After hearing the voices of plants, farming in the countryside exploded

Chapter 137 Eating kiln chicken and welcoming the New Year with fireworks

After three to five minutes, the fireworks stopped.

One second the sky was colorful, and the next second it was dark.

By the moonlight, only pieces of smoke can be seen gradually dissipating.

Too short.

It's like the life of a mortal in the eyes of a cultivator.

However, at least it has been gorgeous, and it is not a waste of time.

"Oh oh oh, it's gone now?"

"So beautiful."

"Did you take the photo?"

"Any more?"

Everyone stood up one after another.

"No, no, you still have the little ones and you can play by yourself."

Zhang Heng shook his head and said.

The three to five minutes of continuous fireworks had already cost him more than four hundred.

This is not setting off fireworks, this is clearly a waste of money.

The trio of wives were disappointed for a moment when they heard that there were no big fireworks to watch, and then happily went to play with small fireworks.

Zhang Yangyang and others went back to the battlefield to play mahjong.

They had been working just now and had no time to play.

Zhang Ruoruan also followed.

Compared to fireworks, she prefers suspenseful things like mahjong.

In the past, when she played mahjong in the world of immortality, she would consciously restrain her consciousness and never peek at the mahjong tiles.

Because that would be pointless.

The unknown is the greatest fun of mahjong. This unknown production of dopamine is sometimes more exciting than doing something forbidden.

Zhang Ruoruan and a large group of people returned to the position, just enough to gather two tables.

During this period, they also met a group of children who were "patrolling" everywhere.

They are all young boys, ranging in age from second to sixth grade.

There were seven people in total, each carrying a toy gun on his back, a light on his head, and a cannon in his hand, blasting wherever he went.

The vast lineup and uniform equipment look like elite soldiers protecting the village.

"Zihan, do you want to eat hot dogs?"

Zhang Heng shouted towards them.

Zhang Zihan, who was among the crowd, hesitated for a moment, and finally, encouraged by his friends, he took the lead and walked over.

Seven people lined up to receive a grilled hot dog from Zhang Heng.

"Thank you."

Before leaving, he also put down seven boxes of crackers as a return gift.

Then he continued to "patrol" without looking back.

This is something you can only see during the Chinese New Year. In normal times, you would never see primary school students hanging out alone at night.

"Whose son is that?"

At the mahjong table, Zhang Yangyang couldn't help but ask when he saw Zhang Heng coming back and sitting down.

Zhang Yangyang didn't recognize any of those children who looked like they were born in their 10s.

The same goes for Zhang Ruanruan, so she also pricked up her ears to listen.

"Zhang Musen's son." Zhang Heng said.

There was an uproar among the people.

"Musen's son is already so big!"

"When did he get married? I think I even went to have a wedding banquet. It was held in the village, right?"

"Yes, I went too. The braised pork is very fat. I was tired of eating one piece for three days. I will remember it all my life. I have never seen anyone's braised pork that is all fat! Pork belly is not the same. purchase."

No one knows Zhang Zihan, but everyone knows Zhang Musen.

The people I played with in the village were only three or four years older than Zhang Yangyang and others.

But he got married young and went out to work early, so everyone stopped playing together.

"Where are the others? Whose son?"

Zhang Yangyang asked again.

Zhang Heng said a list of names.

"Damn it, his son? He's also married?"

"Wochu, didn't you just finish drinking the full moon wine? Are you so old?"

"You're stupid, that was nine years ago."

"Nani, that boy is so ugly, but his son looks so handsome? Isn't he his biological son?"

"My son has grown so big in an instant, but isn't his wife very mean?"

Everyone was talking about it.

Gossip is never absent.

Question the old lady at the entrance of the village, understand the old lady at the entrance of the village, and surpass the old lady at the entrance of the village.

Speaking of the last one, Zhang Heng glanced at Zhang Ruanruan: "You should have an impression of the shortest one. That's Zhang Mei's younger brother."

Zhang Mei is Zhang Ruanruan's elementary school classmate. We know her but are not familiar with her.

"Her brother." Zhang Ruoruan sighed with emotion.

She did have the impression that when she was in sixth grade, she saw Zhang Mei walking in the village holding her infant brother.

For a moment, everyone had the feeling of "children who don't recognize each other and laugh and ask where the guests are from."

They grew up and met more people.

But the people in the village no longer knew them, and they no longer knew the people in the village.


"Touch yourself!!!"


Zhang Zihan shouted, stood up and pushed the cards over with his butt.

