gentle control

Chapter 24 How many have you talked about?

Chapter 24 How many have you talked about?

The interview the next morning made Gu Yusheng deeply understand the sadness and humility of people in the workplace.

When asked by HR if she had any plans to get married and have children in the past three years, she subconsciously froze for two seconds.

And this short two-second hesitation, in the eyes of the interviewer, becomes the probability and hidden danger of unstable factors.

The outcome was unknown, but it strengthened her determination to start a business.

Not only in the workplace, but also in the film and television industry, women seem to be naturally at a disadvantage no matter what they do.

Compared with white-collar workers, it is more difficult to be a good director.

When we came out of the office building, the sky was gloomy and there seemed to be signs of rain.

There are rarely sunny days in Beijing in winter.

In more than a month, it will probably snow.

Gu Yusheng tightened her coat and walked towards the roadside.

At this time, it is approaching the afternoon peak.

As I didn’t drive today, the queue number on the taxi app was over 50 long.

She hesitated to call the family driver.

At this time, under the gray sky, a Maybach Zeppelin with an extraordinary body was slowly driving out of the Zhou headquarters building. The wheels ran over the black and yellow speed bumps and slowly merged into the main commercial road on the left side of the intersection. .

In the car, Zhou Zongyan had just finished an online meeting. His face was not good, his brows were stern, and his jaw was tense.

The luxury car's drive is silent.

It was so quiet that it made the air pressure even lower and colder, making people afraid to breathe.

This atmosphere lasted for a long time.

It wasn't until he finished browsing the latest merger and acquisition plan sent by the investment department that the man in the back seat calmed down slightly. He untied his cufflinks with a solemn breath and took out a cigarette and lighter from the locker next to him.

Biting the cigarette on her thin lips, she casually glanced out the window while lighting the cigarette.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Immediately, the man's deep voice fell: "Pull over."

The car slowed down in response.

Assistant Xu Jie sat in the co-pilot.

He first looked at the rearview mirror like a conditioned reflex, paused, and then followed the boss's line of sight in the distance.

In the cold mist and drizzle, the girl stood slenderly in front of the bus stop. From this angle, only a quiet and beautiful side face could be seen clearly.

Miss Gu?
Because he was not sure, Xu Jie did not speak out immediately.

But I felt particularly surprised. From such a long distance, I didn’t know how my husband could recognize him at a glance.

Zhou Zongyan said quietly: "Turn on the heater."

At the same time that the driver received the instruction, Maybach had already found a gap in the traffic flow and quietly and slowly stopped towards the figure on the roadside.

Gu Yusheng's address book was halfway through, and when she looked up, she saw Special Assistant Xu walking towards her holding an umbrella.

Turning his clear eyes slightly, he accurately caught the familiar car parked not far behind him.

"Miss Gu, sir, I asked you to give me a ride."

"No, it might not be convenient." She declined.

It's not that he intentionally kept a distance, but that he didn't want to disrupt Boss Zhou's schedule.

The executive director's daily business trip meant that time was definitely precious. Instead, she had nothing to do and waited patiently for her family driver to pick her up, which only took half an hour.

Just a few seconds after he finished speaking, a text message came in from his phone.

Sender: Zhou Zongyan.

There are only two words: along the way.


Turning off the screen, Gu Yusheng complained casually: "Did your boss take psychology as an elective?"

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

He smiled and said, "Sir is good at guessing people's hearts, but towards Miss Gu, maybe it's just instinct."

As she walked, she asked: "How much salary does Zhou Zongyan give you?"

"It's not a problem to support the family." Xu Jie said ambiguously.

"Making more than seven figures a year?"

A bit stumped. "This needs to be kept confidential. If Miss Gu is curious, you might as well come to the board of directors' office to experience it for yourself." He paused here and added: "The secretary's office is currently short of people. Do you want to consider it?"

Obviously, the sharp-eyed Special Assistant Xu saw the resume in her hand.

I spontaneously thought that the eldest daughter of the Gu family was bored and came here to experience life.

The car door opened, and the cold wave penetrated into the back seat space along with the sweet and light fragrance of the girl's body.

Zhou Zongyan, who was sitting on the other side, had his long legs crossed and his whole body was leaning against the back of the chair in a relaxed yet upright manner.

He was flipping through a paper document in his hand, and his attention was not interrupted by Gu Yusheng getting into the car. He only warned her in a gentle voice when she was fastening her seat belt: "Dry your hair first, and be careful of catching a cold."

On the center console armrest, there is a thin dark red carpet neatly stacked.

It's like it was prepared for her in advance.

The car was fully heated, but Gu Yusheng was actually a little warm.

So I spontaneously ignored the man's words and felt that my hair would dry quickly, so I ignored it.

The people around him made no move. Zhou Zongyan slowly moved his eyes away from the page. He put down the document in his hand and turned his head slightly. Then he spoke again, his voice was already low.

"It's clean and no one has used it except you."

He misunderstood that she was mysophobic.

Gu Yusheng's key point was, "When did I use it?"

I have absolutely no memory of that drunken night.

Zhou Zongyan didn't intend to remind her, he raised the corners of his lips lightly and said nothing.

The more so, the more curious she naturally becomes.

He coughed lightly and asked tentatively: "Did something unusual happen when you sent me back last time?"

"for example?"

? ?
He asked her back?

Gu Yusheng was silent for a few seconds, looking slightly uncomfortable, and said with a guilty conscience: "I'm not a good drinker, and I have a history of grabbing the steering wheel before."


She recalled: "About three years ago, not long after I took the college entrance examination, it was the day of my adult ceremony."

Zhou Zongyan nodded slightly: "I remember."

remember something.

He said slowly: "That night you wore a black dress, climbed to the Roman column outside the manor, raised your wine glass high, and shouted that you were an adult and could fall in love."

Gu Yusheng was stunned when he heard this.

Without moving her eyes, she asked lightly: "How do you know, uncle told you?"

"I was at the scene." Zhou Zongyan's tone was filled with a smile.


how come.

Is Zhou Zongyan also here?
With her mind in a mess, Gu Yusheng shook her head and muttered: "It shouldn't be. Didn't you say that the last time we met was in the back garden of the Zhou family's old house?"

This is indeed the case.

But Zhou Zongyan didn't tell her that every year since then, the two of them would almost always meet by chance.

The trick of God's will is that every time, due to various reasons, she was completely unaware of his existence.

At that time, Zhou Zongyan only felt that as time went by, the little girl became more and more beautiful and charming, and she had really grown up.

Unexpectedly, after many years, she became the fiancée chosen by her grandfather personally.

What was unpredictable was that he never even said a word 'no' from beginning to end.

In the silence, Gu Yusheng was slightly embarrassed and prepared to change the topic.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard the person next to him say slowly and in a low voice: "After the coming-of-age ceremony, with Miss Gu's temperament, she should have a lot of fun."


The girl's expression gave the answer.

Before he could think about it, Zhou Zongyan asked calmly: "How many have you talked to?"

? ?
 Ah, I was unexpectedly charged. Members can watch it for free. The author is too busy in the Two-dimensional world, but he will try his best to spare time to write more words, set a flag for himself, and update more on weekends.

(End of this chapter)

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