Chapter 332 Wife, ask for a reward
"What's going on?" He Ming also realized that he was not joking.

"There's something wrong with Xiao Ge'er." Qian Tingxuan thought for a while and then stated what Ge'er said: "From the first day I met her, there has always been a kind of hatred in her eyes that I can't understand. I always thought that she hated her because of love, but I didn’t know until tonight that she seemed to have experienced something, and even woke up from nightmares more than once. I think that was probably the source of her nightmares."

After Heming heard this, he didn't seem to be too surprised. Although the master uncle didn't say anything, he could guess a lot of things. Just like the junior sister had never seen the master, but she knew everything about the master and him. , maybe that’s the little junior sister’s secret that cannot be told.

"Whether it's a nightmare or real, since it's her secret, let her solve it by herself. We should trust our little junior sister."

"You don't seem to be surprised?" Qian Tingxuan was so smart that he immediately noticed something was wrong: "It comes to mind. You have never met her before, but you suddenly became her senior brother. This is already very strange, He Ming, do you know something?"

"Why don't you ask Junior Sister yourself?"

"It's not that I haven't asked, it's that she refuses to tell." Qian Tingxuan was also very distressed. She obviously relied on him, but there were some things she never wanted to tell him. Even if he wanted to help her, he couldn't.

"That's right, there are some things that maybe it's not that she doesn't want to say it, but that God doesn't allow it! My lord, you love your junior sister, don't you? Then give her some time, and maybe she will tell you everything under the right opportunity." Everything. These were all just guesses, and He Ming didn't dare to say more.

"It's strange to say, I don't know why, when I saw Xiao Ge'er for the first time, I felt a very heartache. But I can't describe the feeling. It's like she and I have known each other for a long, long time. "That kind of heartache is like using a blunt knife to slowly cut open the wound, and the pain seeps out bit by bit.
He Ming sympathized with him: "As for my junior sister, my uncle and master didn't say much. Anyway, when I asked them, they were talking about God's will and heaven's way. I didn't dare to ask more. Anyway, my junior sister Uncle Grandmaster may know the best about it. You and Grandmaster Uncle have been friends for years. If you can find him, you can try to ask. However, don’t hold too much hope. He will definitely tell you the secret. Don’t reveal it!”

"If Master Kongjian was willing to say it, I'm afraid he would have said it long ago." Qian Tingxuan sighed. At that time in Lanshan Temple, he felt that the old monk was hiding something from him. If he had known, he should have asked him. Understood.

"There is one more thing that needs to be prepared early. You and I both know that the little junior sister is the real daughter of destiny. Once her identity is revealed, the next thing will be out of control. Master and uncle have both I have told you before that if you want Lan Zhaoguo and the world to be worry-free, you must protect your junior sister."

"I will arrange everything as soon as possible and then take her out of here." Qian Tingxuan also knows that if people really know that Xiao Ge'er is the real daughter of destiny, then he will have countless love rivals, so it's better to do it as soon as possible Just take her away.

"Master uncle said that the trajectory of fate has already begun. We can't stop it, nor can we go against the will. Unless everything is well arranged, little junior sister will not be able to escape her fate."

"I never believe in fate! From the day I provoked Xiao Ge'er, I never thought that I would only have a few short years with her. If I wanted to be with her forever, I would definitely do it. My destiny It's up to me! Even if all of you say that I only have less than three years to live, I still believe that I will accompany Xiao Ge'er until we grow old together!" Xiao Ge'er is all his motivation and his life of pillars.

He Ming looked at him in astonishment. This was the first time he realized that the variable that the uncle mentioned might be this kind of irresistible emotion. "Okay, it's daybreak. I have to go and accompany Xiaoge'er. On the first day of the new year, I think she will be very happy when she wakes up and sees me!" Qian Tingxuan stood up and looked at Looking in the direction of Ruyifang, the corners of his lips raised subconsciously: "Oh, by the way, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

Looking at the back of Qian Tingxuan leaving gracefully, He Ming was suddenly worried. The junior sister was the prince's support, but if one day, the junior sister betrayed the prince, or left the prince due to some irresistible factors, , the consequences.
The little junior sister acts in extreme ways, and it is difficult to correct what she wants to do. The same is true for the prince. He dare not imagine that if two such extreme people are together, everyone will be happy. If they are not together, wouldn't it be the same?
"Uncle, Master, it's hard for you to kill me."

Xiao Yuge opened her eyes and rubbed her split head: "Hey, my head hurts so much." It seemed that being drunk was not a good thing. Why didn't anyone tell her that her head still hurt so much when she woke up?

"Now that I know I have a headache, I asked you to drink behind my back." Qian Tingxuan complained, but he honestly stretched out his hand to gently press her: "Is it better?"

"Yeah, much better." Xiao Yuge smiled at him: "Qian Tingxuan, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!" He lowered his head and kissed her gently on the forehead. With her smile, all her unhappiness disappeared.

"I'm going to wish my parents a happy new year later. I'm going to wash up. You wait for me here." Xiao Yuge jumped off the bed and ran out like a child.

Not long after, Xiao Yuge came back after washing up and saw Qian Tingxuan sleeping on her bed. She couldn't help but be stunned: "This guy went to bed so early in the morning. Could it be that he didn't sleep last night?" I patted my head, and some fragments of last night seemed to flash through my mind, but some of them I couldn't remember clearly.

"You are such a big man, and you don't even know how to cover him with a quilt when you fall asleep. It's such a cold day, so be careful of catching a cold." She murmured and stepped forward, pulling the quilt to cover him. Unexpectedly, the next second, she was covered by a quilt. He hugged her, took a short breath, then turned over and pressed her under him.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yuge was so pressed by him that he couldn't move, and she slapped his chest anxiously.

"I've been guarding you little rascal all night. On this first day of the new year, I need to ask for some reward!" After Qian Tingxuan finished speaking, he covered her lips without waiting for her to speak.
Their lips and tongues were intertwined, carrying some of the fragrance of her wine that had not dissipated, wrapping her sweetness, filling his whole brain, making him confused and fascinated. Even though they had kissed like this countless times, she was still as green as a child. Astringent, so ignorant that he didn’t know how to respond, and it was her youthfulness and ignorance that drove him crazy. He wanted to teach her everything and make her completely belong to him, but he was afraid of being hurt because of it. Got her.

(End of this chapter)

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