Chapter 2
The age difference is eight years.

It's indeed a bit big.

But it's not completely unacceptable.

Gu Yusheng unconsciously lowered his eyes and did not answer directly, but jumped to another topic.

She asked: "What kind of mentality does Mr. Zhou have to accept a marriage that lasts for decades and has no emotional basis?"

Voice lags behind.

The man responded to her with a brief silence.

Zhou Zongyan put down his teacup, put one hand on his long overlapping knees, and slowly leaned against the back of the chair with his body relaxed and upright.

Beneath the deep brows, those quiet eyes met her gaze with hidden confusion without hesitation.

Such a beautiful girl, even if she has a clean face and no makeup, her appearance is still as beautiful as the bright moon in the mountains.

Just like tonight, she was wearing the simplest T-shirt, a loose-fitting baseball uniform, light casual white shoes on her feet, a loose and slightly curly half ponytail, and GUCCI's outdoor special mini chain bag. Youth, youth, vitality.

Sitting together with men in suits and ties, eating, communicating, living, and even infiltrating into every aspect of each other in the future.

It's hard not to feel disconcerted in a scene like that.

It is a violation, but it is also the beginning of running-in.

In Zhou Zongyan's opinion.

Creating something from nothing is the most difficult and most worthwhile thing in the world.

Relationships are cultivated after marriage.

He never thought it was nonsense.

Under the soft white light, the girl's eyes were clear and she looked at him intently, with a hint of indescribable solemnity flowing quietly in her eyes.

Facing her unwavering doubts, Zhou Zongyan could only smile lightly and said slowly: "As for the question just now, the reason may be that our views on marriage are different. But from the words, I can probably understand Miss Gu concerns."

Gu Yusheng said nothing and waited for his next words.

"You are worried that a marriage without an emotional foundation will not last long and lacks warmth and security. This is human nature and I can understand it." At this point, Zhou Zongyan paused slightly.

After remaining silent for a moment, he continued: "I have a suggestion. If Miss Gu thinks it's feasible, she might as well give it a try."

What proposal?
She pulls herself together.

Zhou Zongyan picked up the tea cup and took a sip slowly, "I will postpone the wedding for half a year."

wedding date.

put off?

Gu Yusheng suspected that he heard wrongly.

Then, Zhou Zongyan added in a low voice: "In half a year, Miss Gu can use her own efforts to persuade the two parents to agree to terminate the engagement."

The man's words were like pebbles dropped into a calm lake.

It fell into Gu Yusheng's confused and dull heart, creating ripples in circles.

He means.

Give her half a year.

Make the final struggle for this airborne marriage?

Gu Yusheng couldn't come to his senses for a long time.

She admitted that she felt a little shaken inside.

No matter what the reason is, delaying it later is better than asking her to get married right away.

Half a year is neither long nor short.

Who knows what will happen during this period.

Moreover, it was Zhou Zongyan who proposed the postponement of the wedding. Even if the family had any objections, she could not be blamed.

Completed front and back combing.

Gu Yusheng breathed out a sigh of relief, pretending to be calm and put forward a hypothesis: "If the engagement fails to be terminated as scheduled after six months, and I accidentally fall in love with someone else, how will Mr. Zhou handle himself then?"

This is a bit scummy.

However, such unexpected situations cannot be ruled out.

On the other hand, Zhou Zongyan, who was sitting opposite, smiled noncommittally when he heard this.

Seeing the girl drinking tea casually and waiting for his reply, Zhou Zongyan put the peeled crab meat in his hand into the empty plate in front of her.

Slowly taking off his gloves, he said with a normal expression: "Even if there comes a day, I can only force Miss Gu to keep her promise and marry me, a person who cannot win your heart."

Gu Yusheng raised her eyebrows slightly and couldn't help but ask: "What if you are the one who breaks the contract? I want to marry but you don't want to marry me. What should I do?"

The man's tone was calm: "If Miss Gu is worried, we can draw up an agreement."


