gentle control

Chapter 16 Acquaintances

Chapter 16 Acquaintances
So, was it her uncle who deceived her, or her memory was bad?
Suddenly, someone inside spoke. It was a man wearing a brown striped suit. He looked at the girl with an uncertain face: "Yusheng?"

She remembered.

I don’t blame people for adding question marks, I did see it three years ago.

Her facial features have not changed much in the past three years, but she has lost the youthfulness and childishness she had when she was seventeen or eighteen years old, and the overall impression is still different.

After a brief moment of confusion, several other voices came one after another.

"It's really Yu Sheng. I haven't seen you grow so tall in a few years."

"Come and sit quickly. Your uncle just left and should be back soon."

"If you want something to drink, I'll ask the waiter to bring it to you. What are you doing standing here? Sit down, sit down, sit down, don't be polite to us."

A group of old men were smiling and enthusiastic, and they greeted her one after another.

Because of the uncle's seniority, the average age of everyone present was about 30 years old, but they got a big advantage and rose to the uncle level.

Gu Yusheng couldn't find a suitable title for a while.

I could only stand there and laugh.

Then, he politely explained the purpose of his visit, "I was just downstairs playing Dare with my friends. If it's convenient for you, can you lend me something?"

It turned out to be borrowing something.

Several people laughed.

As the atmosphere eased, a warm and magnetic voice whispered from the corner, "What do you want?"

When a familiar voice reached his ears, Gu Yusheng was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes slightly and stared blankly at a dark figure near the innermost side of the box.

After entering the door for so long, she realized that there was a person sitting just outside her sight.

The man's long legs were crossed and he was leaning on the dark sofa, holding a half-burned cigarette between his cold white fingertips resting on the leather armrest.

His deep facial features were not clear under the light. Looking from this angle, most of the man's face was almost hidden in the shadows, leaving only his strong jawline and a small, sexy and plump Adam's apple.

Her gaze continued downward, silently fixating on the Windsor knot that was as cold and tight as ever. The air slowly solidified, and she unconsciously held her breath.

Gu Yusheng stared intently, unable to make a sound for a long time.

She had no idea that she would be so sensitive to the details of a man.

And this person is Zhou Zongyan.

Uncle, I will never deceive you.

As expected, they are all 'acquaintances' in the industry.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was about to speak when she saw the person sitting in the shadow move.

Zhou Zongyan left the back of the chair and slowly sat upright, leaning over and reaching for the ashtray on the table with the hand holding the cigarette.

The cigarette butt was put out, and his eyelids were slightly raised. Through the air lingering in the cold fragrance, his calm eyes met the girl not far away.

Gu Yusheng's heart was beating fast.

The reason is that he is a little nervous.

The marriage of the two has not been announced to the public, and she is not sure whether those present knew about it.

But it seems that there is probably no reaction.

He breathed out a sigh of relief.

Anyway, there was not much time left, so she decided to give up and leave in despair.

However, this idea died as soon as it sprouted. Zhou Zongyan had already said in a low voice: "If Miss Gu is not in a hurry to deal with the friends downstairs, you can come over and have a cup of tea."

As a conditioned reflex, she shook her head and refused: "No, Mr. Zhou, let's do it another day."

A word from Mr. Zhou.

This caused several men in the box to look at each other in unison.

Zhou Zongyan turned a blind eye and asked with a faint smile: "So, what do you want?"

The steps are brought to your feet.

If you don't answer, you will really look petty.

Looking around half a circle, Gu Yusheng's eyes fell on the two lighters placed on the table.

"Like this?" someone was curious.

The girl explained: "The rules say that you must borrow a man's personal belongings."

Young people have fun.

Those present did not find anything strange.Several people were unequivocal and took out all the things they carried with them and placed them in front of them for her to choose one by one.

It gave her quite a bit of face.

Gu Yusheng was flattered.

Looking back and forth, Boss Zhou, who had been slow to move, slowly took off the watch from his wrist. Instead of putting it on the table like the others, he handed the watch directly to her.

The dark brown dial has a low, luxurious and restrained outline, hanging in his slender hand. The strap reflects a cool luster under the light, complementing the silver cufflinks on the man's French cuffs, showing nobility and elegance.

Pause for two seconds.

Gu Yusheng reached out to take it out of nowhere.

The watch was as warm as the palm of his hand and was slightly heavy.

He gently held it in his hand and thanked him: "I will return it in time before Mr. Zhou leaves the club, thank you."

Zhou Zongyan said warmly: "Don't worry, I'll pay it back next time when I have the chance."

next time?

With these two thought-provoking words, the man in the striped suit finally couldn't help it and asked the two of them: "Yu Sheng and Lao Zhou know each other? Are they usually quite close?"

Gu Yusheng quickly denied: "We are not close, we meet occasionally."

Turn your head to look at the other person involved.

Zhou Zongyan raised the corner of his lower lip slightly without comment, but did not try to dismantle her.

As long as you are not blind, you can easily smell something unusual in it.

According to common sense, under the same level of familiarity, the most normal approach for girls is to choose an insignificant men's small object at will.

But just now.

Gu Yusheng subconsciously accepted the watch handed over by the prince.

This fully shows that in the little girl's subconscious, her relationship with Zhou Zongyan is definitely closer and more trustworthy than that of others.

This is an instinctive physiological reaction and cannot be faked.

Of course, it's only 15 minutes.

Everyone did not stay to drink tea and watched the girl walk out of the box with the trophy.

The waiter finished making tea and stepped aside.

Before the topic got back on track, the man in the striped suit didn't know what he was thinking of and joked: "In the afternoon, there were rumors in the circle that Jay Chou was hiding a beauty in his private residence, which led to his absence from a very important project handover meeting this morning. At first I was wondering who dared to spread rumors like this, but now I’m a little curious.”

After a pause at this point, the other party looked at the door of the box thoughtfully, and continued to say with a smile: "I wonder what kind of beauty is it that makes our old Zhou stay in the Golden House for her?"

When this matter was mentioned, the others also cast their mocking eyes at the person involved in the corner.

Zhou Zongyan drank tea quietly, completely unaffected by the Fengyue scandal, and his calm and calm posture made it difficult to tell whether the rumors were true or false.

Everyone's understanding of the Zhou family's crown prince has always been that he is self-disciplined to the extreme.

For nearly ten years, the children of the aristocratic families in the capital had been pure and celibate, and the women around them changed one after another. Only Zhou Zongyan, his eyes never stayed on anyone for more than three seconds.

The lady from a well-known family squeezed her brains out to get into the Zhou family's door.

But so far, no one has really caught the eye of the prince.

It's not inappropriate.

But don't care.


A career maniac who is not in the mood for love can turn his hands into clouds and rain while strolling in the business field.

Talking about the Zhou family behind the scenes, Mr. Zhou who has taken a back seat, and Zhou Zongyan's father, both of them have extraordinary status in Beijing. The outside world is afraid of their status and weight, and they all treat them with utmost respect and humility.

As for Zhou Zongyan, calling him 'a son of aristocratic family' is too low.

Such powerful and prominent men are often the most difficult to get along with.

But a few minutes ago, the little girl Weibo smiled and deigned to take off her personal belongings and give them to him with her own hands.

A rare exception that makes people think for no reason.

It's hard not to associate the little princess from Mr. Xie's family with the heroine in Fengyue Rumor.

However, the prince remained motionless from the beginning.

What the truth is, in the end, you won’t be able to see the slightest bit.

(End of this chapter)

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