gentle control

Chapter 53 Why don’t you call me baby

At nearly ten o'clock, Zhou Zongyan went to a business wine shop temporarily. He was too busy to pick her up on time.

Halfway through the Maybach, the bodyguard called and said that Miss Gu had drunk too much and was very drunk.

Xu Jie knew that Miss Gu's drunkenness was a big deal. The next second the boss ordered, he signaled the driver to turn around and drive quickly towards the location where the bodyguard had located.

It was already 10 minutes after I received the call.

The girl was extremely rebellious tonight and was not allowed to wear a seat belt. She lay crookedly on the back seat with her head propped on the center armrest, holding her cell phone while giggling and taking selfies.

When Zhou Zongyan got in the car, the scene was unbearable to look at.

She didn't know where she had thrown her coat, and underneath she was wearing a black knitted skirt. The shoulder straps slid loosely under her shoulders, exposing a large area of ​​her white collarbone.

The driver was very discerning and silently raised the fender and started the car.

Zhou Zongyan took off his suit and wrapped the girl up. With a long arm, he positioned the girl to sit upright and fastened her seat belt.

The girl pursed her lips, frowned, and pushed hard with her hands.

"Be good, you'll be home soon." Zhou Zongyan comforted him warmly.

Gu Yusheng kept shaking her head, tears streaming down her face inexplicably, "I'm not good, I don't want it."

One moment I was so happy that I was so happy, but now I am so sad that I can't help myself.

Zhou Zongyan couldn't do anything to her, so he discussed in a low voice, "Can you just endure it for another 15 minutes?"

"No, I want a hug."


The drunk girl was unconscious.

For a moment, he was not sure whether she knew her current situation.

Did she think of him as her friend?
Zhou Zongyan was silent for a few seconds, stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's soft little face, "Who do you want to hug? Tell me your name."

Who do you want?
As if thinking of something unhappy, he blinked his wet eyes lightly, and tears fell down one by one like broken pearls, wetting the back of the man's cold hands.

"Don't cry, you want me to hold you? Huh?" Zhou Zongyan asked her in a deep voice, with the warmth and pampering that belonged only to this night.

Gu Yusheng bit her lip with tears in her eyes, smelled the salty taste, sniffed, and murmured incoherently: "You don't like me at all, and you never call me baby."

? ?
At this moment, she wanted to ask the bodyguard how much she drank tonight.

But it doesn't seem important.

Zhou Zongyan was quiet, "A title does not mean whether you like it or not. This is your gangster logic."

"You are a robber. You robbed things and then defaulted on the debt. Why are you so bad?" The girl complained in a whimpering voice, and her hoarse voice made people's hearts tense.

"What did I steal from you?" he asked.

She's pretty good now and doesn't move around. The 15-minute journey requires him to be patient and chat with her.

Gu Yusheng rubbed her moist eye sockets, closed her eyes and turned away, her cheeks covered by a new wave of heat.

Alcohol on top.

People's emotions are always magnified unconsciously.

When I'm awake, I feel happy enough.

After getting drunk, he enters another timid personality, and even the color of the air becomes dull.

Gu Yusheng faced the window, and the lacquered glass reflected that delicate and sad little face.

The girl kept crying, leaving him at a loss.

The drive was too long, and Zhou Zongyan's face gradually turned gloomy.

That darkness was not because of the girl's crying.

Instead, she was suppressed and helpless to vent her emotions.

He didn't even know what the problem was.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Zongyan finally put away the armrest box, leaned over, put his arms under her knees, and hugged her into his arms.

The girl's face was full of tears. The men's suit wrapped around her body had already been soaked in large areas. Her cheeks were red and hot, and her broken hair was stained with sweat and stuck to the side of her face and neck.She is hot.

Zhou Zongyan took off the coat from her shoulders.

The heating was not turned on in the car, and the coolness came into contact with her skin. Gu Yusheng felt a little comfortable, uneasy with the status quo, and began to pull the black knitted skirt on her body with her hands.

"You can't take it off." Zhou Zongyan's throat tightened and he restrained her wrist, wanting her to stay quietly in his arms.

But how can a drunk person talk to her?

Gu Yusheng felt out of breath.

She wanted to change out of the tights and wear the loose nightgown she had in her closet.

The girl is restless.

After a lot of fiddling, she had the black skirt all piled up around her waist, and her two fair and slender legs hung under the man's trousers.

Soft fragrance in the arms.

At this time, I wanted to kiss her so hard that she couldn't cry.

But she is not awake now.

Doing that would be a beast.

He had no position to bully a girl with confused consciousness.

During the rest of the journey, Gu Yusheng kept arguing with the skirt, mumbling, full of grievances and unhappiness.

Slowly, Zhou Zongyan seemed to understand her needs.

The skirt is too tight.

Choose this less-than-comfortable outfit to go to a bar.

He sometimes couldn't understand a girl's desire for spiritual satisfaction.

On an unbearable night, the air in the back seat is scorching.

There was only a slight crack in the window.

But the effect of that cool breeze is equivalent to nothing.

Zhou Zongyan's Adam's apple rolled, and he endured the inexplicable desire in his lower abdomen that made his heart tighten. He held her soft waist with one hand and sat motionless, watching with suppressed eyes, letting the girl toss and turn.

The Maybach was driving on the winding mountain road of Deep Water Bay.

During the last half-minute of the drive, he turned his gloomy eyes to the window, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.Waiting for the car to stop, he picked up the coat next to him and covered the person in his arms. He carried her out of the car and strode towards the door of the villa with long legs.

When the lights came on, Gu Yusheng closed her eyes, frowned in discomfort, and grabbed the man's sleeves, "It stinks, I need to take a shower."

Sweated a lot.

Zhou Zongyan's breath was filled with the girl's light body fragrance.

But she felt sticky and unbearable.

When her body came into contact with the soft bed, Gu Yusheng kicked off her slippers impatiently, groped her back with her backhand, and weakly unbuttoned her bra with her fingers.

In this situation, Zhou Zongyan stood in the bedroom for a few seconds, helpless, and turned around to enter the bathroom.

Come back again, holding a white bath towel in your hand.

The light-skinned lace flew over from the bed. Although he couldn't understand how she did it, Zhou Zongyan still raised his hand to catch it.

The girl's sweaty body temperature was on the tight-fitting fabric, and the fragrant fragrance wetted his dry fingertips. Compared to the previous time in the car, this was the beginning of invisible torture.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Without the restraints, Gu Yusheng finally calmed down and sat on the edge of the bed obediently. The man still wrapped her in a bath towel. Then she tilted her head and looked at him, with light dimples on her cheeks, and said little by little with her head: "What are you doing?" If you don’t take off your clothes, don’t take a shower, don’t you smell bad?”


Zhou Zongyan said nothing and carried her to the bathroom. He lowered his eyes to her crimson face and thought about the next step, whether he needed to ask the housekeeping aunt to come over and help.

Put the girl into the hot water and slowly remove the bath towel from her body. "Can you wash it yourself?" Zhou Zongyan asked her in a low voice with his arms on the edge of the bathtub.

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