Chapter 22
For the first time in his life, Gu Yusheng experienced what true bloodline suppression was.

Thinking back to the arrogant and domineering look of Zhou Yuanxi riding on the girl an hour ago, and looking at the cowardly shape of a turtledove following his brother with his head shrinking now, the scene had an inexplicable sense of fragmentation.

Outside the police station gate, in the parking lot.

Only the driver was waiting quietly, with no sign of Xu Jie. He should be responsible for sending the beaten female classmate home and handling the aftermath.

Regardless of the cause, hitting someone is always wrong.

Zhou Yuanxi was still unconvinced, pinched the corners of Gu Yusheng's clothes with her hands, and protested in a low voice: "She insulted me first, do you want me to swallow her anger?"

"Of course I can't bear it, but the way you fought back was wrong."

When the little girl heard this, her ears immediately stood up.

Zhou Zongyan in front did not stop, but glanced back lightly from the corner of his eye.

In the quiet night, a conversation between adults and children slowly unfolded.

Gu Yusheng taught her how to deal with malicious provocations like tonight, and how to avoid being caught by the other party and bitten back.

What smart people do is to see who can 'act' better.

Putting myself in an advantageous yet 'weak' position, as long as I am shameless enough, others will not even think of hurting me in the slightest, which is commonly known as fighting fire with fire.

The 17-year-old child was used to hearing the same kind of sermons, but this was the first time he received such strange words. He admired his future sister-in-law to the point of starry-eyed admiration.

Zhou Yuanxi was sitting in the passenger seat, turning sideways restlessly, complaining to Gu Yusheng in the back seat about how boring cultural classes were, and then talked about celebrity gossip, which idol in the entertainment industry had lost his house again, laughing and chatting all the way, in the car So lively.

Through the rearview mirror, the driver quietly glanced at his boss, who had closed his eyes the whole time, and sighed to himself. If this happened in the past, the young lady would not dare to make such a fuss. The entire Zhou family knows that the prince likes to be quiet, especially the prince. I had just finished a long flight and was still very tired.

But tonight, Zhou Yuanxi seemed a little unscrupulous thanks to Gu Yusheng's support.

She was sure that her eldest brother loved sister Yu Sheng.

After all, no woman has ever had access to the back seat of this Maybach.

I thought I would send Zhou Yuanxi directly back to his old home, but I never thought that Zhou Zongyan would send another car to pick him up on the way.

Seeing the little girl getting out of the car pitifully and leaving, Gu Yusheng looked at the person beside him in confusion.

The latter said expressionlessly: "It's too noisy."



There was a moment of silence, and the car became completely quiet.

The overly silent atmosphere lasted until they were about to enter the Gu family villa area, and was finally broken by the man's voice.

Zhou Zongyan lightly pressed his fingers between his brows, speaking slightly slowly, and asked her: "What do you think about Zhou Yuanxi's fight tonight?"

Gu Yusheng did not answer.

After a moment of silence, he said: "I was not present at the time, so I can't comment."

"Without commenting, you just protect her?"

Gu Yusheng said politely: "Teenage is the age when you need unconditional favoritism from relatives around you. If you give her some trust, she will be more honest and close to you."

Zhou Zongyan smiled lightly: "It seems that you feel deeply."

"Of course, after all, it's only been three years since that time."

As she finished speaking, she clearly noticed a brief pause in the breath of the person next to her.

For some unknown reason, I just heard Mr. Zhou whisper with a dark expression, "So this is why you and Zhou Yuanxi talk about everything, but when you are alone with me, you are so indifferent that you don't want to talk."

? ?
A little confused.

She seems to understand a little bit, but she doesn't seem to understand much.

Gu Yusheng coughed lightly, and turned her eyes unconsciously to the window, looking at the rich night and softly comforting: "I don't mean to think you are old, don't think too much about it."

The man's deep smile came from his ears.

She turned her head and looked at him steadily.

Zhou Zongyan's warm gaze fell on the girl's face, and his tone was casual, with a trace of indistinguishable sadness, "Your kind explanation put a lot of pressure on me."

Gu Yusheng raised his eyebrows: "So Mr. Zhou cares about his age?"

"I didn't care before."

After two seconds of silence, his Adam's apple rolled, "But I feel it strongly tonight." The huge gap made Zhou Zongyan understand for the first time that crossing the eight-year-old gap would not happen overnight.

He didn't even know what she liked, or maybe every conversation he had with her seemed boring to her.

She advocates free love.

But he stubbornly wanted to bind her with marriage.

Gu Yusheng was also deep in thought. She knew clearly that he had misunderstood her, but she was hesitating whether to let him continue to misunderstand her like this.

She wouldn't consider getting married anyway.

Why pay attention to his feelings, right?
Half a quarter of an hour later, the Maybach stopped steadily outside the gate of the villa.

Zhou Zongyan got out of the car with a brocade box, and she cast a questioning look at his hand. The latter only said that it was something Grandpa Zhou had told her to hand over to her father.

Father is back?
Seeing the low-key car labeled "Beijing A" parked in the front yard, Gu Yusheng quickly understood.

His mother greeted him when he entered the door. He was about to ask the servant to go to the study to inform her husband to go downstairs. Zhou Zongyan raised his hand humbly and politely and stood up, indicating to Ms. Xie not to bother and that he could go up by himself.

The task of leading the way naturally fell on Gu Yusheng.

This scene is weird.

There is a vague feeling of familiarity.

It was as if the scene at this moment had appeared countless times in dreams or elsewhere.

She never believed in the so-called destiny, but when she passed the corner of the stairs, she still asked mysteriously: "Can you tell me what is in the box?"

Zhou Zongyan looked at her deeply and said, "Don't be nervous, it's just an inkstone."


No, she was nervous somewhere.

The girl stood still and pointed to the study room in front of her, obviously doing so perfunctorily.

Seeing her depressed look, Zhou Zongyan was not upset. He smiled lightly and passed her by.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yusheng fell into a state of confusion between eavesdropping and not eavesdropping.

The door to the study was gently closed and ajar, and it didn't look like it was locked tightly.

Just take a few steps forward and you can hear the conversation inside.

But in the end, Gu Yusheng was startled by the sudden ringtone of her cell phone and retracted her feet.


Resign yourself to your fate and close your eyes.

That's it.

What is there to be curious about when these two gentlemen talk?

After answering the phone, he turned and walked downstairs.

Instead of being sneaky, it's better to pry and pry from the mother's mouth openly.

Xie Yin was making tea in the living room. Seeing that her daughter was hesitant to speak, she smiled and said, "What do you want to ask?"

After his thoughts were seen through, Gu Yusheng no longer hid it.

Glancing upstairs, she hugged her mother's arm and said mysteriously: "What's the point of that square inkstone that Grandpa Zhou gave to my father?"

Xie Yin paused in the act of pouring tea.

Facing the serious and persistent look in my daughter's eyes, I didn't know how to say some words.


Gu Yusheng softly called back her dazed mother.

The latter put down the tea cup, patted the back of her hand with a gentle face, and said comfortingly: "There is nothing special about it. Mr. Zhou likes to collect ancient ink from the study. He probably got new items recently, and sent them here specially for your father to identify the authenticity."


How important an item was it that his father had just returned from a neighboring county, Zhou Zongyan had just gotten off the plane, and had not had time to rest for a night, so he had to send it here in a dusty journey?
This operation is really puzzling.

(End of this chapter)

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