Zhang Ruoran planted milk vetch on two plots of land, and it soon became a hot topic of discussion in Qingping Village.

“Young people just like bells and whistles.”

"If we keep the land so fertile, I'm afraid the yield per acre will be [-] jin next year."

"When Ruanruan gets rich, don't forget to teach us."

It's somewhat yin and yang.

After Zhang Ruanruan returned to the village to plant, people started to dislike her one after another.

First it was organic fertilizer and now it is green manure.

This will make them look stupid for using chemical fertilizers.

It's as if they are squandering the fish while Zhang Ruanruan is pursuing sustainable development.

"I really don't know what you are pretending to be!"

You don’t really think she’s the only one who understands, do you?
  Organic fertilizer, green manure.

How could they not know about these things that have been used by their ancestors for decades?

It’s just that they need to support their families and need money.

We can only take the route of maximizing interests.

It is absolutely impossible to grow green manure to rest farmland.

Planting cash crops in rotation is the way to go!
  Farming is a stupid thing only young people who love to dream and don't know the cruel reality would do.


the next day.

Zhang Ruanruan ended the business suspension ahead of schedule and started live broadcasting again.

"I'll take you all to see my passion fruit today."

Zhang Ruoruan smiled in front of the camera.

Because today's live broadcast was sudden, there were only a few lucky viewers in the live broadcast room.

But Zhang Ruoruan didn't care about this. She hung up in the live broadcast room first and then walked to the passion fruit field later.

Today, she will live broadcast the thinning of passion fruit.

Egg, duck and poached egg: “I almost made a mistake, Ruanruan actually opened early!”

Your third aunt touched the man: "I just squatted down, guess what I saw."

+ Group 594965723 has benefits: "Ruanruan!! (broken sound)"

Why didn't you reply to the message: "I had a hunch that Ruianruan would be broadcast, and it turned out to be true when I came up to see it!"

I save fabrics for the country: “A good day starts by watching Ruanruan’s live broadcast.”

Zhang Ruanruan is still feeding dogs and cats, while the number of people and comments in the live broadcast room are increasing.

By the time she finished it and picked up the live broadcast mobile phone to go to the fields, the real number of people had exceeded [-].

Zhang Ruoruan took the scissors and went out.

On the way, chatting and walking.

"What have you been doing these two days?"

"I'm going to catch the sea. I'll cut the video out and show it to everyone when I have time."

"What is catching the sea? Going to the sea means going to the beach and picking up seafood on the beach at low tide."

"Passion fruit is what passion fruit is."

"Passion fruit is golden passion fruit, have you ever eaten it?"

Now in 2018, golden passion fruit should not be fully popular yet.

After large-scale planting and marketing begin in two years, the price will come down.

While chatting, Zhang Ruoruan came to the passion fruit field.

Turn on the camera.

"Wow! So many!"

"I've seen passion fruit flowers before, but I didn't expect there to be so many fruits! Ruanruan's planting technology is so awesome."

"But is it a bit too much? Although I have never grown crops, I have read in books that if there are too many peaches, they must be cut in half, otherwise the fruit will not grow big. The same should be true for passion fruit, right?"

Zhang Ruoruan replied: "Yes, under normal circumstances, you can't keep too much fruit. But don't worry about mine, I have an exclusive secret recipe."

After saying that, Zhang Ruanruan started her soft fruit thinning.

Cherish fruits like gold.

Normal people have to cut off 10 fruit clusters, but she can cut off two at most.

I saw a lot of agricultural students who were paying attention to Zhang Ruanruan and were anxious in the dormitory.

"Ruanruan, you can't do this! There are too many fruits!"

But their barrages were drowned by the ocean of barrages without making any waves.

In fact, Zhang Ruoruan saw it, but pretended not to.

In this way, Zhang Ruanruan cut from less than eight o'clock in the morning to twelve noon.    Finally finished the first round of passion fruit thinning.

The next round will be about half a month later.

"Okay, today's live broadcast ends here."

Zhang Ruanruan downloaded.

The moment the broadcast was broadcast, a golden light flew from the sky and penetrated into Zhang Ruoruan's dantian.

The power of faith.

All in all, Zhang Ruanruan's live broadcast career has been more than a month, and the power of faith she has accumulated is enough for her to launch an attack on the first level of Qi Refining that is comparable to the sixth level of Qi Refining.


Zhang Ruoruan touched his belly, his eyes bright.


In the afternoon, Zhang Ruanruan did not broadcast live, but quietly nestled in the yard, making a batch of warm baby brown sugar and soothing incense.

Although she no longer makes these two things live, she still produces some when she has time.

After all, this stuff makes money.

As long as it does not affect his progress in entering the first level of Qi refining, Zhang Ruoruan will refine it when he has nothing to do.


The next day.

Zhang Ruoruan got up early.

Even Zhang Jianguo came over.


Today is rice harvest day.

Although harvesters are now used, people still come here.

He was afraid that Zhang Ruanruan was inexperienced and wouldn't know if someone was bullying him.

in farmland.

The harvester has arrived on site.

There were many villagers surrounding the harvester.

They are all farmers in Qingping Village, and their rice has matured.

Everyone is discussing the order of harvesting and avoiding unripe rice fields.

"Start from me first, and then cut all the way up. Isn't this very smooth?"

"Then why don't you start from me? Isn't it just as smooth?"

The villagers were foaming at the mouth.

Zhang Ruanruan and Zhang Jianguo did not participate.

Because their rice fields are in the middle, no matter which direction they harvest, the time it takes to enter their fields is about the same.

Soon, the "discussion" was completed.

Start with the loudest person’s rice field.

Black smoke rises from the exhaust pipe of the harvester and slowly enters the rice field.

This is a small harvester that charges one hundred and fifty-one acres.

The harvester advances from the edge, swallowing the rice bite by bite with its front mouth, and then mechanically separates the rice and grass.

Then, the straw was spit out from the butt of the harvester and piled neatly on the ground.

Rice is preserved in the body.

When the storage is almost complete, the harvester stops, spits out the rice through the conveyor tube, and puts every grain into the sack prepared by the farmer.

above the sky.

Birds began to gather in large numbers.

This is a sight you can only see when harvesting rice.

Because when the rice is harvested, the bugs on the rice have no place to stay, so they start to escape in a hurry.

Either fly to the sky, or fly to people.

And the birds gather here just to eat this sumptuous buffet.

At the edge of the rice field, an insect flew from Zhang Ruoruan's body.

Green, small one.

But the smell it gave off gave Zhang Ruanruan a feeling of nostalgia.

Nowadays, mechanized harvesters are used to harvest rice. Only this bug reminded Zhang Ruoruan of the feeling of participating in manual harvesting of rice when he was a child.

Sickle, foot thresher.

It seems to have become history.

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