gentle control

Chapter 114 First love for each other

At this time, a group of business people in suits and leather shoes passed by the door of the box.

At the same time as "Miss Gu" was heard from inside, the pair of black leather shoes walking in the front calmly and instinctively stopped on the carpet for some unknown reason.

Everyone followed the footsteps of the owner of the leather shoes and stopped together.

Following the boss's line of sight, Xu Jie subconsciously looked into the box and then reacted: "It should be Director Jiang and the investment department who are doing team building."

As early as an hour ago, supervisor Lucas' field report was sent to his mailbox.

The other party was very polite and didn't ask any questions after the last talk. He reported Miss Gu's daily itinerary on time and on time, including tonight's department dinner.

As soon as Xu Jie finished speaking, there were bursts of cheers in the box.

Flora asked the question, and everyone looked at her with ambiguous eyes, waiting for the person involved to tell the truth.

The owner of the pair of leather shoes outside the door stood quietly, taking the cigarette and lighter from Xu Jie's hand. He seemed to be suddenly interested and planned to listen to the girl's answer.

Seeing this, Xu Jie understood the situation and turned around to signal the vice presidents behind him to let them go first.

Naturally, he couldn't stay any longer.

How could he allow his assistant to hear the privacy of the relationship between the boss and Miss Gu?

In just a few seconds, the corridor cleared.

The atmosphere in the box was heightened to the extreme, and Winky made a "shh" gesture to keep everyone quiet.

The air was silent.

Opposite the sofa, Jiang Yunwei looked at Gu Yusheng with a normal expression.

As the boss of the department, he obviously has an outsider mentality, but he cannot be completely deaf.

Because it reminded her of their last encounter in the garage.

Gu Yusheng mentally greeted all the ancestors present here.

Especially Flora and Winky, who don't care too much about gossip.

There is no such thing as a first time.

She's going to faint.

Seeing Gu Yusheng's embarrassed look, a female colleague kindly tried to smooth things over, "There's no need to go into too much detail. Xiao Gu is thin-skinned, so don't push yourself too far."

Winky echoed from the side: "Xiao Gu's boyfriend is only nineteen this year, so young, and both of them are each other's first love. Otherwise, let's change the question."

The hint is obvious enough.

The girls are 21 and the boys are [-].

It is estimated that they have just been together for a short period of time, and the physical contact is still limited to holding hands and kissing, and it must not have transitioned to in-depth communication as an adult.

Everyone around them nodded after hearing this, feeling that tonight's sincere words were indeed a bit embarrassing for others.

"Then let's change it." Flora spoke up at the right time, thought for a few seconds and then said: "Xiao Gu, why don't you just tell me, how long do you and your boyfriend plan to date before you officially consider getting married?"

A very common question.

This time there is no avoiding it.

Gu Yusheng didn't say a word from beginning to end, and everyone was talking about another script.

She picked up the juice on the table and took a sip, and said without changing her face: "He is still young. We will wait until he meets his parents in a few years, and then it depends on the situation."

"Do uncles and aunts have high requirements for their future son-in-law?" Flora asked at the right time.

Gu Yusheng remained silent.

In fact, there is no need to answer it at all. This is the second question.

But the moment she raised her head, Leng Buding met the female devil's thoughtful gaze, and she suddenly changed her mind.

Who used the recording pen incident last time to test her relationship with Zhou Zongyan.

Ha ha.

Gu Yusheng smiled helplessly, pretending to be worried and said: "The requirements are quite high, the height must be above [-], have abdominal muscles, be handsome, be rich, worth at least hundreds of billions, and the most important thing is, age It can’t be too young, preferably eight years older than me.”

As her shocking remarks continued, the room gradually became silent.

There was silence for a few seconds. Flora raised her hand and asked weakly: "Your parents are looking for a son-in-law, not the world's richest man?"

Gu Yusheng shrugged: "Who knows, if I am a prosperous husband, I can't say what will happen in the future now."

Everyone: .
At the scene of Hao Hao's true confession, he was unknowingly taken into the ditch by the girl.

Jiang Yunwei's expression seemed to be secretive.

Everyone thought that Gu Yusheng was talking nonsense, but the boss of their department was in a state of turmoil and couldn't calm down.

The box door is half open, and even if the atrium is separated by a screen, it won't have much sound insulation effect.

Outside the corridor, the air was filled with cold fragrance.

On the expensive Victoria's Velvet carpet, the owner of the leather shoes had left at some point.

Only half of the cigarette butts quietly extinguished in the rock crystal sand in the gilt ashtray against the wall are invisible reminders of the mere few minutes before.

Team building lasted until [-]pm.

Everyone racked their brains and tried various combinations, but they didn't drag the female devil into the water together.

Since Jiang Yunwei joined the Zhou family five years ago, there has never been any internal news about her relationship history.

As a strong woman in her late thirties, it is difficult to find a rival in her career. She must have standards for choosing a mate that the opposite sex cannot easily satisfy.

Sure enough, there is no perfect life in this world.

Being too good and too strong has become the biggest culprit that hinders Jiang Yunwei's relationship with the opposite sex.

At the end of the party, those who should take a taxi took a taxi, and those who should find a driver asked for a driver.

After everyone had dispersed, Gu Yusheng slowly got up from the sofa and followed the rest of the team out.

It's not that she wants to stay, it's just that in the WeChat group, Jiang Yunwei notified the entire entertainment team to stay temporarily, as they must have work arrangements.

Supervisor Lucas was a few steps ahead, walking and talking with Jiang Yunwei.

A few male colleagues who are more active on weekdays would occasionally chime in with a sentence or two.

They were all reviews and summaries of previous projects. Gu Yusheng walked among the crowd and listened silently, benefiting a lot from the fragmentary words.

Arriving at the lobby on the second floor, everyone stopped.

Jiang Yunwei took out the mobile phone in her bag and prepared to go to the front desk to pay.

Just as the elevator door opened at the side and behind, Xu Jie came out.

Winky exclaimed: "What a coincidence, Special Assistant Xu is here?"

Jiang Yunwei turned her head when she heard the sound.

Everyone knew that wherever Xu Jie was, Jay Chou would also be there.

Amidst the greetings, Xu Jie nodded slightly, then faced Jiang Yunwei and said: "All the expenses for tonight's team building will be recorded in Director Jay's name. Everyone has worked hard for the project in the past six months. Go back and rest early. Have a happy weekend. "

In the blink of an eye, the department boss’s treat became Director Jay’s treat.

The subordinates were overjoyed.

Winky's little fan girl kicked her feet in place excitedly, "The boss looks so handsome when he pays for his employees."

Gu Yusheng:
Before anyone arrived, the prestige was transmitted directly from the private room upstairs to the lobby downstairs.

She was sure that if someone was not in an unattainable high position, if he was just a department manager, he would be surrounded by the opposite sex and would be surrounded by countless Winky groups.

Thinking of this, I heard Jiang Yunwei say with a smile: "Chou's treat has relieved my financial constraints this month. I should go up and toast a glass of wine to express my gratitude. Is it convenient for him now?"

Xu Jie followed the good example, "Actually, tonight is just a gathering of a few high-level officials, there are no outsiders. If Director Jiang wants to go, it doesn't hurt."

Winky immediately raised his hand after hearing this: "Boss, can you take me with you?"

Two male colleagues behind him saw this and seized the opportunity to echo.

What was a good department team building has now turned into a scramble to gain presence in front of the big BOSS.

The 'wine culture' of large group companies is deeply rooted in the bones of every working person.

No harm.

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