Chapter 188 Her last life?
Ye Wuhuan thought for a while: "When I first met you, for some reason, I felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if we had known each other before."

"Don't you doubt that I, a weak woman with no strength, can easily enter your Qianji Pavilion and know your secrets?"

"I have doubted it, but I can't find any flaws. Apart from Thunder Pavilion, there is nothing in the world that I, Qianji Pavilion, can't find. It's just you, I really can't find it." Ye Wuhuan didn't agree. To be honest, this is something he has always been unable to figure out.

"Because we did know each other, but not in this life, but in the last life." In the last life, if Qian Sichen was a blindfold to her and could not recognize people clearly, it was different that night without joy. In the eyes of the world, he was Demon, but in her eyes, he is a gentleman and the bright moon in the clouds. Although they did not interact much in the previous life, he is one of the few warmths she has, so she believes in him!
"Last life?" Although Ye Wuhuan thought it was ridiculous, he believed what she said, and this was the only way to explain why she could easily enter Qianji Pavilion and know his unknown secrets. Thinking that she was related to him for two lifetimes, I don't know why, but there was such a joy in my heart.

"In my last life, I was tortured and died miserably. God showed mercy and allowed me to live another life. In this life, I want to change the ending of my previous life and avenge myself." Every memory is like reopening those bloody memories. The wound was painful enough to suffocate
"Who harmed you?" Ye Wuhuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he clenched his fist subconsciously: "I will kill him for you!" The person he wants to kill in Qianji Pavilion will definitely not see the sun the next day, and her The enemy is also his enemy!
"No! I can't say it!" Xiao Yuge shook her head. She knew that God allowed her to be reborn, and she would not be allowed to say many things. Otherwise, she had told Qian Tingxuan long ago: "I want to Revenge, so it is destined to hurt innocent people. I am really sad to see them injured, but if I let go of my hatred, I can't do it. Brother Ye, can you imagine being disabled by someone's martial arts and limbs, iron hooks How painful is it to go through the lute bone, and finally be cut and bleeding to death? It hurts, it really hurts."

Tears fell like broken pearls. The helplessness and heartbreak of the previous life turned into tears at this moment. Everything she experienced in the previous life was still vivid in her mind. She could not help but hate, and she could not persuade. She has put down her hatred, but if she wants revenge, she will hurt the people around her, Qingluo, Loulan, who will it be in the future?She didn't dare to imagine that at this moment, torn apart by hatred and entanglement, she collapsed.
"Girl, it's okay, it's all over. This time, with me protecting you, something like that won't happen again." Ye Wuhuan hugged her gently, her little body trembling, it was the injury from the past life, the injury from this life. Hatred was tearing her apart, and he held her close to his heart, wanting to share some of the pain with her, even if it was just a tiny bit, so she might not be so sad anymore. He believed that everything she said was true. Only people who have experienced it can have that look in their eyes, and everything she has done before can be explained.

After a long time, Xiao Yuge slowly calmed down. She knew that crying was useless. If crying was useful, she had shed so many tears in her previous life, but she could not get any sympathy from those scumbags. In the end, she only moved herself. That’s all.

"Brother Ye, I will only tell you these things. No matter in the previous life or in this life, you have treated me very well. I don't know who I am and I have no relatives, but you are like my relatives. I Like my brother."

Her words made Ye Wuhuan feel a little bitter in his heart: It turned out that she only regarded him as her brother!He comforted himself with a wry smile, just let him be his brother, he could at least be her relative.

"Brother Ye, I suddenly don't want to go back, and I don't want to be a host."

"If you don't want to go back, then live here. I, Qianji Pavilion, can afford to support you." Ye Wuhuan suddenly regretted: "If I had known, I shouldn't have asked you to treat old man Feng, who would have known that he would have saved that Not only does he want to accept you as his disciple, he also wants you to take his place."

"Master is very good, but my mind is not on Frost Snow Tower. I don't want to miss them. I just want to get my revenge and then go wandering around the world. It doesn't matter where I go, but I don't want to come back here again."

"No matter where you go, I will accompany you!" Ye Wuhuan closed his eyes and hid all the bitterness in his heart. As a brother, he could at least accompany her. At this moment, there was nothing else in his heart except her. .

"Brother Ye, are the people sent to protect Loulan still there?" Xiao Yuge, who slowly calmed down, was still worried about Loulan's safety. "I've always been here. Don't worry. With them here, Miss Xu will be fine. If something happened, they would have already heard the news." Ye Wuhuan was very confident in his people. He promised her that not only would he I will do it, and I will do it well.

"By the way, Brother Ye, have you received this?" Xiao Yuge suddenly remembered that she still had something to discuss with him. After a moment of hesitation, she decided to take out the secret letter. After all, she now believed in the most That's him.

"Received." Ye Wuhuan also took out an identical letter from his body. Naturally, the content of the letter was also exactly the same.

"Brother Ye, what are you going to do?" Xiao Yuge still wanted to hear his opinion. After all, she didn't know much about these affairs.

"No one can fight against Thunder Pavilion. Even if several of our sects join forces, they can't be the opponent of Thunder Pavilion. Qin Zhentian is just too old to do such a childish move. If I'm not wrong, , at this moment, the people from Thunder Pavilion are already on their way to destroy him."

Xiao Yuge's face changed slightly after hearing this: "Brother Ye, is the Thunder Pavilion really that scary?"

"The horror of Thunder Pavilion is far beyond our imagination." Ye Wuhuan pursed his lips tightly. Although the feeling of being pinched by someone's throat was unpleasant, there was nothing he could do about it.

"Then what should we do?"

Ye Wuhuan snorted coldly: "Ignore him. If that old guy Qin Zhentian wants to die, then let him die. If other sects want to die with him, then just let him die with him. We won't accompany him."

"Okay then, I will do whatever you want." Xiao Yuge naturally believed in Ye Wuhuan.

"Ge'er, the world is dangerous, and Shuangxue Tower is the first floor that is famous for poison. You acted so openly before, although it played a suppressive role, but it also caused their dissatisfaction. In the future, you should act more low-key. Otherwise, it will cause unnecessary trouble." Ye Wuhuan was worried. She was as simple as white paper, how could she fit into the big dyeing vat of Jianghu?
(End of this chapter)

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