The emperor's uncle dotes on the little princess alone

Chapter 221 Women’s Tears, Gentle Knife

Chapter 221 Women’s Tears, Gentle Knife
"Miss Xiao, please forgive me. It was Mingyang who failed to protect him, so please punish Miss Xiao!" He took the initiative to plead guilty in front of Xiao Yuge.

"Ming Yang, it's not your fault. I hurt myself. Get up." Xiao Yuge motioned to Qing Luo to help Mingyang up: "You did the right thing. If you couldn't help but show up at that time, If Ha Keza recognizes you, I’m afraid your prince will be in trouble.”

It turned out that at that time, she knew that Ming Yang had been following her, and it was she who secretly prevented Ming Yang from showing up to save her. After all, Ming Yang was the bodyguard around Qian Tingxuan. If he hurt Ha Keza, it would probably be true. .

"Don't tell your prince that I was injured," Xiao Yuge warned.

She knew Qian Tingxuan cared about her, and if he knew she was injured, he would probably run back regardless. Now the emperor seemed to be suspicious of Qian Tingxuan, and she couldn't cause him any more trouble.

"But I won't be back until tomorrow." In Mingyang's opinion, he and Miss Xiao are in love and concubine. Now that Miss Xiao is injured, the person he wants to see the most is him.

"We'll wait until he comes back tomorrow and don't let him get distracted."

Xiao Yuge's repeated warnings also made Mingyang change his original view of her. In the past, in his opinion, Miss Xiao was just relying on his favor, squandering his love unscrupulously, and always acting willfully. Master, she had died countless times, so he always felt that Miss Xiao didn't actually love him that much.

Until this moment, he suddenly understood that Miss Xiao might just not be able to express herself, but she actually cared about him very much.

Xiao Yuge suddenly thought of something: "Ming Yang, I have been restless all day today. I am worried that the prince and others will be in danger. You are the prince's personal bodyguard, and you should stay by his side."

"However, the prince told me before he left that he should protect the girl in his humble position." Mingyang was anxious when he heard that his master might be in danger, but he did not dare to disobey his master's order before he left.

"I'm fine now, and nothing will happen for the time being. You hurry up and protect the prince." Xiao Yuge knew that although many things that happened in the previous life had changed due to the appearance of Qian Tingxuan, most of them They are all still following their previous lives. This time, something will happen to the emperor and the others when they go to the imperial mausoleum.

"But." Mingyang still hesitated.

"Nothing to worry about, go quickly!" Xiao Yuge urged. According to the memory of the previous life, the assassination should be done early tomorrow morning, so it was completely late for Mingyang to rush at this time.


"Sister Ge'er, the Crown Prince is here!" At this moment, Feng Yanniang knocked on the door.

"Qing Luo, send Ming Yang out through the back door." Xiao Yuge knew that Qian Sichen couldn't let Qian Sichen see Ming Yang here, otherwise, Qian Tingxuan would be suspicious of him.

"Yes." Qing Luo nodded: "Brother Ming, please come with me!"

"Remember, don't tell the prince what happened today." Xiao Yuge knew that if Qian Tingxuan knew what happened to her, she would probably come back overnight.

"Yes!" Mingyang nodded and quickly left there with Qing Luo.

As soon as they left, Qian Sichen stepped in behind. "Ge'er, are your injuries okay?" Qian Sichen rushed in and looked at her injuries anxiously.

"It's just a little skin injury. It'll be fine in a day or two." Xiao Yuge raised her hand. It was just her own injury. She was not stupid enough to seriously injure herself.

"Ge'er, what happened at that time? Why did you Hao Duanduan and Ha Keza appear outside the city? Shouldn't you be at the garden party?" Qian Sichen was also puzzled.

"Brother Sichen" didn't expect that when Xiao Yuge heard this, he didn't rush to explain. Instead, he threw himself into his arms and started crying.

A woman's tears are like gentle knives. They don't show blood, but they pierce people's hearts and kill them!
"Ge'er, stop crying. You cry so hard that my heart breaks. Tell me, what happened?" Qian Sichen was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

Xiao Yuge raised her eyes with tears in her eyes, as if she had expressed all her grievances: "Brother Sichen, tell me, have you known for a long time that the emperor has secretly promised to Prince Ha Keza to send me to the Red Flame Kingdom for marriage? ?”

"Who told you this?" Qian Sichen was very anxious after hearing this: "Yes, my father did want to secretly agree at first, but Mu Cang was also secretly putting pressure, so my father gave up. This thought, but even without Mu Cang, I will not let my father marry you to Chiyan, Ge'er, you are mine, mine!"

After hearing this, Xiao Yuge blinked her beautiful eyes lightly, and big tears quickly slid down her cheeks, looking so aggrieved and helpless: "But my sister told me that the emperor has secretly agreed to let me go to the Red Flame Kingdom to get married. So, she asked me to sneak out of the city and leave here, but unexpectedly, that beast Hakzhan was already waiting in the forest outside the city, and he wanted to taint me."

"This beast! How dare he!" When Qian Sichen heard this, he was immediately furious. He wanted to cut Ha Keza into pieces to relieve his hatred. How could he allow others to hurt the girl he was protecting in his hands?

Xiao Yuge continued to cry: "Fortunately, several men in black suddenly appeared at that time, and they would kill anyone they saw. I was also frightened at the time, and then I kept running. In the end, I ran into my brother. If he hadn't been just right, If we chase him, I'm afraid I won't even be able to see Brother Sichen."

"Si Ge'er, if you encounter something like this in the future, you must ask me first, you know? Even if I harm anyone, I won't harm you, do you know that?" Qian Sichen is scared just thinking about it now. , if those men in black hadn't suddenly appeared, wouldn't Ge'er have been succeeded by that beast Ha Ke Zha? When he thought of this, he couldn't help but want to go back and strangle Ha Ke Zha to death.

Although those men in black appeared strangely, at this moment, he was grateful for their timely appearance. If Hakeza really did something to Ge'er, he would definitely cut Hakeza into pieces!

"I also wanted to ask Brother Sichen about you, but my sister said it was too late and had already prepared the carriage. I was also frightened at the time, so I didn't think so much. I'm sorry."

"Si Ge'er, this is not your fault." Qian Sichen pursed his lips and paused slightly, as if he had thought of something.

"Brother Sichen, is Ha Keza awake? Will he be okay?"

"Ge'er, he treated you like that, and you still care about his life and death?"

Xiao Yuge shook his head: "No, brother Sichen, what I care about is not him, but you. The emperor asked you to host this garden party, but such a big thing happened. It's okay if Ha Keza is fine. If something happens, Chi Yan If the country uses this as an excuse to declare war on us, the emperor will definitely be angry with you."

(End of this chapter)

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