gentle control

Chapter 101

After sending the message, Gu Yusheng turned off her phone and asked casually: "Generally, when Jay Chou comes to dine downstairs, where does he usually sit?"

Winky thought for two seconds, looked around, and pointed to the leftmost row by the window.

After pointing, the person opposite suddenly stood up with a dinner plate.

Her eyes were confused: "What are you going to do?"

Gu Yusheng calmed down and said, "It's an eye candy."


Winky blinked and said in confusion: "But will Jay Chou come down today?"

"Will do."

"how do you know?"

Gu Yusheng started telling lies, "My cousin told me."


The two moved to the window seat.

After about 5 minutes, there was a commotion near the entrance of the restaurant, and many employees were heard calling "Dr. Jay" enthusiastically.

Upon hearing this, Winky straightened her back and gave her a thumbs up.

Cousin sincerely does not bully us.

A short distance away, Gu Yusheng raised his eyes and looked toward the door.

Zhou Zongyan walked in front wearing a black suit, with a strict shirt and tie underneath. Perhaps because of the dark colors from inside to outside, his aura seemed a bit oppressive as he walked calmly.

There were two executives walking behind him, half a step behind him. One of them was talking as he walked. His expression was not as relaxed as he should be during a leisurely break, but was slightly tense and cautious.

It looks like he is reporting on work.

Gu Yusheng thought to herself how harsh Boss Zhou was to his subordinates, not even allowing them to have a good meal.

Just as he was about to look away, the man's warm gaze fell steadily on her.

She didn't shy away and faced him openly.

They met briefly for two seconds and then separated.

As Winky said, Zhou Zongyan was seated in the third row by the window.

When the restaurant manager came over with the menu, the man listened calmly to the executive's report. He raised his hand to unbutton his suit and did not look at the menu. He only whispered something to the manager. The latter nodded and left.

When the boss arrives, the restaurant's seemingly orderly order actually changes subtly.

Even though everyone is trying to eat quietly, they still subconsciously reduce unnecessary noise and communication.

It seems that every time you take a breath, the big boss will notice you.

After all, the suffocating feeling next to the window cannot be ignored.

Gu Yusheng, who said he wanted to enjoy the meal a moment ago, now covered his eyes and began to enjoy the lunch in front of him with relish.

In less than a moment, the manager personally delivered the meal.

Zhou Zongyan's meal was very simple, a vinegar mandarin fish and mushroom soup.

The two executives opposite did not dare to exceed the rules, so they simply ordered two portions of seafood braised rice, which was extremely frugal.

Winky peeked for a long time, and when she had seen enough, she lowered her head and looked at Gu Yusheng opposite, whispering: "Dr. Jay actually ordered the same dish as you."

Well, there are photos for reference. Of course, the wife sings and the husband follows.

She continued to eat calmly, without forgetting to remind her: "Have you finished the due diligence that Lucas arranged for you? Go upstairs as soon as possible after eating."

"What about you?"

"Go get a cup of coffee."

Winky had a question mark on his face: "Isn't there fresh grinding in the company?"

"It's too rough and I can't get used to it."


After Winky left, Gu Yusheng used the tip of his chopsticks to pick the fish into his mouth bit by bit, eating it very gracefully and carefully, as if he was worried about getting stuck in the fish bone, or as if he was waiting for some opportunity.

Finally, when she raised her head again, there were no traces of the two executives in the third row, and only Jay Chou was left eating his meal calmly.

In fact, at this time, there was almost no one in the restaurant.

Gu Yusheng took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, then picked up her mobile phone and walked towards the coffee shop behind the side door. However, when she approached the intersection, she changed her steps and changed her route to the restroom next to it.In the waiting room outside, there were two long rows of soft benches.

The cold fragrance in the air instantly refreshes the brain that is squeezed by the heating.

Zhou Zongyan answered a business phone call. When the two heavy wooden doors opened, he saw a girl in front of the mirror in the waiting room, applying lipstick.

He walked to the sink and felt the water flowing down his slender fingers.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Zongyan did not use the public tissue on the wall. Instead, he took out a dark blue handkerchief from the lining of his suit and slowly and slowly wiped the water stains on his hands while looking at her.

Gu Yusheng finished putting on her makeup, and her slender waist was held by the man's long arms. Her hips wrapped in a smoky pink skirt were gently pressed against the marble edge of the sink.

He lowered his head and touched her lips lightly, his voice darkened a bit, "This color suits you very well."

The girl was also bold. She stood up on tiptoes and climbed onto his shoulders, leaving a lip print on the collar of his shirt on the side of his neck.

"It's just so troublesome. I'll have to make up for it later." Gu Yusheng tilted her head to admire her masterpiece, secretly praising the clothes Boss Zhou chose today for being good and having the effect of covering up.

Zhou Zongyan took her little thoughts into his eyes and slowly tightened his big hand on her waist, "So Miss Gu is hinting at something to me."

"There is no suggestion that this is a public place and someone will come in."

"Afraid of being seen, you still dare to lead me here."

Gu Yusheng pouted, "I'm not a meat bun, and you're not a dog. Mr. Zhou's choice of words was inappropriate."

The man laughed.

They all compared him to a dog. Who used the wrong words?

He did want to be an animal for once, but not in a place like this.

Not long after, footsteps and voices came from the passage outside.

Gu Yusheng's heart tightened. Before she could react, Zhou Zongyan hugged her and calmly walked into the bathroom next to her.

The Crown Prince of the Zhou family, who had been self-denying and resuming rites for 30 years, would actually hide in this narrow bathroom on his own territory during his lifetime, press a woman against the door and kiss her until she almost suffocated.

There was a sound of water being flushed next door. Gu Yusheng held the man's sleeve tightly, her eyes misting due to lack of oxygen. Her whole little face was flushed. She was extremely emotional, but she didn't dare to make a sound.

My legs were weak and I couldn't help but slide down.

Zhou Zongyan's strong arms held her firmly.

When silence returned in the bathroom, he was finally willing to give her a chance to breathe.

However, Boss Zhou is so cruel.

She only gave her two seconds before pressing her lips down again.

Like punishing her.

She chose the place by herself, and even if she collapsed again, she would still have to endure the whole process with chokes.

Later, the phone buzzed and vibrated, and I didn’t know whose it belonged to.

Gu Yusheng reached out to touch the mobile phone in the lining of his suit, but he held it and clasped it behind his waist, "Don't worry about it." His voice was hoarse.

The caller is Xu Jie, and I need to ask for instructions on urgent official business.

He is in the restaurant now.

The manager informed that Jay Chou went to the bathroom.

But due to his years of professional acumen, he didn't dare to knock on the heavy bathroom door.

If the call is not answered, it will be automatically hung up.

Not to be outdone, Gu Yusheng took the initiative to unbutton his tie and shirt.

She took away the dark pattern tie and put it into her coat pocket.

Not even the silver cufflink on his left wrist was spared.

She was messy, so naturally she wouldn't let him be too tidy.

The soft cat shows its sharp claws.

Zhou Zongyan kissed him with a low smile, letting her little hands mess around on his body.

About 10 minutes or so.

The closed door of the bathroom was finally opened from the inside.

Xu Jie, who was waiting in the passage, turned his back away from the wall, quickly stood up straight and walked over.

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