When Zhang Ruoruan returned home, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

She had already gone to a milk tea shop and exchanged her electric scooter.

Thinking of what he wanted to do tomorrow, Zhang Ruanruan sent Lin Fengjiao a message.

“Who in our village has a cow that we can borrow?”

Lin Fengjiao, who was watching TV with Zhang Caishun at home, gave Zhang Ruanruan a name back.

Zhang Ruoruan had an impression that this person's relationship with his family was pretty good.

However, to be on the safe side, Zhang Ruoran asked Zhang Jianguo first. After confirming that there was no problem, Zhang Ruoran replied to Lin Fengjiao.

Let her borrow cattle and plowing tools tomorrow afternoon.

In rural areas, there are many people cultivating land, but few raising cattle.

So basically when you need it, you can ask the cattle farmer to borrow it for a day or half a day.

Of course, it's paid.

Otherwise, who would lend the cattle out?

Not only is it a waste of energy, but I still have to eat an extra bucket when I get home.

After all, as the saying goes, there are no plowed fields, only tired cows.

Zhang Ruoruan gave Lin Fengjiao money to borrow cattle and started practicing.

The moonlight was charming, and Zhang Ruoruan was getting closer and closer to the first level of Qi Refining.


the next morning.

Zhang Ruanruan finished everything as usual and went out at 07:30.

She was going to look at the cherry tomatoes and passion fruit in the fields.

It has been more than a week since the flowering period, and the flowers of cherry tomatoes and passion fruit have faded, and small fruits have grown.

The patient with trypophobia died on the spot.

"Ruanruan, you're finally here."

At the edge of the cherry tomato field, Zhang Ruanruan was stopped by an aunt.

The aunt was wearing a straw hat and spreading white granular fertilizer on her cornfield nearby.

The corn has just been sown and is no more than the height of a hand. The young green seedlings are fluttering in the wind and look full of vitality.

"Sister Guizhen, what's the matter?"

Zhang Ruoruan looked at the aunt curiously.

Judging from age alone, the aunt is only slightly older than Zhang Ruoruan's parents.

But Zhang Ruoruan called her sister.

But there was nothing she could do about it. Zhang Jinhai, who asked her to marry, was Zhang Ruanruan's senior brother.

This is how it is in rural areas, where seniority is king.

A gray-haired 80-year-old man might also call a kid wearing crotchless pants a brother.

"What else could there be, of course your cherry tomatoes."

Most of Wang Guizhen's face was covered under a sunscreen towel, revealing a pair of weathered eyes: "If you don't come, your cherry tomatoes will be ruined. Everyone is talking about it. There are so many fruits in your family, not even half of them are missing." If you do, you won’t even have anything to eat by then.”

"Oh, I understand." Zhang Ruoruan replied perfunctorily.

In this case, she didn't know how many times she had seen it in the village.

Even Zhang Jianguo and Zhang Fugui called her several times to talk about this.

But Zhang Ruanruan was perfunctory every time.

Big production cut?

Zhang Ruoruan walked into the cherry tomato field.

You can see that the tender green branches are covered with small dark green fruits.The smaller the fruit, the darker the green color.At such a density, ordinary cherry tomato seedlings would definitely not be able to supply so much nutrients.

If it is allowed to grow, either the fruit seedlings will be sucked out of nutrients by the fruit and wither, or the fruit's nutrients will be shared, and the fruit will not grow or mature in its lifetime.

So the villagers' advice is right.

But Zhang Ruanruan didn't listen.

Oh, I can’t say I don’t listen, I just listen a little.

They call it thinning half or at least [-]% of the fruit.

Zhang Ruanruan's plan is to thin out about half of the fruits.

I listened, but not completely.

Zhang Ruoruan took the scissors specially designed for thinning fruits and came to the first cherry tomato.

The fruits of cherry tomatoes are in clusters, on a branch, and the fruits are scattered all around.

It's a bit grapey but feels like a youth version.

Zhang Ruoruan picked out a few that were too crowded and cut them off.

For this process, don’t ask about cherry tomatoes.

Because from the perspective of nutritional transportation, it’s okay even if you don’t cut it.

But Zhang Ruoruan needs to consider the growth space of the fruit and the quality of the fruit.

This is where the fruit thinning operation comes into play.

And this operation all depends on Zhang Ruanruan's personal level.

If you cut too much, the fruit will grow this big.

If you cut too little, the fruit will be crowded and deformed, and even squeezed to the point of cracking and falling off.

and so.

In order to maximize output, Zhang Ruoruan must control it at a critical point.

If you cut more, you will have more. If you cut less, you will have less.

It all depends on experience and vision.

"Card wipe."

Zhang Ruoruan pinched the scissors lightly, and a small, mung bean-like cherry tomato rolled into the field.

As a peasant girl who has managed medicinal fields for hundreds or thousands of years in the world of immortality, Zhang Ruanruan's planting experience is absolutely unrivaled in the world.

So with just one glance, Zhang Ruoruan knew exactly how to use the scissors without the slightest hesitation.

Brushing and swiping, Zhang Ruoruan finished cutting and moved to the next tree.

In terms of total quantity, Zhang Ruanruan only cut off less than 5.00% of the fruits.

But this number will increase.

Thinning fruit is not a once and for all thing, it basically needs to be thinned out every once in a while.

After all, the road to growth is not smooth sailing, and various accidents will always happen.

Even experienced growers have to work in the farmland every day to get a satisfactory harvest.

The sun was shining brightly, and the sun above my head gradually came to the middle of the sky.

It's noon.

Zhang Ruoruan also came out of the cherry tomato field and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's finally done. Let's do the passion fruit tomorrow."


(make up for last night)

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