Chapter 338

"Master, I saw that Ge'er didn't fall in love with the prince. Could it be that the prince threatened her privately?" Mrs. Xiao was also thinking wildly at this time.

"Don't talk nonsense! The prince has always been upright, and he would never behave like this." Although Qian Tingxuan always seemed so cold, and there were constant rumors outside, Xiao Zhan still believed too much that Qian Tingxuan would He is a despicable person.

"Master, you know people but don't know their hearts. If he really loves Ge'er so much, how could he be willing to let her follow him with no name and no status? Isn't this ruining her reputation?" Influenced by conservative ideas, Mrs. Xiao I always felt that Qian Tingxuan was uneasy and well-intentioned.

How did she know that Qian Tingxuan has been walking around in the Jianghu, and the children of the Jianghu are not so rigid in their thoughts. On the contrary, he feels that he will protect Ge'er by his side, and he can see her and protect her at all times. That is the most reassuring thing. .

Of course, if there was a last resort, he would also take out the marriage certificate to prove Xiaoge'er's identity. This was one of the reasons why he secretly asked Village Chief Liu to handle this matter.

"Madam, in two days, the court will resume. I will go to see the emperor, and I will also seek to clear up Ge'er's name."

"Well, I will go to Ge'er to find out when I have time. If she doesn't want to, please ask the master to block her a little bit and ask for grace from the Holy One. This poor child's life is too hard. He originally wanted to spend the New Year. I took her back to live with her, but now Fu'er can't tolerate her. She is a girl living outside, which is very worrying." Mrs. Xiao started wiping tears again as she spoke.

"Don't worry, madam. As long as I'm here, we Ge'er will never be wronged." After all, the child was raised by himself, and Xiao Zhan also felt distressed.

Chu Tianqi, who was standing outside the hospital, listened to what the two elders said word for word. He knew that the most important thing at the moment was to ask for Ge'er's forgiveness.

On the carriage, Xiao Yuge leaned on the carriage silently without saying a word. In her last life, at this time, she was wronged by Xiao Yufu and ran out alone. She was the only one on the cold street. She walked alone, not knowing who she was or where she was going, and finally hid in that cold corner and cried loudly.
"What are you thinking about?" Qian Tingxuan put his cloak on her body and pulled her into his arms: "You vented your anger on yourself, aren't you happy?"

"What's there to be happy about? I'm just dealing with her the same way she used to deal with me. If she hadn't had bad intentions first, how could she have fallen into my trap." Compared with his situation in the previous life, Xiao is now The grievances Yufu suffered were not even superficial.

In the last life, under Xiao Yufu's pitiful performance, everyone thought that she had taken everything away from Xiao Yufu. Everyone thought that she owed it to Xiao Yufu. Sometimes even she herself felt like that. She thinks that, therefore, no matter how Xiao Yufu plots against her, she has nowhere to defend herself.

"I said, just tell me who you want to deal with. There is no need to risk your life like this. If I hadn't caught you just now, wouldn't you have fallen into the cold water?"

Xiao Yuge raised her eyes and smiled at him: "I know you will catch me!" Even if there were three people together, he would be the first to catch her. She never doubted this.

The clear black and white eyes were filled with a little bit of joy and a touch of sadness. Through her eyes, it seemed that you could see her heart. The dust-covered heart was a little gray, but there was still light coming through. She should Laughing unbridled, instead of being so confused and sad.

"Xiao Ge'er, let's go see the snow." Qian Tingxuan thought to herself that she probably likes white and clean things, just like herself.

"Yeah." She nodded happily. Putting aside the hatred, she was still a child who loved to play. "Ming Yang, take Qing Luo back home first, and let Uncle Fu give you instructions to prepare lunch. We will be back soon!" After Qian Tingxuan gave the instructions, he jumped out of the carriage with Xiao Yuge in his arms.

His Qinggong is very good, and he can easily jump up to the snow-covered treetops with Xiao Yuge. With a gentle tap of his feet, the snow falls from the trees one after another, like blooming flowers flying in the air, far away. Look, it’s so beautiful!
The green grassland in the past has long been covered with a thick layer of snow. Looking around, the whole world is covered in white; the sky is gray, and the snowflakes are still flying in the wind, falling quietly on Qiantingxuan and Xiao Yuge’s hair.

"Snowing with you today, does that count as growing old together with you in this life?" She caught the falling snowflakes with her hands, an innocent smile spread across her lips, and her eyes as she looked at him were as pure as snow.

"No, what I want is to grow old together with you, not just a snowfall." He gently brushed away the flying snow on her forehead, lowered his head and kissed her gently: "Wait until I am white and my appearance is old. , I am still like this, holding your hand, I promise you the gentleness of the world!"

Looking at his close proximity and his gentle eyes, she paused for a moment, then smiled, her eyes sparkling with excitement, she grabbed a handful of snow and rubbed it against his chest: "Then you can catch up with me!" After that, she said , the person ran away.

"Okay! If I catch you, you won't have a chance to regret it!" He gave a rare smile and started chasing her. On the vast snow, only their figures chasing and playing with each other were left, and there were occasional whistles. Yu Ge’s sweet laughter.

When the two returned to the palace soaked from playing, everyone was almost shocked. They may not have thought that the normally strict prince would actually go play in the snow with the princess, and play in such an embarrassing manner, with snowball fight marks all over his face and body. evidence below.

Xiao Yuge chuckled: "I won, you have to listen to me in everything today."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Go take a hot bath to avoid catching a cold." Qian Tingxuan stroked her head helplessly, and her old face was almost gone.

Seeing Mingyang on the side who was trying his best to hold back his laughter, he pretended to cough twice: "Mingyang, go and prepare a set of clean clothes for me. I want to take a bath and change clothes."

"Master, I'm ready." Mingyang didn't dare to look at his master, otherwise he would really be unable to bear it. He has been by his side for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen him in such a mess. If it weren't for the princess, It's probably been wiped out to the point where there's not even a scum left. One thing is better than another, so I still have to have the princess to take care of it.

Qian Tingxuan soaked in the hot spring pool, and the warm water immediately relaxed him. He leaned on the edge comfortably, closed his eyes and enjoyed this comfortable moment.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly a strange fragrance came from around him. He opened his eyes suddenly and saw an enchanting woman walking towards him in the mist. He frowned subconsciously.

"Little song?"

When he saw the person coming clearly, he was slightly startled, and his eyes instantly widened.

(End of this chapter)

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