After hearing the voices of plants, farming in the countryside exploded

Chapter 18 Final preparations before living alone

Chapter 18 Final preparations before living alone

Zhang Juzuo panicked.

Zhang Ruan smiled.

Finally caught this little guy.

However, even though Zhang Juzuo was caught, Zhang Ruanruan did not suck too much.

After all, what she wants is not once, but every time.

Therefore, in this first experience of sucking a cat, her pleasure is not the focus, but making Zhang Juzu comfortable is.


Zhang Ruoruan placed Zhang Juzuo on his lap and gently stroked its cat's head.

Again and again, along the way.

Sure enough, Zhang Juzuo relaxed after a few moments, and his body that was tense due to fear gradually softened.

Zhang Ruanruan tried to loosen the hand holding the back of his neck, but Zhang Juzuo did not run away, just letting Zhang Ruanruan move his hand up and down.

Zhang Ruanruan masturbated for a while and then took out the pork liver.

There were also two small, broken pieces, which were placed in the palm of the hand and handed to Zhang Juzuo.

Zhang Juzuo moved his nose, stretched out his head and bit it.

The kitten's teeth were not in good condition, so Zhang Juzuo had to bite it a dozen times before he could crush the pig liver and swallow it.The way she looks with her hair sideways is so cute.

After it finished eating, Zhang Ruanruan continued to smile and stroke the cat's head.

And Zhang Juzuo also adapted to Zhang Ruoruan's touch, squinting and enjoying it.

But I don’t know if it’s because it’s still young, but it doesn’t make a purring sound, which is a pity.

In this way, one person and one cat spent half an hour happily.

Half an hour later, Zhang Juzuo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly broke away from Zhang Ruanruan's hands and ran back to the bottom of the cabinet.

Zhang Ruoruan looked at the suddenly empty palms and just smiled.

She knew that this was just the last instinctive reaction.

In three days at most, Orange Zodiac will sink under his own hands and food.

There was no cat to play with anymore, and Zhang Ruanruan just started to work.

She got up and left the utility room, closed the door, then opened the kitchen door and let Zhang Heihe out first.

Although the dog house has been built, considering that Zhang Heihei is still too young and has low risk resistance, Zhang Ruanruan thinks it is better to lock it in the kitchen first and wait until he moves here to live with it before letting it out at night. come out.

When the beast came out of the cage, Zhang Heihei first rushed to Zhang Ruanruan and tried to act coquettishly, but after realizing that Zhang Ruanruan had no time to care about him, he went to the dog house to chew grass and play.

Zhang Ruoruan took out the woodcutter and first dismembered the longan tree that was chopped down yesterday. After all, it would be quite annoying for such a big tree to fall in the yard.

The leaves of the longan tree are very lush, and there are still a few hidden fruits hanging on it. Apart from these, it is like an enlarged version of broccoli, and the green color is very eye-catching.

But it's a pity that, being in the place where longan is produced, Zhang Ruanruan really doesn't like longan. After all, she has always been a little tired of longan since she was a snack.

So this longan tree naturally became the first victim of Zhang Ruoruan's transformation of his hometown.

Zhang Ruoruan quickly cut the longan tree into small branches as if splitting a broccoli.

Then drag it to the opposite corner and simply stack it.

It won't be wasted, it will just be soft firewood from now on.

After finishing this, Zhang Ruoruan went into the kitchen, cleaned up again, and moved away some things that were not in use but were in the way.

For example, the tattered old-fashioned cupboard in the corner is made of wood. If you put your soft ears closer, you can hear the sound of insects biting inside.

"I'll ask later if I can chop it down and use it as firewood."

Zhang Ruoruan moved the cupboard out first.

Because it blocks the location of Zhang Ruanruan's refrigerator.

Then, Zhang Ruanruan moved the natural gas stove away from the stove.

This thing is also very old and rusty, so it is probably no longer useful.

At the same time, it also blocks the position of Zhang Ruoruan's induction cooker.

According to Zhang Ruoruan's plan, her kitchen only has two energy sources.

Either use electricity or firewood.

I don’t want a gas stove like that with a gas tank.

Not to mention the trouble, there is also a certain degree of danger.Therefore, where Zhang Ruoruan lives, there must be no unstable bombs like gas tanks.

After all, as an immortal cultivator who needs to develop slowly, what Zhang Ruanruan needs most is to eliminate all dangerous factors.

After taking care of the safety issues, Zhang Ruoruan took care of the hygiene in the front and back of the house and in the room.

Change the level that is visible and acceptable to the level that makes people feel happy to live in it.


While Zhang Ruanruan was doing good hygiene, Zhang Jianguo also arrived in his van.

The seats were all folded down, and a cart full of furniture was being pulled along.

Induction cooker, refrigerator arrived yesterday, air conditioner and washing machine arrived today.

They were all bought by Zhang Ruanyuan with her own salary.

Because the sizes are small and suitable for living alone, they don’t cost a lot of money.

"Dad, let me help you."

Zhang Ruoruan opened the courtyard door.

Zhang Jianguo carried the heavy ones, and Zhang Ruanruan carried the lighter ones.

"Dragon eye tree..."

Zhang Jianguo's brows jumped as he stepped into the yard carrying the air conditioner unit.

The house was broken down, and she started to break it down.

But it was just a longan tree that Zhang Jianguo could accept.

After all, the family still has some land scattered in the village, and there are longan trees in those places.Zhang Ruoruan has cut down one now, and the family will still have longan to eat next year.

"There's also a vegetable patch."

After looking at the lonely longan tree with only one stake left, Zhang Jianguo noticed the new vegetable patch in the corner of the yard, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Zhang Ruoran's work efficiency seemed to be much higher than he imagined.

Then, the dog house, cat house, and cat climbing frame also came into view.

Zhang Jianguo nodded secretly.

It seemed that Zhang Ruoruan's diligence was not just an act, and the old father was very pleased.

Put away the outdoor unit of the air conditioner and continue moving the others.

After 5 minutes, start installing the air conditioner.

Drill nails and lift the outer machine.

Because it is your own yard, you don’t need to install it to prevent theft, and it is very simple to install.

After the outdoor unit is installed, enter the house to install the indoor unit.

It's also a matter of ten minutes.

After all, Zhang Jianguo is a professional.

Later, Zhang Jianguo installed the washing machine.

Behind the bungalow, there are actually two small houses that cannot be seen, one is a toilet and the other is a bath room.

During Zhang Jianguo's installation, Zhang Ruanruan stopped watching and placed the induction cooker and refrigerator in the kitchen according to his own ideas.

At this point, all the preparations for living alone are done.

"The new quilt should have been dried, so you can come and stay tomorrow night."

Zhang Ruoruan looked at her new home with satisfaction. If nothing unexpected happened, she would stay here alone for a long time.

"Can we stay tomorrow night? I want to go too!"

Feng Nuan Nian was missing out on joining in the fun. When she heard that Zhang Ruoruan would be moving tomorrow night, she wanted to stay one night.


Zhang Ruoruan had long been prepared for Feng Nuannian's visit and bought two pillows.

Although his practice time would be delayed for one night, Zhang Ruoruan didn't care.

School is about to start in Feng Nuannian. How long can she stay here?The most I can do is come over and eat, drink and stay for a day or two during my long vacation.

On days when it is inconvenient to practice, just treat your Dantian as a day off.

(End of this chapter)

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