The emperor's uncle dotes on the little princess alone

Chapter 97 Enemies and enemies are friends

Chapter 97 Enemies and enemies are friends

"Brother Feng, it's lucky that you met me. Otherwise, if you rashly went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to propose marriage at this time, you would be in big trouble."

"How do you say that?" Ning Feng was stunned, obviously not realizing the seriousness of the matter.

"Think about it, my sister is the daughter of destiny now, so she is destined to marry the prince. As a heir, if you propose marriage at this time, you might be misunderstood. You, Prince Ning, want to take advantage of the daughter of destiny. Luck, you guys want to rebel!"

Ning Feng's expression changed greatly after hearing this. He really had not thought of this. This time, he had begged his father for a long time before his father agreed. He didn't even dare to explain it to his father. Now he is secretly afraid of it. , Fortunately, I met Ge'er, otherwise, it would really have caused great trouble to Prince Ning's Mansion.

Seeing his look, Xiao Yuge knew that he had retreated. As long as he retreated, it would be her turn to seek revenge from him bit by bit from her previous life.

"By the way, Brother Feng, who were those people just now? Why are they chasing you?"

Ning Feng shook his head: "I don't know. I just got here and I ran into them. Apparently they have been waiting for me there."

"Did you make any enemies?"

"No, my father told me to be careful when I came here. I think these people are my father's enemies." Ning Feng is not too stupid.

"Does Prince Ning have any enemies in the capital?" Xiao Yuge really didn't know anything about this. Even in her previous life, she had never heard of it. Of course, she didn't bother to care about anything that had nothing to do with Qian Sichen in her previous life. .

"Yes! My father has always had a sworn enemy in the capital." When he said this, Ning Feng's eyes also shone with hatred.


"The current Minister of War, Jiang Kun!"

"Jiang Kun?" Xiao Yuge repeated the name. She seemed to understand a little bit. The fact that she had been hunted down again and again before was presumably due to Jiang Kun's handiwork. But she didn't expect that between Jiang Kun and Ning Wang, There are also grudges among them.

The enemy of her enemy is her friend. Perhaps, she can make good use of Ning Feng and take the opportunity to avenge Jiang Kun for the previous assassination.

"Ge'er, do you know him too?"

"Not only do I know, but I'm also very familiar with his daughter." Xiao Yuge curled her lips and said, "She was so familiar with her that it almost cost me my life." She couldn't hide her happiness when she mentioned Jiang Zhiyi.

After hearing that Jiang Zhiyi threw the hydrangea to the beggar, Jiang Kun gritted his teeth and let them get married for the sake of face. As a result, the beggar disappeared inexplicably on the night of the wedding. As a discerning person, you can guess what happened. Now, the whole capital is watching the Jiang family's joke. Jiang Kun is probably so angry that his daughter is almost vomiting blood.

"What's going on?" Ning Feng asked.

"Brother Feng, this is a long story. I'll tell you slowly when I have time in the future. You must be hungry after traveling for so long. I'll cook something for you." After that, Xiao Yuge walked into the kitchen nearby.

Not long after, she came out with a bowl of steaming noodles: "Brother Feng, there is nothing good in this valley. I rarely cook here. There is only some pasta left, and I don't know much about it." You know how to cook, so just make do with it and eat a little, and I’ll bring you some delicious food tomorrow.”

"It's already very good, Ge'er, thank you!" Ning Feng was filled with emotion. He was already hungry and quickly finished the noodles. However, he accidentally saw the burn on Xiao Yuge's wrist caused by oil: "Ge'er, are you burned?" "It's okay. I just accidentally made the oil explode. I'm too stupid. I can't even make pasta." Xiao Yuge pulled on her clothes with some embarrassment. Sleeve, trying to cover the injury.

"You are the daughter of the Prime Minister, how can you do such menial work?" Ning Feng held her hand distressedly, lowered his head and blew on her hand: "It's all blistered, so we need medicine. Is there any medicine now? I Apply it to you."

Xiao Yuge's face heated up and he pulled his hand back: "No need, I'm the doctor myself. I'll just go back and apply some medicine later." After saying that, he took the bowl and went in to wash it.

"I'll do it." Unexpectedly, Ning Feng actually stood up on one foot, grabbed the bowl, and limped into the kitchen.

An imperceptible smile appeared on Xiao Yuge's lips, and she chased after him: "Brother Feng, you're still injured, I'll fix it."

Rather than saying that Ning Feng washed the dishes, it would be better to say that they washed them together. In the end, it was Xiao Yuge who helped him out. With Lou Lan’s teaching experience, she knew how to make a man miss him, touching her intentionally or unintentionally, as if The scent of Ruowu, and the eyes that want to refuse but welcome, these are fatal temptations and temptations for a strong-blooded man.

What's more, Xiao Yuge is not only beautifully dressed now, but also has a charming face and a pair of pure and innocent eyes. She can perfectly combine a woman's coquettishness and innocence, so for For men, it is like poison, seeping in bit by bit. By the time it is discovered, the poison has already entered the heart and is hopeless.

"Brother Feng, I have packed up the room. You can stay here for now, and I will come to see you tomorrow. Don't worry, it's safe here. Those people can't find it here. I have to go back, otherwise my parents will worry. "Seeing that the sun was about to set, Xiao Yuge was about to return to the city.

"Ge'er, be careful on the road." Ning Feng warned before leaving.

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with the way back." Xiao Yuge smiled at him, waved, and turned to leave.

Ning Feng looked at Xiao Yuge's leaving figure and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, as if the pain of broken love had become less intense.

However, after Xiao Yuge turned around, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace. The words Ning Feng said before his death in his previous life kept echoing in his mind: "Xiao Yuge, Fu'er Yu" I have the grace to save my life, what do you have for me?If I hadn't known that your blood was still useful to Fu'er, I wouldn't have looked at you again! '

In her previous life, she met him who was injured and unconscious, and tried her best to help him into a cave. She went up the mountain to find medicine for him, but she injured her leg, so she asked Xiao Yufu to deliver the medicine to him. As a result, he There, it became Xiao Yufu who saved him.

In this life, she had changed things in her previous life. She wanted to see how this scumbag could escape the net she had carefully weaved for him. She had been carefully preparing for this net for more than ten days.

Qianji Pavilion.

"Pavilion Master!" Ming Ye came behind Ye Wuhuan.

"It's done?"

Ming Ye hesitated: "No."

"Why?" When Ye Wuhuan heard this, he turned around and Qianji Pavilion took action, and it was Ming Ye himself who took action. It actually failed. If the news spread, wouldn't it destroy Qianji Pavilion's brand name.

"Miss Xiao Er saved that man."

(End of this chapter)

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