After hearing the voices of plants, farming in the countryside exploded

Chapter 11 Unloading sheep dung, exchanging excrement for excrement

Chapter 11 Unloading sheep dung, exchanging excrement for excrement

Managing passion fruit may seem simple, but it’s actually not difficult at all.

It just takes time.

Therefore, Zhang Ruanruan kept cutting until about 06:30 in the afternoon, and Lin Yuzhen called to urge her to have dinner before she finished managing the passion fruit in one field.

There is one more piece that can only be done tomorrow morning.

If you don't go back, it will be dark.

Zhang Ruoruan packed up his things and set off home.

Of course, before going home, don’t forget to lock Zhang Heihei in the yard into the kitchen.

After all, it is still small, so it is safer to stay in an enclosed space at night.

When it gets older, Zhang Ruoruan can take it out to have fun in the fields.

After closing Zhang Heihei, Zhang Ruanruan walked over to the window of the utility room next door and took a peek. He found that Zhang Juzuo's screams had gradually weakened. It seemed that he could scream for one more night at most before his voice became hoarse. .

Zhang Ruoruan left quietly.

When I got home, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Both parents had finished eating, and Zhang Ruanruan was eating alone on the second floor.

"What did you do today?"

Zhang Jianguo held a bamboo hookah in his hand and sat opposite Zhang Ruoruan.

"I just took a look, and then pruned the passion fruit in the afternoon." Zhang Ruoruan stuffed green vegetables into his mouth and said vaguely: "By the way, I'm going to pile the sheep dung in the bamboo forest, should it be okay? "

Zhang Jianguo nodded in surprise: "No problem, that place is good."

Zhang Jianguo was a little surprised that Zhang Ruanruan could think of such a good position.

"How much did you pay for the sheep dung?"

"200 a ton."

Zhang Jianguo nodded, it was about 15 yuan more expensive, but considering that Zhang Ruanruan was a new customer and the quantity he wanted was not large, he should have negotiated to get this price.

Overall, it's okay.

"Well, now that you've decided, let's do it well. If you don't have enough money, tell dad... mom."

Zhang Jianguo took a puff of cigarette, held it in his mouth and went downstairs, blowing it out from his nostrils as he went downstairs.


"I found that Ruanruan seems to be different."

Zhang Jianguo came to Lin Yuzhen with a chimney. There were no customers in the store at this time. Lin Yuzhen was picking out the rotten fruits and putting them in the special price area.

"Why do you say that?" Lin Yuzhen did not look at Zhang Jianguo.

"She seems to be serious." Zhang Jianguo's eyes were a little surprised: "Looking at her plan, it seems that she is really making long-term plans, not like short-term fun, and she is actually doing pretty well and is very sophisticated."

Lin Yuzhen was silent for a moment and said: "I have worked in a factory, I know the hard work, and I am mature."

Zhang Jianguo nodded in agreement: "Yes."

Many times, it is useless to say it. Only when you actually work can you understand that sentence deeply.

Money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat.

"Isn't it the case with the children of Ergou's family before? When he was in school, he always disliked the Accord at home (a car worth about 22 yuan) as rubbish. Now he has been working for two years after graduation and bought him a second-hand Lavida (about 5 yuan). I don’t know how happy I am to laugh.”

Zhang Jianguo and Lin Yuzhen looked at each other and smiled happily.


Outside the window, the moon sets and the sun rises.

At 06:30 in the morning, Zhang Ruoran woke up.

After washing up, I ate two pieces of bread, drank a carton of milk, put on my new extra-large water bottle, and went out.

The task this morning was a bit heavy, so she had to speed up.

At [-] a.m., we arrived at the passion fruit field.

It took two and a half hours to repair the passion fruit in the second field.

Let their physical and mental states reach their optimal state.

In this way, they can be the most productive and the earliest to harvest.

After Zhang Ruoruan finished his work and drank some water, his cell phone rang.

"I used to be unable to extricate myself from the size of the world, and I was also addicted to it in my dreams..."

There was a ringtone that she hadn't heard for a long time. Zhang Ruanruan was in a daze for a moment, and then picked up.


It was the driver delivering sheep dung.

He told Zhang Ruoruan that he would arrive at the entrance of Qingping Village at ten o'clock and asked Zhang Ruoruan to wait for him there on time.

Zhang Ruoruan just finished his work and drove his electric car to wait under the shade of the trees at the entrance of the village.

Anyway, it’s not short of ten to twenty minutes. "Ruanruan? What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side.

