The emperor's uncle dotes on the little princess alone

Chapter 330 She is drunk, does he have a chance?

Chapter 330 She is drunk, does he have a chance?

"Okay! Well said! Do what you want to do and love who you want to love! We salute Ge'er!" Feng Yanniang is smart and naturally understands Ge'er's good intentions and looks at each other with Huo Yan beside her. They glanced at each other and raised their glasses to toast Xiao Yuge.

"Song!" Ye Wuhuan also stood up.

"Here's to everyone!" Xiao Yuge also raised a toast to everyone. This was probably the happiest day since she left the Prime Minister's Mansion. Without her relatives, she still has them, so good!
Perhaps because she was happy, Xiao Yuge drank one glass after another. Before the banquet was over, she became too drunk and her head began to feel dizzy.

"Miss, please drink slowly." Qing Luo stopped him several times, but it seemed to have no effect, and he rubbed his hands anxiously.

"Qing Luo, I'm happy today. Just let me have a few more drinks. I won't get drunk." Xiao Yuge forced his heavy eyelids and stood up with his hands on the table. Why did he feel top-heavy?Is this what it feels like to be drunk?Seems not bad.

Unlike the last time I drank the Immortal Drunk, which fell down immediately after one gulp, this one has a stamina that slowly builds up. If you are really drunk, you may not be able to wake up even if you sleep all day and all night.

"Little girl, drink less, you're drunk." Ye Wuhuan quickly stood up and helped her. Only he knew that she was filled with pain that she had nowhere to talk to, so she wanted to get herself drunk. It was good to escape for a while, even for a night or an hour. He felt sorry for her.

"Brother Ye, we promised you that you won't come back until you're drunk, come on! Keep drinking!" Xiao Yuge poured him a glass unsteadily, then brought it to him and clinked his own cup with the cup in his hand. After a moment, he raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass!

"Little girl, you can't drink anymore!" Ye Wuhuan was a little worried as he supported her who was about to collapse.

"Xiao Wu, go make a bowl of sobering soup!" Feng Yanniang also hurriedly stepped forward to support Xiao Yuge: "Ge'er, let's go back to the room and take a rest first."

"Sister Feng, I don't want to rest, I want to drink." Xiao Yuge shook her dizzy head vigorously, and her head felt heavy.

"You can't drink any more!"

"I'll just have another drink, okay." Xiao Yuge's tongue seemed to be tangled as she spoke, but she still looked straight at the wine on the table. With a fierce pounce, the bottle of wine fell into her hand. , before Feng Yanniang could stop her, she took a few big sips from the hotel bottle.

"Little girl!" Ye Wuhuan quickly snatched the wine bottle from her hand.

"Brother Ye, tonight I want to forget those hatreds, forget those injuries, forget everything. I just want to get drunk this time." Xiao Yuge stretched out her hand towards him, and her eyes told him that she wanted to get drunk.

Ye Wuhuan pursed his lips and seemed to have made up his mind: "Okay, I'll accompany you!"

"Ye Pavilion Master" Feng Yanniang didn't expect that the always ruthless Pavilion Master Qianji Pavilion would be so irrational sometimes.

"It doesn't matter, let her drink. It's the last day of this year, and she doesn't need to live soberly." After Ye Wuhuan finished speaking, he poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Xiao Yuge: "Little girl, Ye Big brother will stay with you until you get drunk!"

"Don't get drunk, don't go home!"

Feng Yanniang stroked her forehead. Fortunately, everyone had dispersed at this time. Otherwise, the young master of Shuangxue Tower and the master of Qianji Pavilion were actually getting drunk here. If this spread, others would be shocked. !
The pain in Ye Wuhuan's heart was all swallowed up with the cups of wine. The unexpressed love for Ge'er, the guilt of knowing all her secrets but being unable to avenge her, were all there. It tortured him, and even after being sober for more than 20 years, he wanted to get drunk again.

Not long after, Xiao Yuge was drunk and lying on the table, while Ye Wuhuan seemed to be very drunk as well.

"Little girl, you're drunk." He stood up and tried to help Xiao Yuge who was lying there, but as soon as he stood up, he almost fell down.

"Pavilion Master!" Fortunately, Ming Ye came in time to support him. "I'm fine." Ye Wuhuan shook his dizzy head. It turned out that being drunk was like this, it was really uncomfortable.


After Feng Yanniang arranged everyone, she saw this scene as soon as she came back, and she couldn't help but get anxious. She guessed that the prince was coming soon. When he saw the poster drunk like this, the great god might get fat. The fire is on.

"Mingye, help your pavilion master back quickly." Feng Yanniang knew that if the prince came and saw that the master of the building was drinking with other men, he would go crazy. Today is the night of reunion, so we can't do it here. There was trouble in the workshop, so he asked Ming Ye to help Ye Wuhuan away quickly.

Sure enough, as soon as Ming Ye helped Ye Wuhuan away with his front legs, Qian Tingxuan arrived in a hurry.

"Xiao Ge'er!" As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xiao Yuge who was drunk in Feng Yanniang's arms. He didn't care about the people around him, held her up, and asked Feng Yanniang: "Why did you give it to her?" Drink so much wine?"

"I" Feng Yanniang is in trouble, Ge'er is the poster, how dare she stop her?Besides, there is also the Pavilion Master of Qianji Pavilion. If she wants to stop him, she must be able to stop him.

"Let's get a bowl of hangover soup." Qian Tingxuan frowned as he looked at Ge'er who was mumbling drunkenly in his arms.

"I've already sent someone to prepare." Feng Yanniang answered cautiously, for fear of offending the great god.

Qian Tingxuan carried Xiao Yuge straight back to his room. No one seemed to think there was anything wrong with this. After all, he had been climbing through the landlord's window every night for the past few months.

"Your Majesty, the hangover soup is here." Not long after, Qing Luo brought the hangover soup in.

"Just give it to me. You can go out." Qian Tingxuan took the hangover soup and asked Qing Luo to go out first.

"Yes! My slave, please leave!" Qing Luo looked at the young lady worriedly.

"Don't worry, as long as I am here, your lady will be fine!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Qing Luo then stepped out with confidence and carefully closed the door.

"Xiao Ge'er, come on, let's drink some hangover soup first." Qian Tingxuan held the hangover soup in one hand and helped Xiao Yuge up with the other.

"It tastes bad. I don't want to drink. I want to drink." Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuge just took a sip, frowned and spit it out, waving his little hands, saying that he would not drink anymore.

"Good boy, after you drink this, I'll give you some wine, okay?" Qian Tingxuan, the prince, had to turn into a wet nurse at this time, coaxing her gently, hoping that she would feel better if she drank it.

"No, don't drink it." Xiao Yuge closed her eyes and waved her arms feebly, almost knocking over the bowl of hangover soup.

"You little rascal! Your courage has gained weight. Not only did you dare to reject me, but you also dared to drink like this. It seems that I indulged you too much, so I should lock you up." Guigui said, angry, but you can see Even when she was like this, she still couldn't bear to part with it. She raised her neck and took the bowl of hangover soup in her mouth, then held her face and fed it to her!

(End of this chapter)

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