepper shrimps, and stomach-warming hen and pork belly soup.

The small square table is covered with old oil stains, and it also carries the memories of the family for more than ten years.

Touching this slightly sticky dining table again, Zhang Ruoruan was filled with emotions.

Only after experiencing thousands of sails can you understand the preciousness of this moment.

At the same time, Zhang Ruoruan also looked up at the four-story building in front of him.

This is the place where she has lived since she was a child and holds most of her childhood memories.

However, one day in the future, the building was completely collapsed by a large out-of-control truck.

It was late at night, and except for Zhang Ruoruan who was not at home, all her family members were buried in that silent night.

At first, Zhang Ruoruan naively thought it was just an accident.

But I suddenly found out many years later.

This was not an accident, but a planned murder!

(End of this chapter)

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