Finally finally.

It was finally his turn to win.


Everyone lost their cards.

At this time, Zhang Yangyang glanced at his watch and said, "Is it almost time?"

Others also looked at their phones: "Well, that should be fine."

"I can smell the fragrance."

"Dig it!" Everyone stood up one after another.

Call back those who play with fireworks.

Then, dig.

The hot soil was dug up, and there were bursts of white smoke.

"The soil is still very hot. Let's try burying some corns later."

The eight largest tinfoil balls were dug out first and rolled aside. It's so hot that I dare not touch it with my palms for a long time.

Then dig out the smaller ones.

"Bring it to the table."

Zhang Heng took the lead to hold the tinfoil ball wrapped with chicken.

But it was still hot, so he poured it from his left hand to his right hand, and then threw it from left to right and took it all the way.

"Be careful, don't drop it."

Zhang Heng's wife followed him.

Soon, Zhang Heng opened the first one.

Tear off the tin foil first, then the lotus leaves.

"It's time to witness a miracle."

One person is driving, and seven or eight mobile phones are facing each other.

Under the gaze, the lotus leaf tore open, revealing a golden kiln chicken.

No burnt, just golden.


The crowd cheered.

so perfect.

Zhang Yangyang began to dismantle the second one.

Others put on disposable gloves and prepared to eat.

As a girl, Zhang Ruoruan was first assigned a big chicken drumstick.

She was no longer polite.

Holding the chicken drumstick that was still dripping with juice, I first took a photo and sent it to Feng Nuannian, and then took a bite.


It's the taste in memory.

Tender and juicy, with a faint fragrance of lotus leaves.

Top notch food.

After chicken legs, there are also chicken kidneys, abalone, and pig intestines.

More than a dozen people couldn't finish the meal.

But don’t panic, just play mahjong before eating.

As a result, everyone cycled between playing mahjong when they were full and eating when they were hungry.

We played until 11: pm.

"Stop playing. It's almost 12 o'clock. It's time to go home."

No one had any objections to this proposal.

Because everyone has to get home before 12 o'clock.

It's not that there is a 12 o'clock entrance guard at home, but that after 12 o'clock, it is the first day of the new year, which is the New Year.

In famous cities, there is a custom of setting off firecrackers to welcome the New Year.

So everyone stopped and started to go home.

As for the things on the farmland, leave them alone for now.

Anyway, Zhang Yangyang and the others will come back later to play all night.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Ruanruan and Zhang Yangyang returned home.

From the utility room, a super large firecracker with a diameter of more than one meter was carried out.

The two of them opened the roll of firecrackers by the light of the lantern at the door, and then circled it back and forth many times before completely spreading it out in the open space at the door.

Then, he carried out a box of large fireworks.

"I'll light the firecrackers later, and you light the fireworks."

Zhang Yangyang said.

Zhang Ruoruan nodded.

I looked at the time, it was now 23:57.

Three minutes to go.

Zhang Ruoruan and Zhang Yangyang were playing with lighters in their left hands and cell phones in their right hands at the door.

This scene is like this at the door of almost every household in the village.

Soon, three minutes passed.

Zhang Ruoruan and Zhang Yangyang looked at each other at 00:00:00

Let’s light the fireworks and firecrackers together.

The two men covered their ears and rushed into the yard.


Bang bang bang!


The sound of firecrackers and fireworks sounded almost at the same time.

What followed was countless responses.

No slogans were shouted, but at this moment, everyone agreed to light the fire to welcome the New Year.

The air throughout the village was shaking.

Looking down from the sky, the red light of firecrackers and the colorful light of fireworks almost covered the entire village.

For those who didn’t know, they thought Qingping Village had been attacked by armed forces.

The bombing zones were not that lively.

At the same time, Zhang Ruanruan and Zhang Yangyang's cell phones also started to ding.

It was mass messages of Happy New Year bombarding mobile phones.

It's just that the fireworks and firecrackers were so loud that they couldn't hear or see them for the time being.

In the courtyard shrouded in warm light, the girl and her brother looked up at the fireworks in the sky.

On both sides of the house, cats and dogs retreated into their nests, shivering amidst the thunderous roar.

They don't feel happy, they just feel noisy and scared.

Sure enough, it’s not just people who are incompatible with each other’s joys and sorrows.

So do people and animals.


(To make up for what I said last night, when the Chinese New Year plot is over, it will be time to start farming with magic and start a business.)

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