Zhang Ruoruan, who was playing with his mobile phone, put down his mobile phone and turned his head to look over.

After seeing the woman speaking clearly, a smile appeared on her lips: "Aunt Li Fang. I'm waiting for the driver to bring me something and take him over to unload it."

Li Fang is Zhang Fugui's wife, and her family has a pretty good relationship with Zhang Ruanyuan's family.

"Pull what?"

Li Fang is also riding an electric bicycle and must have just come back from outside.

"Sheep dung." Zhang Ruanruan had nothing to hide.

"Sheep dung." Li Fang had a strange expression.She also understood that it was a bit thankless to still use this thing now.

"I heard your Uncle Fugui say that you went home to do farming. I thought he was lying to me."

Li Fang believes it now.

"Bullshit, bullshit." Zhang Ruanruan just smiled.

After the two chatted for a few words, a tractor rumbled towards the entrance of the village, and black exhaust gas filled the road.

"The car is here. I won't tell you anymore. I'll take him over to unload it first."

Zhang Ruoran smiled.

He started the electric vehicle, waved to the tractor, and then led the way.

The tractor driver understood and followed Zhang Ruanruan all the way.

Soon, we came to the bamboo forest.

"Just pour it there."

Zhang Ruoruan directed the tractor to reverse, and then the bucket of the truck was raised, and five tons of dry sheep manure was dumped on the open ground, like a hill.

Later, Zhang Ruoruan scanned the QR code and paid 1000 yuan to the driver, and the driver rumbled away on the tractor.

Five tons of sheep dung was not a lot, so Zhang Ruanruan looked around and prepared to go home first.

It's too sunny now. She will wait until the sun slants a bit in the afternoon before doing the next step.

As soon as Zhang Ruoruan got on the electric car, he saw Li Fang walking towards him.

"Aunt Li Fang, what's wrong?"

Zhang Ruoruan had a hunch that Li Fang was here for him.

"Haha, that's it." Li Fang rubbed her hands: "I saw that you pooped so much sheep manure, you probably can't use it up, so I was wondering if you could sell me a car. I just gave it to you. Fertilize the fruit trees at your doorstep.”

The vehicle Li Fang mentioned was not a tractor, but a hand-pushed bucket truck.

Zhang Ruoruan thought for a while and said, "Okay, you can just come and take it away whenever you have time. You don't need the money, it's just a little bit of sheep dung."

Calculated by weight, a bucketful of sheep dung may not even be worth 30 yuan. How could Zhang Ruanruan have the nerve to accept money from her elders.

"That's so embarrassing." Li Fang suddenly smiled, but she still wanted to be polite: "No, I'd better give you the money back. Your career has just started, and you need money everywhere."

Zhang Ruoruan still shook his head: "No need."

Seeing that Li Fang still wanted to be polite, Zhang Ruoruan had to change her words: "How about this? When the time comes, I will go to your chicken shed to pull a load of chicken manure, and I will treat it as money. I can mix it with you when I am composting." Use it with sheep dung."

Zhang Ruoruan knew that Li Fang raised a lot of chickens at home, and there must be a lot of chicken droppings.

"That's okay, I'll come back later." Li Fang's smile never faded. It doesn't cost anything.

Li Fang grinned and left.

Zhang Ruanruan looked at her back, shook his head and smiled.

On this point, she had already arrived.

That's why she asked for five tons of sheep dung, otherwise three tons would be enough.

As for the extra two tons, just think of it as a meeting gift for everyone when she returns to the village to plant.Although every household has some organic fertilizer, it can’t compare with the ready-dried sheep dung here in Zhang Ruanruan.

Zhang Ruoruan started the electric car and went home.

The news that Zhang Ruanruan had brought five tons of sheep dung back to the village soon spread like wildfire in Qingping Village.

During lunch, people started calling one after another, saying in a friendly way that they wanted to buy a truckload or half a truckload of sheep dung from Zhang Ruanruan.

In response to this, Zhang Ruanruan just smiled, and then told them that they could go there and do it themselves, and it would cost no money.

Zhang Ruoruan's sensible attitude actually made them a little embarrassed.

So after being polite to each other, an exchange deal was finally reached.

They pulled Zhang Ruanruan a cart of sheep dung, and Zhang Ruanruan went to their house to pull a cart of pig dung, cow dung, and even pond mud.

Mutual help and mutual benefit belong to it.

So what is this?
Shit for shit?


(End of this chapter)

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