gentle control

Chapter 120 There are times when he is a jerk

Throughout the afternoon, Gu Yusheng sat in the living room anxiously, exactly like the scene before when her mother was waiting for her father to come home.

Around five o'clock, Zhou Zongyan returned.

When she heard the movement at the door, she immediately got up from the sofa and walked over to him pretending to be calm.

At the entrance, Zhou Zongyan raised his eyes slightly when he entered the room and saw the girl walking quickly towards her.

Half a step away, the moment her little face softly bumped into his chest, his arms instinctively stretched out and held her firmly in his arms.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Zongyan lowered his eyes to the person in his arms, stroked her hair with his palms, and felt the strength of her arms around his waist tightening little by little.

Gu Yusheng didn't realize how exposed her emotions were at this time, so she tried to ask him in a calm voice: "When you went back to the old house, did you meet my dad?"

"There are many people here today, including Gu Ju." His tone was calm and comforting.

Judging from the title, it seems that they are really just talking about business.

Gu Yusheng didn't quite believe it.

But she didn't ask any more questions, knowing that no matter what happened, he would always have a way to solve it.

Only at the end he cautiously raised his head and said pitifully: "Can I stay tonight?"

Her tentative tone.

Zhou Zongyan's eyes were soft: "Of course."

After getting the answer, the girl slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

There are some things that are tacitly understood to each other.

If he says he can, he really can.

After dinner in the evening, Zhou Zongyan took her upstairs, casually mentioned that it was still early, and asked her if she wanted to go out and play for a while.


"A friend returned to China, and Mr. Xie arranged a reception banquet."

Mr. Xie.

It seems they are mutual friends in the industry.

Gu Yusheng pointed to the room, "Give me a few minutes to change clothes."

The man nods.

At a friend's gathering, she dressed less formally. Boss Zhou also changed out of his suit, which was replaced by a soft turtleneck sweater, and a men's coat of the same color with a wide fit.

Zhou Zongyan drove himself from Nanyue Mansion, which took about 25 minutes.

The interior of the car is airtight and fully heated.

In the passenger seat, Gu Yusheng suddenly leaned over and sniffed his clothes with her nose.

Zhou Zongyan asked in a low voice: "What to do."

"It seems like I smell a medicinal smell." She muttered.

The taste is very light, almost non-existent.

It's a bit like some kind of summer cooling ointment, with some Chinese medicinal ingredients. Wen Jin was accidentally burned once while filming, and her agent specially asked someone to find it. It is said that the effect is amazing.

"Sit tight, there's a camera in front of you." Zhou Zongyan raised his chin.

When Gu Yusheng heard this, he immediately straightened his body and raised his eyes to take a closer look.

There is no monitoring.

There are few traffic lights in this area and the speed limit is [-], so even if you are caught on camera, it will not be a violation.

Zhou Zongyan focused on driving the car, his calm expression not causing the girl to think too much.

She guessed that it might be the incense left behind by the servants after cleaning the clothes.

Not too possible.

The smell on his clothes before was not like this.

Thinking of returning to his old house today, Gu Yusheng felt uneasy.

Zhou Zongyan said nothing about the specific process of persuading Lao Gu to agree to the two living together from beginning to end.

Did things go as smoothly as she imagined?

Gu Yusheng never expected that the old man would interfere in such a trivial matter.And the scene is intense.

The person beside him fell into a long and unusual silence.

The speed of the car slowed down at the intersection. Zhou Zongyan turned his head slightly, reached out and touched the girl's soft cheek, and asked in a low voice: "What are you worried about?"

He could feel her sudden depression.

What happened in the old house had little impact on him.

The cup of tea that was thrown at him was harsh enough, but it was only mixed with three points of anger, and the remaining seven points were more of smooth sailing.

After all, Gu Ju couldn't bear it, so he played into the old man's hands.

He can appreciate the good intentions of being a father.

Therefore, in this chess game, it was not considered glorious for him to win against his father-in-law.

Gu Yusheng didn't know the truth, so it was inevitable that he would have random thoughts.

After filtering all kinds of bloody scripts through her mind, she felt extremely depressed.

She felt that Zhou Zongyan must have experienced some unspeakable 'ordeal' on his return trip.

As I thought about it, tears welled up in my eyes, and my eyes couldn't stop turning red.

Zhou Zongyan sighed softly, rubbed her hair lovingly and helplessly, and comforted her with a gentle voice: "Gu Ju is reasonable and said a lot of nice things to me at the old house today."

What nice words.

The development of the story seems to be different from what she thought.

Gu Yusheng looked at him with confused eyes.

"On group affairs, I had differences and quarrels with the old man."

After a slight pause, Zhou Zongyan smiled calmly and continued calmly, "The old man was so angry that he poured a cup of tea on me."

"It's just a matter of official business, why is it so serious?" Gu Yusheng glanced at his shoulder, her voice trembling, "That cup of tea is very hot, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be able to apply the medicine."

"It's not to that extent." He said, "The housekeeper was frightened and immediately called a private doctor. It was just a minor injury and nothing serious."

minor injury.

Gu Yusheng really almost cried this time.

Her voice was choked, "I don't understand why you elders from big families just talk about business, how can you get involved in this?"

"It's nothing."

Zhou Zongyan was afraid that she would cry, so he told her a stupid thing he did when he was a child.

When he was fifteen or sixteen years old, because of a bet, he dared to drive a motorcycle to stop the Cadillac 224 of the police stationed in Beijing.

The old man was still serving in the central government at the time, and Zhou's father had just promoted him to be the supreme commander of the Second Army in Southwest China. One was so angry that he almost suffered a myocardial infarction, and the other was far away on the border and beyond reach.

They worked all night to get the person back, and ordered the traitor to kneel outside the courtyard for a whole night. If the housekeeper hadn't stopped him, three canes would have been broken that night.

However, when Zhou Zongyan looked back on those days when he was young and unruly, it seemed that there had been no waves in his heart. So much so that when Gu Yusheng heard his understatement, she was stunned in the passenger seat and stared at him without blinking. He felt like he was listening to a fairy tale.

After a while, she came back to her senses and said in a daze: "So what have you experienced in the past ten years or so?"

Nowadays, it is really difficult for Boss Zhou, who is calm and reserved, to combine him with the impulsive and impulsive young master from 15 years ago.

The traces left by the years on his body far subverted her existing understanding of him.

What Gu Yusheng didn't know was that Zhou Zongyan's temperament really started to change drastically in the winter of the fifth year after his mother's death.

But the atmosphere at this time should not be too immersed in the past.

The purpose is to make her happy.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the girl's eyes glazed over after being shocked. Zhou Zongyan reached over and pinched her earlobe, comforting him and saying, "In the Zhou family, boys are never allowed to be pampered and spoiled. In the eyes of the old man, the 'disobedient' are the most intolerable." After all, a cup of tea is just a small punishment."

They were all given medicine and were still called small punishments.

Gu Yusheng asked casually: "What about Uncle Zhou? Your father must have been scolded a lot when he was a child?"

It is said that a rebellious son must follow his father.

In the driver's seat, Zhou Zongyan's eyes lit up, "Who knows."

The three words "no comment" made Gu Yusheng couldn't help laughing.

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