"Ruanruan, come down and play too, the water is so cool!"

The warm wind calls out to Zhang Ruanruan who is still on the shore.

At this time, they had walked out more than ten meters, but the water was still less than knee deep.

This is the beach in the scenic area. The ground is very flat. As long as you don't walk very far to die, you can't drown anyone.

Hearing Feng Nuannian's call, Zhang Ruanruan came back from the daze of watching the waves, took off his shoes, and threw them to the far shore.

At that location, Zhang's soft shoes would not get wet no matter how high the tide was.

As for the problem of being stolen, the probability is almost zero.

Zhang Ruoruan has been to the beach here many times, and her shoes have been thrown around. Then she came back after playing for two hours, and her shoes were not lost once.

It can be seen that the quality of the entire population has improved.

Of course, it could also be that Zhang Ruanruan's shoes are all the hottest products from Xixi for 19 yuan and 9 yuan with free shipping, and others won't be able to feel the slightest evil intention after seeing them.

Zhang Ruoruan walked towards the sea step by step.

First he stepped on moist but hard fine sand, and then the waves hit Zhang's soft feet.

very cool.

The four of them just stepped on the water and walked west along the edge of the coastline.

Along the way, you will occasionally see a bump that stands out on the flat sand.

Whenever he sees this, Feng Nuannian will rush to pick it up with great excitement.

"Wow! This time it's not empty, it's alive!"

Feng Nuannian excitedly waved his hands at Zhang Ruanruan and the others.

In the palm of her hand was a shellfish as big as her thumb.

Pure white shell with gray stripes.

On Zhang Ruanruan's side, people call this shellfish Shabai snail.

You can steam eggs, make soup, or stir-fry.

"Alive? Really?"

When Ren Qian and Wang Xinru heard this, they rushed forward and studied it carefully.

This is the first time they have picked up a live one.

They had already seen many empty shells along the way.

"It's really alive, it's so tightly closed."

"Let's go, there should be more ahead."

The three of them walked forward side by side, their eyes scanning back and forth on the sandy beach where the tide briefly receded, not missing anything.

But unfortunately, I continued walking for dozens of meters without picking up anything alive.

I encountered a lot of dead fish, conch shells without meat, and shells.

There is no way, the beach in the scenic area is like this. I don't know how many people walk back and forth every day, there is no way there is anything good.

"Do you want to catch the sea?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ruoruan remembered something and asked.

"Catch the sea? What do you mean?"

Feng Nuannian and the three of them turned around.

Seeing three faces full of question marks, Zhang Ruanruan was stunned for a moment.

Then he thought for a moment and reacted.

Yes, it’s the end of 2018, and it’s not yet time for Qianhai Internet celebrities to explode in popularity.

It should be about half a year before the concept of catching the sea is really known to many people.

So it's normal that the three people in Feng Nuannian don't know what it means to catch the sea.

After understanding this, Zhang Ruanruan explained to them: "It's just catching crabs, snails, and fish on the beach after the tide goes out."

Feng Nuannian and the other three understood it instantly.

"Think about it! But is it here?"

Although they don't know the word "catch the sea" yet, they have seen the content of "catch the sea" in textbooks.

That is, when the tide goes out, there will be puddles on the beach, and the puddles are full of stranded fish and beautiful shells, and you can't pick them all up no matter how much you do.

"Yes, but we have to change to a different place, but it's not far. It's only four o'clock now. We can go there for ten to ten minutes at most. Do you want to go?"

Zhang Ruoruan asked.

"Then there's no need to ask, just go quickly!"

Feng Nuannian lost all the small sand white snails on his hands.Four people went ashore to put on their shoes.

Then Zhang Ruoruan drove and rushed to the destination.

That place was visited by Zhang Yangyang in his previous life with Zhang Ruoruan.

That place is a wild beach known only to local fishermen. The terrain is very high, so as long as the tide recedes slightly, a large part of the "land" will be exposed on that beach.

On this land, rocks are scattered all over, various shipwrecks, and garbage can be seen everywhere.

But anyone who has watched the video of catching the sea knows that this kind of place is the real Feng Shui treasure.

Twenty minutes later, Zhang Ruanruan turned left and right and finally arrived at this place.

There is no concrete road, and cars can even drive directly to the beach.

You can tell at a glance that there are undeveloped areas.

Zhang Ruoruan parked the car in front of the beach and did not drive in.

Because these wild beaches are not as beautiful as scenic spots.

The sand is black, mixed with various shell fragments, and has been soaked in sea water. It contains salt, and the car will rust easily if it touches it.

Zhang Ruoruan and four others got out of the car.


Looking at the beach in front of them, Feng Nuannian and the other three were dumbfounded.

There is no golden soft sand, no flat sand.

There are only uneven areas and rubbish everywhere, like the black ground after the fish pond has been drained of water.

"Ruanruan, are you sure you didn't come to the wrong place?"

Feng Nuannian asked, covering his nose.

The sea breeze blew by, bringing with it the stink of dead fish.

Feng Nuannian saw it. Not far in front of him, a rotten dead fish lay there, with flies flying around the body.

"You're right. You'll know when you come down with me."

Zhang Ruoruan took out a foam box from the trunk, and then broke off a few thumb-thick grass branches from the weeds on the roadside.

One for each person.

"What for?" Feng Nuannian and the other three looked confused.

"You will know later, let's go, put on your shoes and follow me." Zhang Ruoruan still said the same thing.

After saying that, he took the lead and walked down.

After going down a small slope, you enter the black beach.

Although Feng Nuannian and the other three looked disgusted, they still followed.

This place is a bit dirty, but fortunately there is no sea water, just like on land.

Zhang Ruoruan took the lead and walked a distance of 40 to [-] meters before stopping.

"Okay, let's start."

Zhang Ruoruan said.

"???" Without any suspense, there were three blank faces.

Zhang Ruoran smiled and didn't blame them for not understanding.

"It's very simple. You will understand after I demonstrate it once."

Zhang Ruoruan pointed to a piece of stone on the ground.

This should be decoration garbage that was illegally discarded. It has been soaked in seawater for a long time and its original appearance cannot be seen clearly. It is covered with various barnacles and life.

Zhang Ruoruan opened the stone directly.

A small puddle below was exposed. The puddle was not clear, but it was certainly not deep.

"Watch it, don't use your hands yet."

Zhang Ruoruan used the stick-like grass branches that he had just broken off and inserted them into the small puddle to stir.

next moment.


A pair of large red pliers suddenly stretched out from the turbid water and clamped down on the soft grass branches.

The sudden attack made Feng Nuannian and the three of them tremble, and their bodies shook.

But then, his eyes were overjoyed.

"It's a crab!"

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