Mr. Zhou told her from the side.

He does not object to this marriage.

Therefore, the possibility of breaking the contract is extremely small.

A man without love in his heart is really scary.

If you haven't met the person you like, it doesn't matter who you marry.Gu Yusheng thought.

Given the Zhou family's status in the capital, and Zhou Zongyan being the only heir, looking around the entire upper class, I'm afraid there are countless celebrities who want to marry him.

The Gu family is actually nothing.

It was only because her father was the most valued disciple of the head of the Zhou family in his early years and was favored by the old man preemptively that she had the advantage of being close to the water.

Lao Gu loved her and pampered her.

But in this matter, he was extremely arbitrary.

After all, it comes down to two words: official career.

Dinner was over before eight o'clock.

Before leaving, Gu Yusheng glanced at the dining table subconsciously and found that the man had hardly moved his chopsticks during the entire meal.

Because they are all her favorite dishes.

The taste is on the strong side.

The only dish was the steamed snow crab, and Shang still bothered Mr. Zhou to help her peel it and put it on the plate.

I am ashamed.

I knew tonight's conversation would be so enjoyable.

No matter what, you should never be so rude.

Gu Yusheng decided to make up for his mistake and politely planned to settle the bill first.

However, I was told by the cashier that Mr. Zhou had already paid.


She turned to look at the man outside the corridor on the second floor.

It's getting dark.

At some point, a drizzle started falling in the night sky.

Zhou Zongyan stood sideways next to the pot of Clivia that was growing vigorously. He put one hand on the rain-wet railing in front of him. The smoke between his fingers was half-burned. The scarlet sparks flickered in and out with the night wind, making it difficult to see. True.

Gu Yusheng did not look away immediately.

this picture.

Inexplicably, there is a sense of relief from the tranquility of time.

It shouldn't be illegal to watch it for a few more seconds.

On the phone, the assistant reported on the business schedule for the next few days in an orderly manner.

Aware of the girl's distant gaze, Zhou Zongyan slowly tilted his head and looked at each other quietly through a vintage carved wooden window with those bright and beautiful apricot eyes.

"Will you attend the launching ceremony of the South Rail Project next Wednesday night?"

"Who are there?"

After going through the list in his mind, the assistant named several deputy department-level personnel.

Zhou Zongyan lighted his cigarette ashes and said, "There is no shortage of people to cut the ribbon."

The assistant said: "Understood."

After the call ended, Zhou Zongyan wiped out his cigarette butt and walked inside.

Gu Yusheng withdrew his gaze at the right moment and turned to the welcoming pine tree in the center of the lobby out of boredom.

In a short breath, the man's warm and gentle voice followed the footsteps and said, "If you have any other plans tonight, I'll see you off."

She shook her head: "I drove here by myself. If Mr. Zhou has something to do, you can go and do it first. I made an appointment with a friend nearby."

"Ms. Gu adapted quickly after returning to China."

"Not too fast, I've been having some insomnia lately."

While talking, the two of them walked downstairs together.

When going down the stairs, Gu Yusheng absent-mindedly replied to her best friend's message, and almost missed her step without paying attention.

Fortunately, the person beside her reached out in time and held her arm firmly.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw the low-key and cold steel watch on the man's wrist, which made her temporarily absent-minded. Her memory seemed to return to the lotus pond in midsummer six years ago.

He is very dedicated.

Over the years, I seem to only love this brand.

This is true for things.

What about people?

Seeing her delay in responding, Zhou Zongyan asked in a low voice: "Did you twist your foot?"

Gu Yusheng slowly raised his eyes upwards, looking into the man's gentle eyes.

"It's okay, thank you."

She put away her phone and moved her ankle subconsciously. She felt a little uncomfortable, but it should be nothing serious.

Zhou Zongyan straightened the man upright. In the narrow stairway, the top of the girl's hair gently brushed against the tip of his nose, bringing up a clean and sweet fragrance that lingered around each other.

(End of this chapter)

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