Chapter 147
Ruyi Square.

"Why are you here?" After leaving the sight of those people, Xiao Yuge jumped off Qian Tingxuan's body.

"You don't want to come back to the palace with me. Where will I go if I don't come here?" Qian Tingxuan looked around subconsciously: "Is this place better than the palace?"

Xiao Yuge raised her eyes and stared at him as if looking at something: "Qian Tingxuan, are you stupid? What does it mean if I live with you in the palace now?" With no name and no status, it is better to live here.

Qian Tingxuan understood instantly, hugged her, and said with a chuckle: "So that's what you care about. As long as you are willing, I can ask a matchmaker to come and propose a marriage. Tomorrow, I will marry you in a big sedan chair, ten miles of red makeup, and beautiful scenery." Come in."

"I don't want to." Xiao Yuge refused without thinking: "But thank you for today's matter." Taking advantage of his influence can indeed make her stay in Ruyifang more peaceful in the future.

"Xiao Ge'er, did you reject me because of Qian Sichen?" Qian Tingxuan frowned subconsciously.

"No." Xiao Yuge turned around, stared at him for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh softly: "Qian Tingxuan, I know you are very kind to me, and I don't want to lie to you. I still have a lot of things to do. Things have to be done. I don’t even know who I am now, so I have no intention of falling in love. Qian Tingxuan, you should find a girl as passionate as you, get married, have children, and live a happy life. .”

In her new life, she came only for revenge. She couldn't make any promises to him, and she didn't want to hang on to him all the time. Originally, she just wanted to use him, but slowly, she discovered that he was really good to her. It's so good that she can't bear to let it go. How can a man who protects her with his life be bad?

"But how can we talk about happiness in life without you?" Qian Tingxuan grabbed her shoulders and stared at her closely: "Ge'er, I love you so much!" She had never rejected him before, but not once. He was so serious about it now, so he was afraid, afraid that he would really lose her.

"Qian Tingxuan, from the beginning, I have purposefully approached you and used you." Xiao Yuge didn't dare to look into his eyes, she was afraid that she would become soft-hearted.

"Xiao Ge'er, how did you know that I wasn't willing?" Qian Tingxuan hooked his long arm and pulled her into his arms: "Xiao Ge'er, it was you who said that as long as we are both alive, you agreed to marry me. Give it to me and wander around the world with me! How can you regret it?"

"I" Xiao Yuge didn't expect that what he said when she fell off the cliff that day would be used as evidence. A deep sadness came from his body, and her heart also trembled slightly.

"Xiao Ge'er, you said that I would wait until you grow up before marrying you. Now that you have grown up and I am here, how can you not keep your promise? Ge'er, it was you who provoked me first. You You can't escape, eh." Before he finished speaking, Qian Tingxuan suddenly vomited blood and fell to the side.

"Qian Tingxuan!"

Fortunately, Xiao Yuge helped him quickly with eyes and hands, but his lips had already turned blue and he had passed out. She knew that he was too excited, which caused the poison in his body. She blamed herself very much for forgetting. Brother's explanation.

"Lou" Feng Yanniang happened to appear at this time.

"Shh!" Xiao Yuge quickly stopped her and asked her to help Qian Tingxuan to her room.

"Is he poisoned?" Although Feng Yanniang didn't understand poison, she understood Qian Tingxuan's green lips.

"Yes. Bring me the medicine box." Xiao Yuge said as he untied Qian Tingxuan's clothes.

"Okay." Feng Yanniang also quickly brought the medicine box over: "Here."

"Stay at the door and don't let anyone come in and disturb you." Xiao Yuge prepared methodically. "Yes!" Feng Yanniang didn't dare to ask any more questions and hurried out, then guarded the door vigilantly.

Xiao Yuge had already stripped off Qian Tingxuan's upper body with three strokes, five by five, and divided by two. She had no intention of admiring his strong body, but lined up the silver needles. With her experience last time, she could not do the needles. very familiar.

Soon, under her acupuncture, Qian Tingxuan's lips slowly returned to their normal color, and Xiao Yuge also breathed a long sigh of relief. She subconsciously felt his pulse, although on the surface his His pulse was the same as that of a normal person, but this time it was obviously different from last time. Could it be that the poison in his body was becoming more and more difficult to control?
I don't know if the thing my senior brother is looking for has been found. If the antidote is not developed for a long time, and the poison on Qian Tingxuan continues, one day he will be unable to control it.

What a pity that such a good-looking man had such a short life!Thinking of this, why do you still feel a little sad?

While Qian Tingxuan was still awake, she called Feng Yanniang to a nearby room.

"Master, how is he? What kind of poison did he get?" Feng Yanniang asked anxiously. You know, Qian Tingxuan is the prince. If something happens in Ruyifang, then the entire Ruyifang may be affected. Disaster.

"Don't worry, he was not poisoned here. I have suppressed him temporarily."

Feng Yanniang frowned: "Don't you think even the original poster can solve it?"

Xiao Yuge shook his head: "No, I can only relieve his poisonous attacks a few times now, but in a year or two, it will be possible."

"What a pity." Feng Yanniang also felt very sorry. King Xiaoyao and the host were a match made in heaven, but they didn't expect their lives to be so short-lived.

"Sister Feng, have you ever heard of water lily and orchid?"

Feng Yanniang thought for a while and said: "I have never heard of the water lily, but I have heard of the orchid."

"Do you know where there are orchids?" Xiao Yuge suddenly felt happy.

"When I went out with the old landlord in my early years, I heard that there was only one orchid in the imperial palace of Tianzhu. However, the emperor of Tianzhu regarded this orchid as the flower of the country and never let anyone get close to it. "

"There are orchids in the imperial palace of Tianzhu Kingdom!" Xiao Yuge was overjoyed and immediately ordered: "Sister Feng, find a reliable person to find a way to sneak into the imperial palace of Tianzhu Kingdom. I want to get this orchid!"

"Yes!" Although Feng Yanniang didn't know what Xiao Yuge wanted the orchid for, she would absolutely obey the order of the poster.

"By the way, host, since we destroyed the White Tiger Hall last time, several of his brothers ganged up with the Black Tiger Gang, the Giant Whale Gang, and the Black Bear Gang. They have formed some sort of massacre group these days. In the name of revenge, they have injured people. We have had several quarrels with our brothers, and even sent you a message asking you to go to their slaughter house to negotiate tomorrow. My subordinates are worried that they will be unfavorable to you."

Xiao Yuge narrowed his cold eyes and snorted: "Negotiation? They are worthy of it! Huh! They are just a bunch of rabble. If they want to go down to accompany their brothers, then let them do it. I will go and meet them tomorrow. , this time, you will personally lead the team, and I will make them convinced of their defeat! If they are not convinced, then kill them!"

Anyway, these gangs usually bully good and fear evil, and have committed many unforgivable crimes in the Jiangnan area. If they are eliminated, they can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!
(End of this chapter)

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