Chapter 275 Pregnant
The people in Qian Tingxuan didn't know where the real salt gang headquarters was, so they only searched the manor, but naturally no favorable evidence was found. Therefore, the emperor would not touch Ning Zhiyuan for the time being, and The evidence she has now is enough to punish the nine Ning clans.

Whether or not the Ning family will kill the nine clans has nothing to do with her. There is another reason why she doesn't hand over the evidence.

"By the way, host, you asked us to find out Ning Zhiyuan's love history before, and we have already found out." At this time, Feng Yanniang said.

"You found it so quickly?" Xiao Yuge was a little surprised.

Feng Yanniang nodded: "When Ning Zhiyuan was young, he was very romantic, flirting with women and being merciful. More than 20 years ago, he fought for love and stole Jiang Kun's sweetheart. From then on, the two of them had a grudge. "

Xiao Yuge finally understood why Jiang Kun wanted to kill Ning Feng. Is this a debt from the father to the son?

"After Ning Zhiyuan married the princess, he restrained himself for a period of time, but his true nature was hard to change. He soon began to hang out among flowers, and his relationship with the princess also had a rift. Later, when he heard that he had met a beautiful woman who would captivate the country, he did not hesitate to use her The soldier talisman in his hand asked the emperor for a gift and a divorce letter, and he also wanted to marry the beauty as his princess. However, the beauty ran away on the wedding day. I heard that Ning Zhiyuan searched like crazy for a long time, but he could never find the beauty. From then on, Ning Zhiyuan was like a prodigal son turning back, no longer lingering among flowers."

"Is there any news about that beauty?" Xiao Yuge frowned slightly. Some things seemed to have answers, but there were no answers.

Feng Yanniang shook her head: "No, it's just that everyone who has seen her said that she is extremely beautiful, but they can't tell what she looks like. But I heard that she is not from our Lanzhao country. Where exactly is she from? , it’s unknown.”

"Okay, I know." Xiao Yuge was a little disappointed. Originally, it was because Ning Zhiyuan was so interested in the jade pendant in her hand that she thought he would know something about her life experience. Now it seems that it is difficult to find her own life experience. I'm afraid it's as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Forget it, there wasn't much hope anyway. It was 15 years later, and it wasn't easy to find clues. If she couldn't find them, she could just pretend that she had jumped out of a rock.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yuge originally planned to go out for a stroll, but as soon as he left the entrance of Qingfeng Lane, he ran into Xu Loulan who was wandering there!
"Loulan!" She didn't expect that Loulan had lost a lot of weight after being out for more than half a month and looked very bad.


Seeing Xiao Yuge, Xu Loulan suppressed the sadness in her heart, but her tears still fell.

"Loulan, don't cry. If you have anything to say, tell me and I'll help you!" Xiao Yuge has always cared about Loulan as a friend. They had been estranged for a long time because of Chu Tianqi. After such a long time, they both felt sad in their hearts. Relieved.

The two found a quiet place and sat down.

"Ge'er." As soon as he sat down, Lou Lan couldn't help but shed tears again.

"Loulan, what happened? Don't cry." Seeing her like this, Xiao Yuge was extremely worried.

"Ge'er, I, I'm pregnant." Loulan hesitated for a long time before finally saying it.

"What?" Xiao Yuge quickly touched her pulse. The pulse was steady and strong, like a moving bead. It was indeed the same as the symptoms of pregnancy described in the book: "Didn't you tell my brother?" Lou Lan said softly. He bit his lip, then shook his head gently.

"The child is also his, why didn't you tell him? Don't you plan to marry him?" Xiao Yuge thought to herself: After so long, hasn't Chu Tianqi told his parents?
Xu Loulan shook her head violently: "I can't marry him! I can't marry him."

"Why? Why can't you marry him? Is it because he doesn't want to marry you? Or are you worried that my parents won't accept you? Don't worry, I will go to my parents right away. Although my parents are traditional, they will definitely understand. ." Xiao Yuge stood up and wanted to leave, but Xu Loulan held him back.

"Ge'er, none of them."

"Why is that?" Seeing her like this, Xiao Yuge was anxious to death.

"Because Chu Tianqi is the enemy who destroyed my entire Yujian Villa!"

"What did you say!" Xiao Yuge was stunned. She thought about various possibilities, but never thought that Chu Tianqi was the real murderer of Xu Loulan's parents.

"I have found out that after Chu Tianqi brought the weapons down the mountain, he led people up the mountain to massacre me at Yujian Villa overnight. This is because my father has always been on good terms with the King of Liang, and the prince was afraid that the power of Yujian Villa would fall to Liang. In the hands of the king, they killed my father." At this point, Xu Loulan's eyes turned red, and she didn't know whether it was because of hatred or tears.

Xiao Yuge finally understood. After calming down, she asked Xu Loulan: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill them! I'm going to kill them!" Xu Loulan twisted her sleeves hard. The man she loved so much was actually her family-killing enemy, but she was still pregnant with his child. Oh my God!How could she be worthy of her parents who were so miserable?

"Loulan, I am not qualified to make decisions for you, but you have to think clearly, can you kill him? Besides, the mastermind of this matter is the prince. If you want to assassinate him, how easy is it? Moreover, the child in your belly, you Have you figured out what to do?"

Xu Loulan gently touched her flat belly. She could feel a little life beating inside. She had fantasized countless times about having a child with her beloved man. She no longer had a family, and the child was her. She didn't want to lose her only relative, but...
"Loulan, my brother has known your identity for a long time, but he has never done anything to you, which proves that he intends to let you go. However, if Qian Sichen knows your identity, he will definitely not stay You, therefore, don’t go back to Chunxiang Tower for the time being, and find a safe place to take shelter first.”

Xiao Yuge knew that Qian Sichen looked as moist as jade on the surface, but he was also terrifying when he went crazy. But what she didn't know was that the reason why Chu Tianqi didn't kill Lou Lan was actually because Lou Lan was her friend.

"I know this. I am no longer in Chunxiang Tower. A few days ago, I came to see you. They told me that you and the prince went out. I am waiting for you here because I just want to hear your opinion. Here, I only have you. A friend, I don’t know who to talk to about these things.”

Xiao Yuge hugged her and patted her back gently.

"Ge'er, I couldn't figure it out before, so I hurt you, I'm sorry." Xu Loulan was filled with guilt. She actually regretted what she said at that time, but she couldn't help but apologize to Ge'er.

"It doesn't matter. I won't be angry with you. No matter what you do, I will stand by your side."

(End of this chapter)

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