The emperor's uncle dotes on the little princess alone

Chapter 260 Happy wedding!little princess

Chapter 260 Happy wedding!little princess
In this way, it was decided that Qian Tingxuan and Xiao Yuge were going to get married. The old woman was the oldest person in the two villages. She was always kind to people and everyone respected her. Knowing that this was her last Therefore, people from the two villages came together to help, and in half a day the house was decorated with joy.

In the evening, Xiao Yuge and Qian Tingxuan formally worshiped in the presence of the men, women, and children from the two villages.

"The bride is here!"

With the cheers, Xiao Yuge, who was wearing a red wedding dress, walked into the hall with the support of Mrs. Hu. Although she knew it was fake, Xiao Yuge was still a little nervous. Through the red hijab, she She saw Qian Tingxuan walking towards her quickly. Dressed in red, he seemed to be more slender than usual.

He stretched out his hand towards her, and along with it was the red silk that was already tightly clutched in his hand. He must be happy, feeling that his face was filled with a smile, even though he was separated by half a The mask felt it too.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

I heard the old man said that when going to the church to get married, whoever has a lower head will love the other person more and who will take care of the money. Therefore, when Qian Tingxuan bowed to her, he bowed deeply and returned the favor. He took the opportunity to secretly raise his eyes and glance at her, which also made others burst into laughter!
"The girl I have been waiting for for so many years finally married me! They say the one who is tempted first is the loser, Xiao Ge'er, you have won the rest of my life!" Qian Tingxuan thought happily as he bent down, others He never cared about worldly opinions.For the rest of his life, he will love her, pamper her, and protect her
"Send to the bridal chamber!"

He picked her up by the waist, and carried his bride into the bridal chamber amidst everyone's astonishment and cheers!
"My Lan'er is finally married, finally married." The old lady smiled happily, with a long-lost smile on her wrinkled face. This should be the happiest smile she has had in many years. Finally, She stretched out her hand tremblingly and put it on Village Chief Liu's arm: "Son, Mom is very happy today. Go and get Mom a wedding wine. It's been decades. Mom wants to take a sip tonight." At this moment. , she seemed to be awake again.

"Okay, mother." Village Chief Liu was also very happy and quickly brought a glass of wine from the side.

The old lady took the wine glass tremblingly, slowly brought it to her mouth, and without any hesitation, drank it all in one gulp like she did when she was young.

"Ahem!" The wine seemed to choke her.

"I'm finally old and useless. I can't even drink a glass of wine." She leaned on her son weakly: "Son, my mother is a little drunk. Send her back to her room to rest. You can wait a moment. Come out and entertain the folks again."

"Okay, mother." Village Chief Liu carefully helped her into the room, and carefully covered her with a quilt. He didn't leave the room until he saw that she was asleep.

In the wedding room.

"Why did you bring me in? Look at them laughing." As soon as he entered the room, Xiao Yuge scolded him. How could a groom carry his bride into the bridal chamber? It seemed that he was so impatient. It was really embarrassing. died.

"What do I want to do with my little lady? They love to laugh, so just let them laugh." Qian Tingxuan didn't mind, and carefully took off the bride's headdress for her: "This is quite heavy, tiring. It's broken." "I'm really exhausted! If I had known that getting married would be so tiring, I wouldn't have gotten married." Xiao Yuge collapsed on the bed as if he was exhausted.

"Don't talk nonsense! The matter is urgent. There is nothing we can do this time. When we return to the capital, we will get married again. I swear that I will make you the most beautiful bride in the whole capital! Come on, let's have a drink. Wine counts!" Qian Tingxuan said as he poured two glasses of wine.

"Qian Tingxuan, why are you drinking Hexin wine? We are pretending to be married. Don't take it seriously. I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep. You go sleep outside." Xiao Yuge felt his eyelids were very heavy and muttered. What she said was almost inaudible. She didn't sleep much last night and was busy all day today. She was exhausted.

After hearing this, Qian Tingxuan silently put down his wine glass, walked to the bed, pulled the quilt and gently covered her body. He knew that she was indeed exhausted, so naturally he couldn't bear to disturb her.

He looked at the two glasses of Hexin wine with a somewhat lonely look: She thought this was a fake marriage, but what if he took it seriously?
He was lying outside, but he was tossing and turning, but he couldn't fall asleep. In his mind, she always looked cute in her wedding dress. They had already got married. Even if it was fake, it was true. He was very serious. How could she not be serious?
After thinking about it, he got out of bed, walked into her room again, looked at the two glasses of combined wine, walked over, drank one of them, then brought the other to the edge of the bed, and then Lifting her neck to drink it, she leaned down and fed the wine into her mouth: whether it was real or fake, in short, she had to drink this cup of Hexin wine, because only after drinking Hexin wine, this The marriage ceremony is truly completed.

"Well, uh" the wine slipped into her mouth, and the spicy taste made her frown, but she did not wake up.

"Happy wedding! My little princess!" Qian Tingxuan took the opportunity to steal a scent from her lips. They had already worshiped in a serious manner. All the villagers here were witnesses. The little thing still wanted to regret it, but he didn't Give her this chance.

Therefore, when Village Chief Liu and Village Chief Li came to discuss the matter with him, he agreed almost without hesitation. He had to thank the old village chief and the others for being able to find a clever name and marry her openly.

When Xiao Yuge woke up, she felt someone beside her. She suddenly lost all sleep. She sat up and took a closer look. It was Qian Tingxuan!

"You, you, you, why are you in my bed?" He was still wearing wedding clothes, and then she remembered that they were fake getting married. Wouldn't this guy take it seriously?

When she lowered her head and saw that her clothes were still neatly on her body, she let out a long sigh of relief!

"Little lady, are you awake?" At this time, Qian Tingxuan had already sat up, with his hands casually placed on his legs. His black clothes were draped down, making him look very lazy, and his half-open chest was a little alluring. .

"Who is your little lady, get off here!" His half-open chest revealed strong and plump muscles, which made Xiao Yuge's heart beat wildly, and she subconsciously turned away her face.

He clearly did it on purpose!

"Xiao Ge'er, we have already paid homage to each other. You are now my little wife. We are husband and wife. Husband and wife should sleep in the same bed. Where do you want me to go?" Qian Tingxuan's lips raised slightly, this little thing When I woke up, I actually wanted to default on my debt, but there was no way out!
"We all know it's fake, it doesn't count!" Xiao Yuge stroked her forehead. What should she do if she felt that she had been deceived?
(End of this chapter)

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