gentle control

Chapter 98 Is the love not obvious enough?

Zhou Zongyan couldn't understand her sudden brain circuit.

The medicine was still in Nanyue Mansion. After she returned, she stayed up until a few o'clock in the morning. No surprise, she was full from takeout.

So he took a tough stance and issued an ultimatum, "I'll give you two choices."


"Go back to Nanyue Mansion, or I'll go to Lushan."

Gu Yusheng:
He had an important project meeting tonight, but he still had to spare time to pay for her carelessness.

Ever since I was young, I have solved the mistakes I made by myself.

Gu Yusheng doesn't want to rely too much on the people around her at work.

Even if it’s just a repeat interview.

But due to someone's power, she finally had to stop her activities. It seemed that she had no other choice but to let her soul continue to be filthy.

At the intersection ahead, Gu Yusheng turned on the music while turning the car.

The phone was not connected to Bluetooth, so I simply ignored several missed calls.

When the car stalled outside the villa gate, she picked up her phone and saw bomb messages all over the screen. She clicked on it and found a message from Winky, telling her that something big had happened.

Gu Yusheng was used to this guy's tendency to exaggerate, so he didn't take it to heart. He calmly called back and asked her what happened.

Winky had just gotten off work. She was squeezing on the subway and said with envy on her face: "If there is a next life, I will also be Special Assistant Xu's cousin. I will get off work on time and live as happily as a fairy."


Gu Yusheng didn't have time to listen to her weird words, "Don't beat around the bush, otherwise I'll die."

At the entrance, the servant had put the slippers in advance, and put the mobile phone to her ear. The girl squatted down to change her shoes. At first glance, she looked like an ordinary office worker.

Only when it comes to working overtime, the entire department seems to have something to say about her.

Even Winky, who has a relatively close relationship with her, may not only be joking but also a bit uncomfortable in her words.

They all thought that Jiang Yunwei's invisible connivance to her was for the sake of Special Assistant Xu.

As everyone knows, the devilish way of flattering and killing in disguise is the most fatal test for a newcomer.

Let her be the target of public criticism and put her on the fire. The ensuing dissatisfaction and exclusion from her colleagues are enough to destroy her entire working environment.

This is a common tactic used by managers.

There is only one purpose, which is to test whether she is a mule or a horse.

But Gu Yusheng didn't want to be a mule or a horse.

In essence, her role in the investment department is just a passerby.

Half a year later, when former colleagues meet again, they may have to change their names and call her "Gu Dao".

Time is precious, and there is really no need for her to invest too much energy in dealing with endless workplace relationships.

On the phone, Winky talked about something exciting, and the decibel level could not help but rise several degrees, attracting a lot of looks from around her.

"You don't know, the devil's face at that time was so dark that tens of thousands of dollars of lady's ointment couldn't cover it up. Not only was it dark, it was also frighteningly cold. We all had a premonition that Flora was probably doomed this time, completely cold. , I guess I have to pack up and leave early tomorrow morning."

After listening for a long time, Gu Yusheng never heard the key point.

"So, what is the reason that makes Director Jiang so angry?"

Winky shook his head: "I don't know. Anyway, after the female devil came back from the top, her aura was not quite right. Everyone speculated whether it was related to the investment case that Flora was responsible for recently. Could it be that she was tricked and the company lost thousands of dollars? Ten thousand?"

If this is the case, being fired would be considered a minor offense.

Of course, Winky made this call to her not just to take advantage of her colleagues, but also to remind her that the devil was angry and asked her to go to the company tomorrow and be cautious in everything, be careful and don't touch her if nothing happened. mold, otherwise it will easily lead to fire.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yusheng's head was buzzing.

After sitting on the sofa in the living room for a while, she heard the servant calling "Mr. Zhou" in the yard. She slowly raised her head and waited for the familiar figure to come in from the outside.

Zhou Zongyan handed the coat he took off to the servant, who took it and hung it up. The man walked towards her slowly, stretched out his hand to touch her little face, which was lost in thought, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at you." The girl raised her eyes.He smiled lightly: "That's not the way you look at me."

Gu Yusheng asked with great interest: "When I look at you, what should you look like?"

Zhou Zongyan said nothing, with a slight arc on his lips.

She held his arm and shook it gently, "Tell me about it, I'm very curious."

The person in front of her remained motionless, staring at her quietly with lowered eyes. The dark eyes were as deep as sinking into an endless pool of deep water.

Gu Yusheng's cheeks heated up when he saw him. He turned his eyes slightly and whispered, "No, I usually look at you so straight?"

She thought she was calm enough.

But God knows, her heart is screaming all the time, she is really addicted to this man.

Who says girls can't have desires.

If she wasn't afraid of ruining her image, she might have revealed her true colors long ago.

Gu Yusheng turned away his eyes and was about to speak when Zhou Zongyan's gentle voice came from above his head, "Not even one-third of this."


She couldn't laugh at all.

Co-author Boss Zhou means that in his eyes, her love for him is not obvious enough?

Gu Yusheng retorted unconvinced: "How can it be less than one-third? When the love is strong, it will definitely be ten thousand times better than usual."

After saying this, Zhou Zongyan finally reacted.

After a few seconds of silence, he suggested softly: "Then try it tonight."

"try what?"

"Try to see how much love Shengsheng can burst into when you are deeply in love."


Can she take back what she just said?

A sentence of deep love was misinterpreted by him into another meaning.

Gu Yusheng foolishly dug another hole for herself.

It was getting late, so Zhou Zongyan picked her up from the sofa and carried her over to eat.

This was the third day that she had lived with him briefly, and she felt vaguely like home.

After dinner, the two went for a walk in the backyard.

During this period, Boss Zhou's phone rang three times in total. Gu Yusheng felt disappointed when she thought that she still had half of her interview script left.

When she reached the golden osmanthus tree, she turned around and pulled him back.

Zhou Zongyan was led by her in a leisurely pace. The night stretched the two shadows very long, reflecting on the green brick path in the back garden, overlapping each other, separating, and finally intertwined.

Entering the villa, the thick warmth instantly dispelled the chill all over my body.

After changing her shoes, she took the man on her arm and walked towards the stairs. After thinking for a moment, she said suddenly: "Dr. Jay, I want to ask you a question."


Gu Yusheng walked up the stairs, her calm gaze slightly lowered, "If someone in the company makes a mistake, but it does not cause any substantial loss or impact, can it be dealt with leniently?"

Zhou Zongyan walked beside her and asked calmly: "What kind of punishment do you think is severe?"

"Expelled," she said.

Flora's change of her voice recorder was actually not a surprise.

She didn't think about excusing anyone.

Just being in the back garden, looking at the cold moonlight, inexplicably reminded her of her first day in the company.

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