Chapter 13 Forecasted Revenue and Discussion

After returning to the yard, Zhang Ruoruan put away the truck and other tools. When he turned around, he saw Feng Nuannian holding a mobile phone and grinning with big teeth.

"Who are you chatting with?"

Zhang Ruoruan asked curiously.

"No, I saw a joke. It's so funny."

Feng Nuannian pretended to be very casual while putting his phone into his trouser pocket.

But she forgot that when she sees funny jokes or videos, she will forward them to Zhang Ruoruan on Kuaiyin as soon as possible. If Zhang Ruoruan has not read them in 5 minutes, then she will download them and download them from WeChat. Send it to her.

Zhang Ruoruan tacitly agreed.

"Take a break."

After a few days of ventilation, the air in the room was already very fresh. Zhang Ruanruan and Feng Nuannian lay down on the wooden bed which still only had wooden boards, their backs felt cool.

"When will you move in?"

Feng Nuannian squinted his eyes, tired.


If Zhang Ruoruan wanted to, he could actually move here now.

But many of the things she bought are still on the way. If she moves here now, she won't have any furniture. She might as well continue to live in the town for a few more days.

Once all her things are gathered and installed, it will be her moving day.

"Ruanruan, are you really not considering filming Kuayin?"

Feng Nuannian's dangling legs swayed: "You can't make much money from passion fruit alone, right?"

Zhang Ruanruan lay next to Feng Nuannian and rested with his eyes squinted.

"I don't want to take pictures for now. Passion fruit should make me 10,000+, right? That's enough for me."

"How much...? 10,000+?!"

Feng Nuannian sat up immediately.

Although she hasn't gone to work yet, she has some idea of ​​the salary.

In a small place like Mingcheng, many people are busy all year round, and their salary may not even be [-] yuan.

But Zhang Ruanruan can earn 10,000+ just by growing passion fruit?

“Are you talking about one season’s income, or the entire life cycle of passion fruit?”

Feng Nuannian also got popular science from Zhang Ruanruan today. Passion fruits are usually plowed out and replanted after three to five years. It's not that they can't survive that long, but because they get older and the yield decreases as they grow older.

In terms of economic benefits, one type is best within five years.If it is grown for family fun, you can keep it forever.

"One season." Zhang Ruoruan replied.

"Frog...frog...frog...frog...interesting! Earn 10,000+ in three months? Is it true?"

Feng Nuannian was completely shocked, thinking that he might as well drop out of school and rent a piece of farmland to grow passion fruit.

Earning 10,000+ in three months, she can afford the BMW [-] Series her father is driving in a year.

"Of course I lied to you."

Zhang Ruoruan poured cold water on Feng Nuannian: "If it was really that easy to earn 10,000+ in three months, who would still work? Aren't the people in my village BBA per capita?"

"Yes." Feng Nuannian nodded and lay down again.

"Then say it again!"

He poked Zhang's soft waist.

"Because in a sense, I'm not lying to you. It's just that what I'm talking about is the best profit. Only a few people can achieve it if they occasionally step on shit. But don't think about it per capita," Zhang Ruoruan explained. For a moment.

I also add something in my mind: There is an even smaller number of people who can easily achieve the best returns without having to be lucky or wait for an opportunity that comes once in a few years.

That person is me.

But Zhang Ruanruan didn't tell her, hey, it was just for fun.

and so.

Now, Zhang Ruoruan only needs to do some light work honestly and just make enough money by farming in the village.

It's not safe to take pictures of fast sounds or anything like that. Unless you don't show your face and don't take pictures of high-yielding crops, I'd better not do it.She didn't want to be noticed by those people so quickly.

After all, this world is not as safe as it seems.

Before he had enough ability to protect himself, there was only one word in Zhang Ruanruan's dictionary.



At around nine o'clock in the evening, Zhang Ruoruan was practicing in his room.

As for Feng Nuannian, she had finished playing with the dog and had dinner, and had gone home long ago.

In the room, Zhang Ruorui sat cross-legged on the bed, absorbing the spiritual energy particles floating in the air with every breath.

It was boring, but Zhang Ruoruan was used to it.

When she was in the world of immortality in her previous life, she was trapped in a secret realm where there was no one, no one, and no sunlight. She had been trapped for more than three hundred years.

When Zhang Ruanruan came out, he could no longer speak and completely lost the ability to communicate. He still pretended to be mute for a month before slowly recovering.

So, compared with the maddening loneliness at that time, the loneliness now is nothing.

Zhang Ruoruan's breathing was steady, and his abdomen rose and fell rhythmically, back and forth.

The spiritual particles kept moving closer to Zhang Ruoruan...




Zhang Jianguo and Lin Yuzhen were sitting on the solid wood sofa, watching those bloody dramas.

Oh, actually it can’t be counted as watching TV. TV is just the background sound for playing on mobile phones.

The two of them still mainly play on their mobile phones, watching short videos that middle-aged and elderly people like.


A pop-up window appeared on Zhang Jianguo’s WeChat account. Someone @him in a group called Qingping Village Relatives and Friends.

Zhang Jianguo, who was watching a cow's hoof trimming, clicked on it.

All I saw in the group message was a picture of Ruan Ruan pruning passion fruit.Judging from the angle, it should be a candid shot.

Then there are the words of @张江国: Jianguo, what’s going on with your daughter?Are you really going to stop studying and go home to do this?
Zhang Jianguo was still thinking about how to reply, so the group started discussing.

"Is this Jianguo's daughter? Is she working for Jianguo during the summer vacation?"

"It's so soft. I haven't seen it much since high school. It's so tall."

"Where did you get admitted? School should start soon."

Seeing their discussion, Zhang Jianguo was a little embarrassed to tell the truth.

However, thinking of Zhang Ruanruan's calm face, Zhang Jianguo still typed in handwriting: "Haha, I didn't pass the exam, so I went to work for two months, and now I'm back to have fun. As a young person, she likes to toss, so let her go." ."

The group was quiet for a while before replies started coming in one after another.

"Really? I met her in the fields this morning, and I thought she was joking when she told her."

"I heard that she also brought a cart of sheep dung back to the village to pile it up? Is it true?"

"Why does the little girl come back to do this? Go study to become a kindergarten teacher or a nurse. You don't need college entrance examination results for this."

"You might as well let her look after the store while you work in the fields."

"I have a clerk's job here. If it doesn't work out, ask her to come over to my place. What can a girl look like all over the world?"

The people who spoke were all Zhang Ruanruan's uncles, and they were still very friendly.

As for what they would discuss behind the scenes, Zhang Jianguo didn't know.

He wrote a reply in handwriting: "Thank you for your concern. This child is determined to do this, so let her do it. Anyway, she won't lose much money."

Zhang Jianguo said this, and the others stopped pointing fingers.

However, the whole village knew that Zhang Ruanruan returned to his hometown to farm.

(End of this chapter)

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