Chapter 162
With a thought in her mind, Xiao Yuge took Qing Luo into Pinxiang Building, pretending that she was looking for someone, so she went directly to the second floor. When she approached the wing where Xiao Yufu was, she suddenly saw someone from the side room. He stretched out a hand and pulled them both in!
When Xiao Yuge was about to strike back, she discovered that the person who pulled them in was actually Xu Loulan!
"Loulan!" Seeing Xu Loulan, whom she hadn't seen for a while, she was as excited as anything.

"Shh!" But Xu Loulan put his hand on his lips to signal her not to get excited, then took out a funnel-shaped object from the side, placed it on the wall, and then put his ear to it, as if listening to something.

"Loulan, what are you doing?" Xiao Yuge looked confused and didn't understand what Xu Loulan was doing.

"Come and listen." Xu Loulan pressed the funnel-shaped object and motioned for Xiao Yuge to put his ear to it.

Xiao Yuge put her ear towards it full of doubts, but suddenly heard Xiao Yufu's voice. She was shocked. As soon as her ear moved away, she couldn't hear it again, but as soon as she put her ear closer, she heard it again. She was surprised and happy: "Loulan What is this?"

"This is the eavesdropping artifact I invented!" Xu Loulan looked proud, and then motioned for Xiao Yuge to come closer and listen again.

But this time, Xiao Yuge actually heard something that shocked her. It turned out that Xiao Yufu took advantage of her status as the Xiao family's legitimate daughter to invite these young masters who usually had some friendship with her brother Chu Tianqi here. , and her purpose was actually to pay those young men to pursue Xiao Yuge.

I have never heard such an interesting thing before. Xiao Yuge smiled coldly: "How naive!" Xiao Yufu didn't think that a few rags and a playboy with half a brain could make her After chasing her away, did she not follow Brother Si Chen who robbed her?

Xu Loulan hit her: "You can still laugh. Do you know that Xiao Yufu paid a lot of money for those playboys to pursue you? Those playboys usually call themselves the Third Young Master of Beijing. Relying on the dirty money in his pocket, he bullies men and dominates women everywhere. If he is targeted by them, it will be very troublesome. "

"Then I'll be doing harm to the people!" Xiao Yuge smiled evilly at her.

"Be more serious." Xu Loulan was worried about her.

"I'm very serious. Do you think those few playboys will be my opponents if we go together?"

"They hang out among women and do all kinds of dirty tricks. If it weren't for the fact that I am the boss of Chunxiang Building now, I would really want to move out and live with you to protect you." Xu Loulan didn't know. , the Xiao Yuge in front of her is no longer the Xiao Yuge she knew back then. Not only can Xiao Yuge destroy a gang with a wave of his hand, he is also definitely a master in martial arts.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to congratulate you for becoming the boss." Xiao Yuge winked at her: "Doesn't it feel much better to be the boss?" The matter of Yujian Villa is still the same now. She had no clue, so she was very happy that Lou Lan could cheer up. At least after becoming the boss, she no longer had to worry about being taken advantage of by those men.

"I don't care. Anyway, I hang out in that kind of place, and my reputation is not much better. But you, tell me, you live in Ruyifang, have they made things difficult for you?" Xu Loulan was still very worried about Xiao Yuge.

"Don't worry, the boss of Ruyifang is my god-sister. Who dares to embarrass me?" Xiao Yuge didn't tell Loulan the truth, naturally it was to protect Loulan.

"They left!" Xu Loulan pulled Xiao Yuge to the window, just in time to see Xiao Yufu and the young masters leaving Pinxiang Building one after another.

"Loulan, I think the two of us can form an assassination organization to kill those scumbags who bully men and dominate women." Xiao Yuge thought seriously, not taking Xiao Yufu's plot against her to heart at all.

"I don't have that intention, but I heard from a customer yesterday that for some reason, girls in Qinghe County suddenly disappeared one after another, and were abandoned in the mountains every two days. Those girls had been bullied before they died, and their death conditions were also different. It's extremely pitiful. Even the county government can't find out. I don't know what's going on in this world. People can't live a peaceful life." "I think I've heard about this, why don't we go and have a look?" Xiao Yuge secretly frowned. Eyebrow, with a thought in his mind, he seemed to have an idea.

"Ge'er, you are stupid. Those people specialize in catching women. With the skills of a three-legged cat like us, why don't we get killed by them? I won't go! You are not allowed to go either! Besides, you still have to go now If you are in the mood to think about this, let me ask you, what are you going to do in the future? Do you want to stay in Ruyifang all your life?" Xu Loulan was worried for her.

"Loulan, let's make an appointment. Within half a year, you will find out what happened at Yujian Villa, and I will settle my grudges. After half a year, we will leave here together, go to a place where no one knows us, or go to the world of martial arts. Be righteous, okay?"

"Okay." Xu Loulan was not as happy as Xiao Yuge, and seemed to have something unspeakable.

"What? You don't want to leave here?" Xiao Yuge saw her look like that and immediately understood: "I understand, you are doing it because of my brother, right?"

Xu Loulan's face turned slightly red, she pursed her lips and said nothing shyly.

"Loulan, how many times have I told you not to believe a man's words? Why don't you believe it? My brother is not your lover. In fact, he..." Xiao Yuge couldn't explain clearly, but she didn't want to see the good news. The sisters are deeply involved.

"Actually, the person he likes is Xiao Yufu, right?" Xu Loulan smiled lonely: "It doesn't matter, Xiao Yufu will be the princess soon, and Mr. Chu will slowly let go of her. I can wait, wait until When he puts it down.”

This was also the reason why she quietly followed Xiao Yufu today. She wanted to know what was so different about the woman that Master Chu missed so much, but she never dreamed that the person Chu Tianqi really loved in his heart was Xiao Yu. Song.

Xiao Yuge felt sulky when he saw her like this, but he couldn't tell her the truth, but he was also afraid that his good sisters would be sad in the future. After hesitating for a long time, he suddenly asked: "Loulan, what if one day, you know that I have cheated?" You, will you be angry with me?"

"Of course! You are my only friend in Loulan's life. If you dare to deceive me, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!"

Xiao Yuge was hit hard by Xu Loulan's words. She lowered her eyes in loneliness and drank the tea on the table dully.

Seeing her like this, Xu Loulan looked suspicious: "Ge'er, you're not really hiding something from me, are you?"

"How could it be?" Xiao Yuge forced a smile.

"I'm just telling you, we are good friends, how could we be cheating." Xu Loulan didn't doubt him, and hooked her hand on Xiao Yuge's shoulder: "Don't worry, even if you really are hiding something from me, I also believe you have your own reasons, and I won’t blame you! By the way, I have nothing to do today, why don’t we have a few drinks here?”

(End of this chapter)

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