gentle control

Chapter 64 Conservatives

The waiter carefully hung up their coats and then exited.

The environment here is elegant and quiet.

This allowed Gu Yusheng to fix her eyes on the man without reservation.

At this time, he took off his suit, and the hand-customized shirt showed off the superiority of his figure. The fine fabrics were well-cut and well-fitted, outlining his shoulder-width ratio in perfect proportions. Under the shirt, you could vaguely see the slight bulging and extension of his muscles. The lines that sink into the waist and abdomen are neat and tight, and every part is full of mature tension.

She couldn't help but think of the morning when the relationship was confirmed.

This man was wearing a bath towel and black swimming trunks soaked in the pool water.

When you kiss her, be fierce but restrained.

Completely gone from his usual calmness and calmness.

Since we met, it's rare to experience Boss Zhou losing control of his emotions.

Gu Yusheng thought, from the time she had her first meal with him back home to now, it had only been a month, how could she have somehow managed to live in his heart and sit on his lap?

The relationship obviously developed very quickly.

But she also felt that time passed so slowly.

At the age of 21, she eagerly wanted to know who she would be to him in half a year, two years, or ten years, and whether his favoring and doting eyes would still belong to her alone.

Worry about gain and loss.

It turns out that I also have today.

After the meal, the waiter took away the staple food and wine and brought dessert fruits.

Gu Yusheng held the dessert plate, stood in front of the wide and bright floor-to-ceiling window, and asked the man next to her, "Will there be fireworks in Victoria Harbor tonight?"

I asked casually. After all, I never thought that Mr. Zhou would be so well prepared for this date.

Zhou Zongyan put his arm around her shoulders, looking calmly into the distance, "If you want to see it, you will find it."

That must be there.

Gu Yusheng's faint smile could not hide the expectation in her eyes.

He knew her little personality.

Pay attention to the sense of ritual.

She said before that if she comes to Hong Kong City, she cannot miss the fireworks in Central.

At one o'clock at eight o'clock, lavender fireworks bloomed brilliantly above the neon-filled bay, instantly lighting up the dark night sky of Victoria Harbor.

Gu Yusheng's eyes sparkled with stars, and sweet pear dimples bloomed on her cheeks.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, the graceful figures of the two people were reflected.

Zhou Zongyan stood tall and tall. The hand he placed on the girl's shoulder came to her waist. He tilted his head and lowered his eyes, looking at her quietly. She was watching the fireworks.

In 15 minutes, the long starry sky disappeared.

The girl touched the glass with her fingertips and wrote two invisible English letters on it.

It's the abbreviation of her and his names.

I always think that when I come back next time, there will still be memories and traces that belong to the two of us.

Zhou Zongyan kissed the side of her ear and asked in a low voice: "Do you feel bored when you are with me?"

Why is it boring.

She looked up at him with confusion in her eyes.

The man breathed very close to her and said, "I thought the love I understood would be too derailed at your age."

Boss Zhou, who is strategizing in the business field, has expressed such an uncertain tone for the first time.

Gu Yusheng felt a little sour after hearing this.

She tilted her head slightly and rested her head on his broad shoulder, with a soothing voice, "If you like someone, even if you stay together quietly, you do your business and I do mine. You don't have to do anything. You will also feel satisfied and happy.”

"So considerate of me?" Zhou Zongyan smiled at the corners of his eyes.

She also laughed, her little face rubbed against his arm, and the corners of her lips accidentally brushed against each other. Only then did she realize that she had put on makeup, and quickly straightened her head to look at his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It seems like your clothes are stained." Gu Yusheng stared at the red stain on his white shirt.

Zhou Zongyan glanced over his shoulder, turned his head, and stroked her face with his fingertips, "It's okay, you can change positions next time." "Where?" The girl looked up at her.

His deep and gentle eyebrows brought her soft hand to his chest.

Gu Yusheng blinked her eyes slightly, lowered her strength slightly, and guided the big hand wrapped around her to the man's strong belly, "Here, is that okay?"

Through the shirt, the texture under the palms is clearly defined, transmitting heat continuously.

There was a cunning look in the girl's eyes, as if she was still worried about what happened in the study this morning, and she was always looking for an opportunity to get things right.

With a calm smile in his eyes, Zhou Zongyan followed her and nodded gracefully: "It's not impossible to continue."

carry on.

Gu Yusheng glanced down gently.

He quickly shook his head: "No, I'm a conservative."

Zhou Zongyan hugged her and calmly stated the fact: "Conservatives are often the target of being attacked. They are in a disadvantageous position and it is difficult to stand up."

"Is it difficult? I thought Mr. Zhou would be willing to surrender for me."

Zhou Zongyan was noncommittal, "It's a good idea, I'm looking forward to that day."

He held the back of her neck with his palm, bent his head and gently pressed his lips to hers.

This kiss was a little tasteful.

The girl's cheeks were bright red, tempting him to pick them, but she wasn't here either.

Take the elevator to the twelfth floor.

On the first floor below, a black luxury car parked quietly.

After getting on the car, the middle baffle slowly rose, and Gu Yusheng sat on Zhou Zongyan's lap. His palms were hot, and his finger bones were strong, full of strong and irresistible meaning, and he pressed against her plump and soft breasts.

But it was just sticking and no further action was taken.

Gu Yusheng lowered his head and his lips touched the tip of his nose.

Her face was so red that she almost bled.

Zhou Zongyan asked her in a deep voice, "Does Miss Gu choose to be conservative or radical now?"

"I" Gu Yusheng held her breath for two seconds and asked in a naive tone: "So, is Mr. Zhou planning to surrender for me now?"

Zhou Zongyan's hand on her waist moved to her waist, his body leaned slightly against the back of the chair, and his tone was low and flat: "Let me do whatever you want."

The girl lowered her eyes shyly.

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, her soft black hair falling down her shoulders and piled on his arms as softly as a cloud.

A soft voice leaned against his ear, "I don't dare."

With the hand on her lower back, Zhou Zongyan was slowly understanding the watch and cufflinks.

The tip of his nose gently sniffed the quiet body fragrance in her hair. After taking the third breath of "I dare not", he touched the side of her face with his fingers, sliding them all the way to the corners of her lips, and pinched her chin with his tiger's mouth.

Gu Yusheng was forced to turn her face and face the man's approaching hot breath.

She didn't know whether the conservatives turned around in the end. Anyway, she was the one who surrendered without a doubt.

In the dark car.

A slight whirring sound.

The back seat smells delicious.

Gu Yusheng collapsed into a ball in his arms, and her high heels fell off at some point. The legs under her skirt were pressed against his trousers, touching and rubbing lightly.

Every time, he would not let her go until she couldn't resist anymore.

But this time it's more like inducement.

Accept the consequences for her "dareness".

He said that only defending without attacking is disadvantageous.

The most indispensable thing for Zhou Zongyan's girls is courage and courage.

As his consciousness drifted, Gu Yusheng's closed eyelashes trembled slightly, the hand on his shoulder tightened little by little, and he responded bravely and without any structure.

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